Chapter thirty

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"My lord you have spoken to your father-in-law concerning the five of us becoming the Pride Lands' new lion guard, what did he say may I ask?" Muuaji inquired as she strolled through the savannah with Kovu, Kiara, her four comrades and Balozi.

"He has given his permission for me to initiate you five. Not like I need it per say," Kovu said with slight sarcasm lacing his voice. "The only reason I asked him was so he wouldn't ask questions that could jeopardize the plan. Phase three has been thwarted so we'll have to improvise."

"Improvise how Kovu? Do you mean improvising with the initiation of Muuaji, Nia, Siri, Mkali and Haraka?" Kiara asked her mate.
"Yes. I'll initiate them this afternoon, they'll start their duties the next day," Kovu replied, deep in thought.

"Once they get used to their positions and once the pride gets comfortable with having them around as they were with Kion, we'll initiate phase four."
"What does phase four include?" Kiara asked confusedly.

"A lion named  Maumivu lives in the outlands. He is the first person on my hit list. He was responsible for the death of a good friend of mine and now is the time for him to pay for his crimes," Kovu said coldly. "His brother is next and then his mate and all his henchmen. Afterwards we send a message to Kifo and Huzuni to be prepared because they're next."

"Who is his brother?" Kiara asked. "Is it someone we know?"
Kovu glanced at his mate's curious face and smiled.
"Yes it is someone we know. Someone's who's betrayed us," he  replied.
"Who is it then?"
"Take a guess,"

Kiara thought for a few minutes then shrugged her shoulders helplessly. "I can't pinpoint anyone in particular."
"It's someone who's lived in the Pride Lands for three years, who's tried to infiltrate the pride and who's hurt us in a way that can neither be forgiven nor forgotten." Kovu said.
"Someone whose life I will enjoy ending."

"No. Could it be?" Kiara gasped in disbelief.
Kovu chuckled but no humour was associated with it and glanced at his wife once more.
"Yes my love it is who you think. He escaped once from my wrath. But this time, he won't get away. I promise you he will NOT get away."

"Who will not get away?"
All heads turned and saw Diana,   Burnt Eboney and Marisa standing there, questioning, even judgemental frowns on their faces. Kovu inhaled sharply and turned away. Kiara bit her lip and approached them, her most convincing smile on her face.

"What a pleasant surprise, Mom, Dad, Marisa, when did you arrive? We didn't hear you approach," she asked with surprising calm as opposed to their precarious situation. Diana raised an eyebrow and glanced briefly at Kovu then back at Kiara.
"Nevermind us, what are you both hiding? You asked to speak to Simba and Nala privately Kovu, but you walk past your father and me and didn't bother to say anything," she said.

"Mom I asked to speak to them regarding some personal matters, nothing more," Kovu replied rather stiffly to which Diana scoffed and approached him with Kiara, Burnt Eboney and Marisa following.
"Personal matters? That you can't let your own parents know about? Wow that's so nice of you to say," she said sarcastically.

"Yes personal matters. There are some things about me Mom that I just can't explain. Things that you or anyone else can't and won't understand. As much as I want to share my problems with you Mom, I can't," Kovu said calmly.

Diana's expression softened slightly. She placed her head on her son's shoulder and sighed. "If that's what you want so be it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, you're an adult now, you're not obligated to share anything with me," she said a little sadly as she removed her head and turned to walk away.

Kovu felt a pang of emptiness the moment his mother's head left his shoulder. He longed for her touch again, she was his mother after all, she gave birth to him.
"Mom wait," he called out before she could leave.

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