Chapter thirteen

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Seated on a rock facing the Pride Lands was Nia. She had been there since dawn watching, listening, waiting for the signal. Her eyes were centered on the distant figure of Pride Rock, her keen vision not wavering once. Behind her stood Muuaji, Haraka, Mkali and Siri. Sunset orange eyes, dark fur and a slim body, Siri was one of the stealthiest lionesses in the pride as well as the most strategic.

She stood next to Haraka and scratched behind her ear, an action to mask her boredom. The five lionesses had been in that particular spot for several hours on end, waiting for the signal. "Nia what do you see?" Haraka asked after a minute or two of trained silence.

"All I see are the grazing herds, nothing more. No one has come out from Pride Rock as yet," she reported seriously, her gaze directed at Pride Rock, not wavering once.
After several days of intense training, Nia's timid behaviour had vanished. She no longer cowered in fear of anyone who raised their voice at her and she no longer acted like a pushover.

With the help of her pride sisters, Nia had adopted a sense of confidence and she had learned how to stand up for herself. She walked with an air of dignity, sheer intelligence and restrained optimistism. Her brother was proud of her and Nia was proud of herself too. Gone was the pathetic, softhearted, weak-minded lioness that she was before.

Suddenly a bird flew out from a bush and landed on a rock beside the lionesses. The bird was pitch black with a few dots of white on its chest. It bowed to them and whistled three times, its voice shrill but melodious. Muuaji smiled and nodded her understanding and the bird flew off.

"That's the signal. Our leader has given the signal, we must move now," she said lowly. The others nodded and started their slow walk towards Pride Rock to answer the summons by their leader. 

At Pride Rock...

"You spent the night with my daughter, you stole her virginity and come back hours after noon with a grin on your face and you expect me to calm down?! Are you seriously asking me this? I have every right to tear you limb from limb right now!" an angry Simba yelled. The platform was full as everyone took in the scene of Simba yelling at Kovu.

Kiara was seated next to him, a look of resentment painted on her face while Nala, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Kion, Vitani and Marisa were standing on the sidelines. Nala had been trying to get her mate to calm down, but in vain. Simba was livid and refused to listen to anyone. 

"Simba you've got it all wrong," Kovu said innocently as he gazed into the older lion's eyes. "Kiara and I had spent the night together, you have that part right. And I didn't steal her virginity, she willingly lost it to me. She and I had spent a wonderful night together and for your information; she's an adult with a brain of her own in case you forgot."

Nala placed a paw on her face and groaned. Simba hated when anyone spoke to him like that. It pissed him off to a point of wanting to commit murder! Kovu seemed unaware of this. Or was he? Without a warning, Simba lunged at Kovu and knocked him to the floor causing everyone to scatter in alarm.

It took the combined strength of Kion, Burnt Eboney and Nala to hold Simba back from Kovu.

Simba begrudgingly restrained himself and sat down, his glare never leaving Kovu's face. Kovu shook out his mane and looked at Kiara, a grin on his face. Kiara returned the grin.
"Hear that Kiara? Your father says I stole your virginity. I stole it.  Please tell him the truth," he said. Kiara let out a condescending laugh and walked up to stand next to Kovu.

She looked at her father and smiled sweetly. "It's true Daddy, Kovu isn't lying, I willingly lost my virginity to him, he didn't steal it and he didn't force me into it. I gave it to him," she finished coldly. Nala visibly shuddered upon hearing her daughter's tone. Her voice lacked its usual warmth, instead it sounded devoid and empty.
Kovu smiled and kissed her cheek. Then he turned to Simba, the smile gone, his eyes echoed Kiara's voice. Cold. Devoid. Empty.

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