Chapter twelve

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Kiara woke up the next morning and found that she couldn't move a muscle. She looked at Kovu and found that they were wrapped in a tight embrace. Kovu's forearms were wrapped around Kiara's chest and his hindlegs were tangled with hers, his face rested in the crook of her neck.

Kiara sighed and tried to pry herself out of the position Kovu held her in. She groaned as his grip tightened on her and tried to squeeze out but it was no use, Kovu had her right where he wanted her. She found it cute, but she couldn't help feeling annoyed.

She desperately needed to a drink and she didn't want to wait, since her throat was practically dehydrated. The result of the screams of pleasure from the activities she and Kovu indulged in last night.

"Kovu wake up, I need to get some water," she said weakly. Kovu moaned and loosened his grip on her. She sighed in relief and raised herself off of the ground. Kovu's eyes flew open and he grabbed her by her stomach and made her sit next to him.

His eyes travelled from her face, to her chest, to her stomach and finally to the area between her legs where he claimed last night. His lips curved into a devious smile as he visualised a repeat of last night's affairs.

He raised himself up and looked her in the eye, his smile relaying his intentions. Kiara blinked and stepped back a good two inches. She had guesses what was going on in Kovu's mind and she didn't know if she could stand a repeat so soon.

"Kovu last night was wonderful and I loved every minute of it, but it's too soon to do it again, I need to adjust," Kiara said softly. "Just give it some time, please?" Kovu smiled and walked closer to her and kissed her neck gently, his tongue caressed her softly and she purred.

Kovu took his paw and placed it on her cheek and turned her face towards his. Then he leaned in and his eyes began to close as he prepared to kiss her. Kiara licked her lips and she too leaned in and closed her eyes.

Within seconds their lips were connected. The kiss started off as gentle then moved to rough and demanding. Kovu licked Kiara's lower lip asking for entrance which she was all too willing to oblige him access to.

Their tongues wrestled around in their mouths and when they were desperate for oxygen, they separated. Kiara panted heavily as she caught her breath, her eyes on Kovu the whole time. She blushed a deep scarlett as Kovu gazed at her, his emerald orbs dark with renewed passion.

"Wow that was great," she said finally. Kovu chuckled and rose and suggested they go back to Pride Rock. "We've spent practically the whole of yesterday away from home and I don't want your father to lecture us on inappropriate behaviour," Kovu said nonchalantly .Kiara rolled her eyes and scratched behind her ears.

"He lectures me for just about everything, I wouldn't mind though, this time I don't even care if he lectures me for a week. The results of us being away for the whole day were totally worth it." Kovu laughed and pinned her to the ground making her squeal.

"Ahhh Kovu don't even think about it, I told you I need to adjust, get off," she said attempting to push him off of her. Kovu smirked and sucked her neck hard making her gasp and moan, when he was done, her neck was red and her eyes were hazy.

She grabbed him by his mane and pulled him down on top of her and kissed him hard and desperate. Kovu was caught off guard by this but he still kissed her back. When the kiss ended, Kiara wrapped her hindlegs around Kovu and in a seductive whisper, told him, "You know what, I've had enough time to adjust, take me already."

It was well after noon when Kiara and Kovu left the cave. Kovu's mane was tousled and Kiara's fur was desperate for grooming. Anyone with eyes and a brain could tell what they had been doing all morning, and they were proud of it. Kiara hunted a zebra calf and they ate quickly before they made their way to Pride Rock.

"Okay so we tell your father we were taking a walk in the savannah, we got lost while playing a game and when we found our way, it was too dark to see where we were going so we spent the night in the cave; got it babe?" Kovu asked jokingly as he and Kiara walked.
Kiara laughed loudly and shoved his shoulder playfully.

"That is not what we should say," Kiara said. "Daddy we took a walk in the savannah and we played a game, then Kovu and I kissed and we spent a romantic evening stargazing and reminiscing. Then Kovu kissed me and we went to a dark, quiet cave and we made love. Then in the morning we woke up, kissed and made love again, and again and again-"

Kiara and Kovu were laughing so hard, tears were coming out of their eyes. When they reached the base of Pride Rock the grins were gone and they tried to look serious. They burst into laughter as they ascended the steps.

On the platform was Diana, Vitani, Kion and Marisa; Andreas was nowhere to be seen. Kiara and Kovu stepped onto the platform and stopped dead when they saw everyone standing there.

Kiara blushed when everyone's eyes landed on her and she hid behind Kovu who seemed to find amusement in what Kiara was doing. Not seeing Simba anywhere, Kovu walked towards his mother and flashed her a big smile.

Good morning Mom," he said perkily. Diana raised an eyebrow at his unkempt mane and rolled her eyes as she tried to make it look a little more presentable. "What on earth have you been doing for your mane to be in such an untamed state?" she scolded him.

Kovu laughed and shrugged his shoulders feighing innocence. Vitani snickered and stood between them, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Ooh looks like somebody's been having fun with their girlfriend," she teased.

Apparently having heard what her sister had said, Marisa came over and purused her brother's features, with her eyebrows raised. "You'd better have a good reason for whatever you've been doing," she said half amused half serious. "Simba's pissed and Nala has been trying to calm him down for ages."

"And I'm supposed to care about that because?" Kovu questioned. Marisa shook her head and walked off the platform with Vitani and Kion. Kovu turned to his mother silently asking for an explanation. "What's going on Mom?" he asked.

Diana sighed and sat down, Kovu and Kiara did the same. "When we didn't see the two of you in the den this morning, Simba made the immediate assumption you were alone in a cave somewhere doing 'so and so'. He was really angry and as Marisa said, it took a really long time for Nala to calm him down. You were lucky you weren't here when it happened, he was just about ready to tear your throat out."

Kovu, to Diana's surprise actually laughed at this. He laughed! Diana looked at her son as though he were losing his mind. Kiara simply rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Finally when Kovu finished laughing, he looked at his mother and the humour had disappeared to be replaced with coldness. "Simba can say, think and do what ever the hell he wants, I couldn't give a damn. As long as he doesn't take out his anger on Kiara, I couldn't care less."

Diana was surprised at her son's attitude and even though he didn't let it show, it didn't take a genius to figure it out. Sighing, Diana walked into the den and left Kiara and Kovu alone. Kiara got up and nuzzled Kovu under his neck. "I can't stand the fact that Father treats me like a cub. I'm an adult and yet still he acts like I'm a juvenile delinquent with not a lick of sense," Kiara said frustratedly. Kovu rolled his eyes and kissed her on her head as they sat there in silence.

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