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Four months later...
"AHHHH! OH KINGS!" Kiara screamed in agony.
"Oh sweetheart you're doing so well, almost there my love!" Kovu said encouragingly as he held Kiara's paw in his.
"Just a few more minutes Kiara! They're almost here honey, they're almost here!" Nala said gently as she kept a watchful eye on Kiara as she went through the birthing process.

Kiara was currently lying on her side in the den with Kovu next to her, surrounded by her mother and Diana. She's been in labour, pushing for an hour or so as she tried to get her cubs out. It has been four months since she's been pregnant and her stomach was swollen with Kovu's cubs.

Vitani had given birth to a daughter a week ago, Tishala was her name. She was a beautiful cub with a golden fur colour like her father Kion and violet eyes like her mother Vitani. Both of them couldn't be happier with their tiny little bundle of joy they were blessed with. And now Kiara was giving birth to her and Kovu's cubs.

Yes cubs. Not one, not two, but three cubs. Rafiki had been examining her closely and told her and Kovu that she was pregnant with triplets. Kovu was ecstatic with the news. He'd wanted three cubs from the beginning and he could hardly wait for them to be brought out into the world. Next thing they knew, Kiara had gone into labour; five days before her time.

"Darling you're doing so good, just a few more minutes and our cubs will be brought out into the world. Oh yes, yes my love. That's it, yes, good girl," Kovu said as he peered discreetly at her vagina.
"Kovu it hurts! It hurts so damn much!" Kiara screamed while she squeezed Kovu's paw with hers.
"Okay honey just a few more minutes. One, two three... and PUSH!" Nala said urgently.

"Arghhh! Oh..oh I..Ahhh!"
"One, two three push!"
"Ahhh! Kovu! Ahhh!
"One, two three push! Come on sweetie just a few more, you can do it! PUSH!"
"Oh my Kings, there's one. Push again honey only two more," Nala exclaimed.
So Kiara pushed again and stopped a moment then pushed again. This was repeated five times until finally her last two cubs were out.

Nala and Diana picked up all three of the cubs and placed them in Kiara's paws, she was sweating and panting hard, worn out and very much exhausted from being in labour for so long.
"Kiara...they're beautiful," Kovu whispered as he kissed her on her face. Kiara inhaled sharply and turned her head to face Kovu and kissed him passionately on his lips.

"We'll give you two a minute to be alone with them, let us know when you're ready for company," Nala whispered.
"Okay. And thank you both for helping with the birthing," Kiara said gratefully.
Diana and Nala nodded and smiled at their three grandcubs once more then walked out of the den, leaving Kiara and Kovu with their newborns.

"I can't believe they're finally here," Kovu murmured.
"Yes they're here. Our little ones are finally here," Kiara agreed as she licked them clean of her vaginal fluids. They were so tiny as they laid there nestled in their mother's paws.
"What are their genders?" Kovu asked softly.
Kiara stopped licking a moment then raised up their tiny little legs and peered at their genitals.

"Two girls and a boy," she whispered as she gazed lovingly at her babies.
"Amazing. We've given birth to two little princesses and a little prince. Thank you Kiara," Kovu said as he kissed Kiara again.
"What are we going to call them?" Kiara wondered.
Kovu pondered upon this for a moment, deep in thought. Then his emerald green eyes lit up and he gazed down at his children.

"Does Princess Kamaria, Prince Jelani and Princess Mila sound good to you?" he asked.
"Beautiful names," Kiara said excitedly as she nuzzled her husband affectionately.
"You were so strong baby, I'm so proud of you," Kovu said after a while of silence.
"Thank you my love," Kiara replied. "I couldn't have done it without your support though."

Suddenly Kamaria mewed loudly and pushed up against her siblings, clearly searching for milk. Kiara adjusted herself in a way which was most comfortable and Kovu picked the cubs up one by one and placed them at Kiara's nipples where they began to suckle on the rich, nutritious milk their mother supplied to them. Kiara closed her eyes and sighed contentedly.

Then she felt something soft and wet lapping at her opening and gasped. She quickly opened her eyes and looked down and saw that it was Kovu, licking at her.
"Kovu? Ohh, mmm, baby what are you doing?" she asked softly.
"Just cleaning you up, I can't have my beautiful Queen with visitors and her womanhood is sticky and covered with fur. You need to look clean and tidy," Kovu said sweetly as he continued to lick.
"You take such good care of me baby," Kiara said with a purr.

"That's because you're my wife. It's my duty to take care of you, I wouldn't be a good husband if I didn't now would I?" Kovu asked as he spread Kiara's lips apart to lick away some of the excess fur.
"Mmm yes. And not just me, you now have three more to take care of. They are very lucky to have you for a father baby," Kiara said with a soft lust filled moan.
"Well they'd better get used to it, because this is just the beginning," Kovu replied.
"Yes it is. For all of us. You, me and our Jelani, Kamaria and Mila. A new beginning,"

And New Beginnings has officially reached its end.
A big thank you to all of my followers for all the loving support given to me while writing this book. I had so much fun writing New Beginnings and I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. Thank you to everyone for the votes and comments and adding my books to your reading lists. I love you all so much!!!
Of course New Beginnings is going to have a sequel, it must have a sequel I cannot and I quote cannot end the book like this. This is basically a trilogy. A Second Chance
New Beginnings
And the sequel to New Beginnings. (Name not finalized yet)
Again thank you for all the support and all the love

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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