chapter fifty five

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Once everyone had eaten, they drank some water and Kovu, Kiara, Marisa, Muuaji, Mkali, Siri, Nia, Haraka, Roman, Milana and several of Kovu's other lions and lionesses left for Kukimbia. Simba, Nala, Freya, Hekima and the rest of Kovu's pride stayed in Ustawi.

Freya and Hekima would lead the rest of Kovu's pride and their leopards to Kukimbia once Kovu was certain Scar, Zira and Kisasi were there. Khan and Mpole would go with Kovu and the others since he wanted to be sure Mpole was telling the truth.

"Kukimbia is just before the Upweke River, the Upweke River is a few miles away from Ustawi, maybe three or four. It's not really in the mountains, but it's close to it. Very close," Kovu said as they walked across a rocky plain with trees lining the sides. "The fastest way to get there is through the Mchanga  Laini Desert. It's a desert where the sand is extremely soft and very hard to pass through without sinking."  

"So basically it's like quicksand?" Marisa inquired.
"In a way yes-" Kovu started to say.
"And you're taking us through a desert of quicksand for what now? To kill us?! Quicksand is next to impossible to get out of whenever someone gets stuck in it, hello!" Marisa exclaimed.
"Do you think I don't know that?" Kovu asked in annoyance.
"Clearly not," Marisa scoffed.

"Marisa come on, don't you trust him? Kovu won't put us in danger, do you think he'd lead us into the Mchanga Laini Desert to kill us?" Kiara asked.
"Well it's just that I'm a little skeptical that's all," Marisa said shrugging her shoulders.
"Skeptical of what?! Don't you have any faith in your brother?" Kiara exclaimed turning to face her sister-in-law.

"Well I'm sorry for wanting to stay alive. I trust Kovu, but I'm just... cautious," Marisa admitted. "The risks he takes, they're just...not something I want to try. At least not anymore."
"I see. Well in that case why didn't you stay in the Pride Lands? Why didn't you let Vitani come, and you stay? Since you clearly don't trust Kovu to keep you safe," Kiara said sarcastically.
"That's not what I meant to imply," Marisa said lowly.

"Well whatever you meant to imply I don't want to hear it. You may not trust my husband, but I do. With my life. If he tells me to jump off a cliff with the promise that he'll catch me, I'll do it with my eyes closed," Kiara stated. Then she looked at Kovu and rubbed her head on his shoulder.
"I trust you baby. I trust you with my heart, my mind and my soul," she added softly.
"Thank you my love, I appreciate that," Kovu said lovingly.

"Once we get to Kukimbia my lord, do you have a plan in which to abolish or abduct Scar, Zira and Kisasi?" Muuaji inquired.
"As a matter of fact yes I do Muuaji. Once we get there-"
"Once you get there, you'll be dead meat! Kisasi may not know you're coming but once he finds out you're on his territory, he'll destroy you and your pathetic pride," Khan snickered.

"How dare you interrupt him?! No one was speaking to you!" Kiara said aggressively as she scratched her claws across Khan's face making him growl painfully.
"Hey! Why did you do that? Leave my brother alone! Don't touch him!" Mpole shouted.
"Mind your own business! He is our prisoner and he shall act like it," Kiara said glaring at Mpole.

"Khan is my brother! It is my right to have a say in what happens to and with him!" Mpole said angrily as she shoved past Mkali and Nia and shoved Kiara hard making her stumble and fall to the ground. Kovu stopped walking and turned to look at Mpole, his emerald green eyes cold and angry. He approached Mpole who just then realized what she did and started backing away, terror in her eyes.

"How dare you touch her?" he said aggressively.
"I..I apologize for my was an accident," Mpole stammered as she backed even further away from Kovu.
"You dared to touch Kiara?! Do you know who she is?!" Kovu shouted furiously.
"I'm sorry..I made a mistake, please forgive me," Mpole cried out as she bowed low on the ground.

"I asked you a question answer me!" Kovu grabbed her shoulder and slapped her hard on her face.
"No! I don't know who she is," Mpole said.
"She's not just any other lioness! She's my mate, my Queen and my wife!" Kovu said lowly.
Mpole froze and looked up at Kovu, her tear glistening eyes widened with shock.

"Your mate?" she asked in an almost inaudible voice.
"Yes my mate. You not only raised your voice at her, but you also assaulted her!" Kovu shouted.
"Forgive me. I truly am sorry, please forgive me," Mpole said pleadingly.
"Hmm, I really can't be sure. It's my mate you have to apologize to," Kovu stated.

"I forgive her, I'm feeling generous today so let's spare her life," Kiara said with a sigh.
"Very well my darling. Let this be a warning. Anyone who disrespects my mate will not get off so easily. She is my equal and deserves just as much respect and loyalty as you give me," Kovu said addressing his pride.

"If you are disrespectful to my mate, you are disrespectful to me. And we all know what happens to those who are disrespectful, disloyal or otherwise unmannerly to me. Do I need to remind you of that?!"
"No my lord you do not," everyone said in unison.
"Very well. We will now advance to Kukimbia. Is there anything else that needs clearing up or is that it?" Kovu asked.
"Yes my lord that is it," they responded.

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