Chapter twenty six

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After Avery's gruesome execution, done by Kovu and witnessed by all, Kovu commanded two lions that were present to dispose of her body. "Bury her in the Den of the Dead. She may have betrayed me and the rest of the pride, but she is after all Nia and Jace's  sister. She at least deserves a proper burial," Kovu said grimly as he wiped the blood away from his mouth.

The lions bowed to Kovu and went off to carry out his orders, not daring to question nor argue. After the example Kovu made with Avery, no one was about to do anything which would infuriate him further.  

Simba, Nala, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Vitani and Marisa were shocked to see this side of Kovu, having no idea this side of him even existed, although Vitani and Marisa grew up with him and knew of his ruthless behaviour to some extent.

They had assumed it had diminished when they came to live in the Pride Lands; clearly their assumptions had been wrong. Kiara was the only one who wasn't surprised with Kovu's behaviour and supported him in his twisted, deranged psychotic plans.

She loved him for not what he did, but who he was. She considered herself the luckiest lioness in the Pride Lands, having Kovu as her soulmate. It made her happy and she felt immensely satisfied that he was hers and hers alone. No one could touch him but her, no one could carry his cubs but her and no one could make love to him but her.

She was snapped awake when she heard Kovu's voice, telling everyone it was time to return to the Pride Lands.
"I have no idea where Kusudi and her pawns are, but wherever they are, I'm sure they won't be back anytime soon," Kovu said flatly.

Clearly he was upset about not being able to properly initiate phase three and he was trying to keep his anger concealed. Kiara noticed this and walked up to him, the lionesses making room for her to pass. She rested her head on Kovu's shoulder and he relaxed slightly if not entirely upon coming into contact with his mate.  

"I know you're angry Kovu, but honestly no one expected Avery to betray us, no one had any idea what she was doing and for all we know, betraying us could've been her intention all along. What's done is done, it makes no sense to dwell on the past; just forget it okay?" she said softly to him as she rubbed him soothingly. Kovu sighed and returned her gesture.  "Suppose so, let's go back to the Pride Lands, Kion is probably wondering what the hell is going on," he said wearily. 

After leaving some last minute instructions for Roman and Jace to double security and the lionesses to comfort the ones whom have lost their cubs and loved ones, Kovu and everyone else left and went back to the Pride Lands. Silence followed as no one was quite in the mood to talk as the incidents that occured previously were rather upsetting.

While they were fifteen minutes into their journey, Kiara suddenly stopped walking. Her face paled slightly and she clutched her stomach and groaned. Kovu stopped walking immediately and checked her over. "Baby are you okay? What's wrong, you don't look so good," he said concerned for his mate and their cub.    

"I..I'm f..fine Kovu, just a little stomach ache is all. I..I.. I need to-" In mid sentence Kiara tore away from Kovu and went to a bush and vomitted behind it. Kovu rushed over and patted her back to soothe her, but it didn't provide much comfort to the lioness since she was too busy spewing her guts out to even notice.

Five minutes later, she emerged and leaned heavily against Kovu, her eyes were closing in and her face was even paler than before. Nala was worried for her daughter and suggested they get Rafiki to check her over the minute they arrived home. Everyone agreed to this and continued walking, Kiara was leaning against Kovu, too weak to walk on her own, for fear she would collapse. 

They eventually made it to the Pride Lands and immediately went to Rafiki's tree so he could check Kiara over. Muuaji and the other four stayed outside with Vitani and Marisa while Kiara and Kovu went inside with their parents. Muuaji sat outside the tree with Mkali, Nia and Haraka laid out on the grass and Siri laid on the hot rock with her eyes closed absorbing the hot sun.

"So how long have you ladies known Kovu?" Marisa asked Muuaji. "I mean he's been gone from the Pride Lands for three years and we didn't know where he was or what he was doing." 

"We are not at liberty to discuss our leader's whereabouts or actions Marisa. He has his reasons and is secretive in some aspects, it is not our place to discuss his personal matters with you. If you wish to know, ask him yourself," Muuaji said flatly.

Marisa was taken aback by this, she was just  trying to make conversation, why was Muuaji being so... evasive? She looked to Vitani and raised her eyebrow. Vitani didn't seem too bothered by it and was more focused on sharpening her claws on the rock. Marisa tried another tactic. She would get some answers.

"Kovu may be your leader, but he is our brother, we have the right to know," she said smiling innocently. "I am merely curious as to what my brother has been up to these past three years."
"As I said before, our leader's whereabouts and actions is not to be discussed with you Marisa. If you wish to know anything, you may ask him yourself. I am not about to reveal anything to you," Muuaji said in the same tone she used before.

Marisa frowned and stepped closer to her. "Muuaji why are you being so evasive? No one will find out, just tell me. What has Kovu been up to these past three years? Won't you tell me?" she asked persistently.   

"Tell you what Marisa?" Everyone turned around and saw Kovu standing there with Kiara, Nala, Simba, Diana and Burnt Eboney. Muuaji, Nia, Haraka, Mkali and Siri sat up and stood in front of Kovu, Marisa rolled her eyes and turned to walk away but halted at the sound of Kovu's voice. "Marisa where are you going? I'm talking to you. What do you want to know?" 

"Forget it I don't even care," she said sarcastically. At this Kovu growled lowly and looked to Muuaji and she nodded. She, Mkali, Nia, Haraka and Siri stepped in front of Marisa, preventing her from moving.  "He is speaking to you, don't dare turn away from him, Marisa," Muuaji said in a dangerous tone.

Marisa scoffed and turned to walk away but Nia and Siri stepped behind her and she was soon surrounded. Kovu walked up to her and smiled as though nothing was wrong. "I believe I asked you a question. What. Do. You. Want. To. Know?" he asked lowly. 

Marisa was at loss for words. What the hell was going on? What had happened to Kovu in the past three years? Why was he like this, so abrasive and cruel and dangerous? It scared her.

"Marisa why are you silent? Speak up. You were harassing Muuaji for answers weren't you? She refused to tell you anything about me because she and the others are loyal to me and only ME. So I'm here now, why are you silent? SPEAK UP!" he shouted that last part and Marisa flinched. Kiara came forward and looked at Marisa her eyes cold. "Marisa my husband asked you a question. Why aren't you answering him?" she asked.

Several minutes passed before Kovu got fed up and commanded his lionesses to stand down. "Since you refused to answer me Marisa, from this point onwards, do not ask any question pertaining to my past. You had the chance to ask and you said nothing," he said sternly. Muuaji, and the others stood away from Marisa and bowed to Kovu and Kiara as they left Rafiki's tree to  go home.

Muuaji and the others left as well and Diana, Burnt Eboney, Nala, Simba, Vitani and Marisa remained at Rafiki's tree.  "What happened to you brother? What have you become?" Marisa said softly to herself as she watched her once loving, kind carefree brother depart with his mate and lionesses. 

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