Chapter twenty four

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Kovu stood atop the peak of Pride Rock and stared down into the kingdom- his kingdom. He smirked and turned to glance at Kiara who stood besides him, a similar smirk painted on her face. The platform was empty, Kiara and Kovu, Muuaji and the other four being its only occupants.  The hunting party were out hunting and the rest of the royal family were out in the savannah, basking in the hot afternoon sun. It was the perfect opportunity to initiate phase three.

Muuaji, Mkali, Haraka, Siri and Nia could hardly contain themselves as they stood behind Kiara and Kovu, phase three would be initiated the moment the pride settled down to eat which would take no more than ten minutes, but alas, ten minutes felt like ten years, their patience was short lived. 

"My lord shall we go down to the savannah and wait for the hunting party to return? I can contain myself no longer," Siri declared frantically. Kovu chuckled and turned to face her, his smirk intact. "Siri have patience, the hunting party will return momentarily," he said to the pacing lioness. Nia picked up on Siri's frantic persona and sighed dramatically. "My lord they are taking forever to return, please do not keep us waiting any longer, I fear for Muuaji, her heart is beating rather fast. She may not last very long." 

Kovu glanced at Muuaji and shook his head. "She will have to last Nia, the hunting party will return in due time. Patience my loyal soilders is essential." Kiara smiled and approached Kovu, she whispered in his ear and he walked back to the peak of Pride Rock and looked down. He grinned and turned back to face his eager lionesses. "They've returned. Phase three will now commence." 

"The weather is so wonderful, the sun is shining, the sky is clear and there is nothing but blue skies as  far as the eye can see," an unknown voice said lowly. "Such a perfect day like this CANNOT be wasted, some discord must be spread, some chaos must be spread, some BLOOD MUST BE SPREAD!"

 "My lady do we go to the Pride Lands now? The royal family are having a meal at the Northern Waterhole," a timid female said softly. The first voice chuckled and turned to face the one who spoke. "Send twelve of our warriors there and make sure Kovu knows we are aware of the fact that he is King. The whole clan knows. Now leave," The  female subordinate nodded and dashed off to carry out her orders. The leader sat down and cackled wickedly to herself. "Enjoy your position of King while it lasts Kovu, your reign is short lived."  

"Kovu, what you're proposing... I have no words... Are you absolutely sure this is the right decision?" a shocked Simba asked after a moment of deathly silence. Kovu sighed and nodded his head. "I am sure Simba, I have talked this over with Kiara and she thinks this is the best thing to do. Appointing Muuaji as the new leader of the Lion Guard is something that MUST be done. She along with Mkali, Nia, Siri and Haraka will serve the Pride Lands, protect its inhabitants and ensure safety of the royal family. And if it is their loyalty you are questioning, trust me, they are loyal to me and only me." 

Simba did not seem convinced and Kovu was getting impaitent with his skeptism. Part of phase three was appointing Muuaji, Mkali, Nia, Siri and Haraka as the new Lion Guard. And it was going to happen whether Simba liked it or not. HE was King and the older lion had to accept that.  Kiara sensed her mate's impatience and stepped up to speak to her father in an attempt to make him see things their way. 

"Daddy after Kion's Lion Guard has been broken up, things have been out of hand lately. The Pride Lands needs a new Lion Guard and I truly believe Muuaji and the others are ideal for the job," she said. "Kovu trusts them and as King, he is merely taking the kingdom's best interest at heart. Please listen to his point of view without passing judgement."

Simba sighed and nodded to his daughter. "Very well Kiara, I support your and Kovu's decision wholeheartedly, I just hope you aren't making a mistake by doing this," he said. Kiara smiled and turned to nuzzle her mate. "Thank you Simba I appreciate your support," Kovu said tightly. The pride had dispersed after eating to go their separate ways leaving the royal family, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Vitani, Marisa, Kion,  Muuaji and the others at the waterhole. They decided to give the title of Lion Guard Leader to Muuaji at sunset where the pride was present once more since they've already left. The weather was still the same as before, clear skies, sunny and calm. The battle hit them when no one expected it. The bloodshed, the lost lives, the hatred, it came when they were vulnerable and fought when they were defense less. And nothing they did could prevent it. 


Kovu and Kiara shot up from their positions on the floor and caught sight of a lioness with grey fur and violet eyes approach them. Her body was covered in- blood? Kovu raced to her followed by Kiara, Muaaji and the other four. "Zaria? What are you doing here? What is wrong?" Kovu asked.  The lioness named Zaria bowed to Kovu and raised herself up, her eyes pained as her wounds seemed to affect her with her abrupt action. 

"My Lord, our land is being invaded. Kusudi and her warriors are there and they are killing out our own, there is bloodshed and many are dead and dieing," she said inbetween sharp breaths. Kovu's eyes widened and he clenched his teeth in anger. He growled loudly and that brought Simba, Nala and the others over. "What is going on? Who is this lioness and which land is being invaded?" Simba inquired. 

Kovu ignored him and looked at Zaria once more. "Who else is there besides Kusudi?" he asked coldly. Zaria hesitated a  moment which angered Kovu. He grabbed her and pushed her to the floor and she cried out painfully. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION ANSWER ME!" he shouted aggressively.  Zaria flinched and raised herself up once more. "You would not like the answer my lord," she said. 

"I don't care Zaria! Who else is there besides Kusudi?" Kovu asked again. Zaria glanced at Nia sadly, then back at Kovu and the answer made Nia's blood go cold and her face go white. "The ones standing besides Kusudi is no other than Nia's sister Avery."

The world stopped spinning. Kovu stiffened as he processed this new information. Avery had betrayed him. She betrayed her pride, her family, how could she? She knew the consequences that came with betraying him, so how could she?

Kovu turned to face  Nia and she flinched upon seeing the coldness, the emptiness.
"Nia I am sorry to tell you this but, Avery has betrayed me and you of all people knows what I do to traitors," he said bitterly.

"What do you do to traitors?" Simba asked cautiously. "Are they banished? Sentenced to lifetime imprisonment?" At this Kovu chuckled darkly causing everyone's eyes to widen. Nia collapsed in the grass and began to sob uncontrollably. She scurried to Kovu's feet and bowed low to the ground.
"My lord I beg of you, please give her a chance I am sure there is a reasonable explanation," Nia pleaded for her sisters life knowing full and well that the punishment for betrayal was not by exile nor lifetime imprisonment, but by death.

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