Chapter forty five

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"Freya come see who came to visit," Hekima called cheerfully as he entered a large cave where he and his mate lived. Kiara, Kovu and their companions would stay in the cave next to it.
"What is it babe? I was just about the nurse the girls," a melodious female voice said.

Emerging from the left side of the cave was a gorgeous female leopard with opal eyes, her fur was sleek with an exquisite design of spots- Hekima's mate Freya. "Amia and Lucinda are a little fussy, let's make his quick and-" Freya stopped talking when her eyes landed on Kovu.
"Kovu?! Is that really you?"
"Do you know anyone else who would look like me?" Kovu asked with a smirk.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!" Freya squealed excitedly as she ran and launched  herself at Kovu, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
"I haven't seen you in forever! How are you? What are you doing here? Is everything okay? Did you miss me?"
"I missed you too Frey, but can you let me go now? I can't breathe!" Kovu gasped.

"Oh I'm sorry," Freya said sheepishly.
"It's okay, you look great," Kovu said smiling at her.
"Thank you, you look great too. After you left Ustawi all those years ago, I missed having you around," Freya said as she nuzzled Kovu on his head.
"Yeah I missed you too, have you been taking care of yourself?" Kovu asked as he draped a paw over her back.

"Oh it's all good, it's great that you're back we have a lot of catching up to do," Freya said laughingly as she hugged Kovu again.
Kiara saw this and gritted her teeth, she couldn't understand why she was having this strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Seeing Kovu so touchy with Freya was... unsettling. Taking a deep breath she approached Freya and smiled politely.

"Hi you must be Freya, Kovu's told me a lot about you. I'm Kiara, Kovu's wife, his mate, his significant other, better-half, call it what you want," she said still smiling. Freya turned to Kiara and grinned.
"Pleasure to meet you Kiara. When Kovu was in Ustawi, you were the only one he'd talk about. It was Kiara this, Kiara that, I miss Kiara so much, she's the love of my life, I'd give anything to see her again. His talks about you were endless."

"Oh really? That's nice, I mean he is my mate so that would kinda explain why he'd talk about me like that," Kiara said with forced cheerfulness.
"I'm sure Hekima talks about you all the time. Since you're his mate and Kovu is my mate. You know, I keep all other females away from him... since he's my husband and all." Kiara laughed at that part and rested her head on Kovu's shoulders.
Freya blinked twice at this and looked at Kovu who chuckled nervously.

"Sorry if I got too touchy with him," she said awkwardly.
"Oh no it's my fault, I should've come over when he did, how rude of me. My hormones are a little on the loose end so that's why I'm not thinking straight. I'm pregnant by the way. Yeah with Kovu's cubs, he and I are gonna be parents isn't that fantastic?!" Kiara laughed loudly and nudged Kovu's side.

"Won't you tell her how happy you are honey? You're gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a mom! We're gonna be so happy together." Kiara said still laughing.
"Uhh let me introduce you to the others real quick, my parents in-law, Simba and Nala, my sister Marisa and of course Muuaji, Mkali, Siri, Nia and Haraka," Kovu said forcing a smile.

"Come say hi everyone while I take Kiara to see our sleeping quarters, she's probably exhausted. Hekima lead the way."
"Of course, Kovu follow me," Hekima figured out what was going on and was only to happy to escape the tense, awkward situation that just ensued.
Kovu grabbed Kiara's paw and pulled her out of the den with Hekima in tow.

"What was that? Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was? What were you thinking by?!" Kovu said to Kiara when they were out of earshot.
"She was touching you," Kiara snapped. "I'm sorry Kovu but I see another female touching my mate and I'm just supposed to stand there and not say anything? No! I could never!"

"Freya is just a friend, she has a mate and she knows I do too. She wasn't hitting on me babe, you've got nothing to worry about," Kovu said gently.
"I know and I'm sorry, my hormones are just hampering with my moods. I was jealous that's all," Kiara admitted sadly.

"I understand Kiara, and it's perfectly alright. Freya won't take it to heart, she knows how tough it's been for you without your mate," Hekima said.
"I feel bad for what I said," Kiara mumbled. "What she must be thinking of me."
"I think you're an absolute sweetheart. I'd react the same if Kovu were mine and I was seeing another female touching him,"
Kiara, Kovu and Hekima turned around and saw Freya approach with Simba, Nala and Marisa behind her.

Kiara's face turned crimson and she turned to face the other way.
"I am so sorry Freya, she's pregnant and her hormones are-" Kovu started to apologize but Freya cut him off.
"Kovu don't apologize, it's perfectly alright. She's just protecting what's hers, I don't blame her," she said graciously.
"Thanks for understanding, I really appreciate it," Kiara said softly as she slowly turned to face Freya.

"No worries, now let's have dinner, the leopards are about to hunt now and you as our guests have first preference. So what would you like?" Hekima said smiling at everyone.
"Anything is fine with us. We're not picky eaters," Kovu said.
"What about you Kiara?" Freya asked.
"What Kovu said. We're okay with anything," Kiara agreed.

"Okay what about some wildebeest? The herd is passing in a few minutes," Hekima spoke up as he held Freya close to him.
"Yes wildebeest is fine," Kovu said for all of them.
"Where are Muuaji and the others?" Kiara asked Freya.
"We're right here your majesty," Muuaji appeared from the side of the cave and walking behind her was Mkali, Siri, Nia and Haraka.

"Okay so everyone is here, follow us to the tamarind tree, you can stay there while we hunt. And Kovu thank you for the plums, I was pleasantly surprised when I Muuaji gave them to me," Freya said laughingly.
"You're most welcome Freya. Hekima told me how you've been craving them for days. I'm glad you like them," Kovu grinned and was about to hug Freya when Kiara cleared her throat and he stopped in mid air.

"Sorry babe," he said putting his paw down.
"It's fine honey, just try to remember who you belong to okay?" Kiara said teasingly.
"Yeah I belong to myself," Kovu chuckled.
"To yourself? Are you serious?" Kiara asked rolling her eyes.
"Yes. I belong to myself and only myself," Kovu said as he followed Freya and Hekima down the hill.

"Hear that sweetie? Daddy is denying that he belong to us and since he's denying that particular fact, we're going to deny him his needs," Kiara said to her cub as she stroked her stomach.
"Did I say I belong to myself? Haha I meant you. I belong only to you and our cub," Kovu said hurriedly.

"Nope. Too late, you've said it, now you can't take it back," Kiara said sticking her head up in the air and flicking her tail around.
"Baby I belong only to you, I swear I'm yours and only yours! Don't deny me my needs baby," Kovu begged.
"I wish Vitani were here, she'd be so happy to see you grovel like this," Marisa laughed as she laid on the grass next to Nala.
"Shut up!" Kovu said irritatedly making everyone laugh.

"Okay stop grovelling I forgive you this time," Kiara giggled as she licked Kovu's face.
"Thank the Kings," Kovu sighed in relief.
"So can o ask you something?" Kiara asked looking at her mate.
"Anything baby," Kovu said nuzzling her.
"Who do you belong to?" Kiara asked in a soft dangerous voice.
"Only you my love, only you," Kovu said equally soft and  dangerous.

Author's note: originally I wasn't going to update New Beginnings today, but I was bored AF so I knew I had to update anyway. Happy Valentine's Day to all hope you enjoyed the chapter next one will be up soon ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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