Chapter thirty five

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Kiara and Nia walked through the savannah, talking, laughing and making jokes. Eventually Nia started to relax and she immensely enjoyed Kiara's company. As a teen Nia didn't have anyone to hang out with, Avery was always quiet and monotonous, Jace didn't care much for social interaction and the other teens is the pride were too rambunctious and unruly for Nia. So talking and chatting with Kiara was very enjoyable.

"And then Kovu was exiled by my father. He didn't have anything to do with the ambush, Zira lied and made my father think Kovu was just using him," Kiara said a little sadly as she told Nia about how she and Kovu met and fell in love.

"Then what happened?" Nia asked.
"Father forbade me from having anything to do with him. I rebelled and ran away though. I found him in the desert and we expressed our love for each other. It was beautiful," Kiara said sighing.
"And I guess after that, you both went back home and stopped the two prides from fighting," Nia stated.
"How'd you know?" Kiara asked.

"Just a guess," Nia said shrugging her shoulders.
"Yes. That is what happened," Kiara said with a smile.
"You love him a lot don't you?" Nia said looking directly at Kiara.
"I love him with all my heart. He completes me. When he wasn't here, it was purgatory. I starved myself, I rebelled, I was constantly on edge, life was hard Nia. I was going insane!" Kiara exclaimed.

"But he's back now, and he's never leaving you on your own again," Nia said as she placed a comforting paw on Kiara's shoulder.
"Yes I know. Oh well let's go back to Pride Rock, Kovu is probably wondering where we are," Kiara said as she turned and walked back to Pride Rock with Nia trailing behind.

At Pride Rock
"Good job Muuaji, Mkali. These plums will be a nice present for Freya and Hekima," Kovu said as he inspected the big, black, juicy fruits that Muuaji and Mkali had laid out on the floor.
"Where is Nia?" Mkali inquired.
"She's in the den resting," Kovu replied.
"No my lord, she isn't, I just checked," Muuaji declared.

Kovu stopped inspecting the plums and walked quickly to the den and peered inside, he called Nia's name but received no response.
"I told her to stay and rest. Where is she?" Kovu said agitatedly.
"Her majesty is nowhere to be seen either," Mkali informed.
"Kiara's gone? Ughh, she's pregnant she's not supposed to be wandering around without an escort," Kovu said as he walked to the peak of Pride Rock and peered down into the savannah.

Not seeing her anywhere, Kovu growled lowly and turned to his two lionesses.
"Come with me to the savannah now. We're going to look for Kara and Nia," Kovu ordered.
"Yes my lord," Muuaji and Mkali said in unison.
Kovu then turned and bounded down the steps that led into the savannah with Muuaji and Mkali following.

In the savannah
"So you're telling me, you ran into the outlands despite your father's warnings and you fell down a slope and bumped into him?" Nia asked incredulously.
"Yes that's what happened. Kovu didn't know what fun was at that time, everything in his life was about fighting, war, survival and hatred for the pride landers," Kiara said.

"I suppose so. But it's strange how-"
Nia paused mid-sentence when she heard a twig snap behind her.
"Did you hear that your majesty?" she asked warily.
"What? I didn't hear anything," Kiara said as she continued to walk.
"I heard a twig snap," Nia said.
"It was probably an animal. No need to be alarmed Nia," Kiara laughed.

"But I heard so something," Nia insisted.
"It was just a twig Nia, why're you so jumpy?" Kiara was genuinely confused and tried to divert Nia's attention elsewhere.
"I have an idea, why don't  we-"
Kiara turned around and saw Kovu running towards them with Muuaji and Mkali following.
"Oh crap he looks mad," Kiara murmured.

Nia inhaled sharply and stepped back a few steps. She was in trouble, she was in trouble and she knew it. Kovu was mad and when he was mad, run for your life.
Kovu stopped running when he came to face Kiara, his emerald green eyes dark and angry.
"Where. Have. You. Been?" he asked in a low dangerous voice.

"Just getting some fresh air," Kiara said nonchalantly.
"Getting some fresh air? With no escort?" Kovu asked raising his eyebrows.
"Nia is with me isn't she?" Kiara asked.
"Nia is supposed to be resting. We're supposed to leave at dawn to confront Wazimu and his followers tomorrow and we need her to be at her best, her having the keenest eye sight and all," Kovu said.

"I was bored. I needed to get out for a bit. Where's the harm in that?"
"You're pregnant that's why!" Kovu shouted.
"How nice of you to announce my pregnancy to the whole savannah," Kiara said sarcastically.
"Don't be sassy with me. I told you to stay at Pride Rock since you're pregnant for a reason," Kovu said lowly.

"Okay fine, let's go back home, and you're gonna give me a lecture aren't you," Kiara stated.
"Damn right you're getting a lecture," Kovu affirmed.
"Hmm I love it when you're so bossy," Kiara said sweetly.
"Along with a lecture, you're also getting punished," Kovu declared as he turned and walked back to Pride Rock, Kiara at his side and the three lionesses walking behind them.

"What were you thinking? You were out in the open with her majesty, what if someone saw you? She's pregnant and you know it," Muuaji reprimanded Nia in a low voice.
"But Muuaji she ordered me to join her for a walk. I tried to say no, but she insisted," Nia protested, pouting slightly.
"I suppose I can't fault you for that," Muuaji said smiling lovingly at the younger lioness.

"You're like a little sister to me, it's my duty to advise and protect you. I hope you know that," Muuaji said as she draped a paw over Nia's shoulder.
"I know, and I'm grateful for that," Nia said.
"I love you kiddo,"
"Haha. Love you too,"
"Aww so sweet. I wish I had someone take care of me like that," Mkali said sarcastically.

"Shut up. You know she considers you her little sister too Mkali," Nia said with a giggle.
"You shut up," Mkali said rolling her eyes.
"Oh are you jealous Mkali?" Kovu asked from the front.
Mkali's cheeks turned red.
"Uh not at all my lord," she said awkwardly. 
Muuaji and Nia snickered at the expression painted on Mkali's  face, making the other lioness punch them on their arms.
"We love you too Mkali," they said in unison.

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