Chapter twenty nine

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Three years ago
Kovu trailed dejectedly after Scar and Zira, tears falling rapidly from his eyes as they went further and further away, the screams of his distraught mate could no longer be heard, the only sounds heard were the sound of paws on dry ground and the wind as it ruffled the lions fur.

Kovu was devastated but he had no intention of letting Scar see his weakness, he closed off all senses and simply drowned in the currents of his grief and anguish. It was purgatory, but he had no choice, if he showed any weakness, there was no telling what the monster would do.

"Finally, we are home,"
It must've felt like forever, but in reality it took only a short amount of time for them to arrive in the outlands. Kovu looked up and saw the grotesque formation of the termite mounds. The dry, cracked ground, the dehydrated air, the heat and the desolation; his former home, the hell hole he grew up in.

"Now shall we go? We had a long day, time to rest up. Shall we go my son?" Zira asked wickedly as she stroked Kovu's head with fake maternal love. Kovu shunned away and growled at her.
"Don't dare call me your son, I am nothing to you, monster!"

This earned him a slap across his face from Scar. "Don't dare speak to your mother that way, let's not forget who has the power to end your pathetic mate's life here," the evil lion sneered maliciously. Upon hearing this Kovu stiffened and hung his head.

Satisfied with this gesture, Scar smirked and led the way to the main termite mound where he, Zira and Kovu will stay, separated from the rest of the pride. Kovu followed them, his teeth clenched as hatred boiled inside of him like a geyser, just waiting to be unleashed. When they arrived, several lions and lionesses greeted them, their heads bowed in submission in front of Scar.

"Everyone I'd like to announce my heir has rejoined us at last. He will succeed me, he will follow in my paw prints and continue my legacy as King of the Pride Lands!" Scar said loudly, earning loud, taunting cheers from his followers. Kovu bit his lip until he tasted blood, he didn't want to say anything so he just listened.

When everyone left to carry on with their business, Scar and Zira took Kovu to their cave where they resided. Kovu raised his head and looked around the cave and his breath hitched in his throat. It was the exact same cave he lived in as a cub. The place where his childhood was snatched away, only to be replaced with brutal training, pain and abuse.

"Rest up son, you have a long day of training tomorrow. We have to rid you of that festering disease called love," Zira sneered.
"We shall mold you back into what you previously were before you met Simba's daughter. A brutal, heartless, cold, killing machine. Even if we have to do it from scratch we will."

"I am not your son!" Kovu yelled. "I was never yours, you stole me from my mother and ruined my life you demonic, sadistic-"
Kovu's rant was interrupted when Scar took his paw and rammed it into the side of Kovu's head, giving him an instant headache.
"DO NOT SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER THAT WAY!" Scar shouted aggressively.

Kovu growled and turned away.
"I hate you," he whispered hoarsely.
"Don't worry sweetheart, you'll eventually learn to love me again. We just have to figure out how to divert your hatred from us, onto Simba that's all," Zira said sarcastically. "In the meantime, rest up."

They turned and walked out of the cave leaving Kovu on his own. The moment they were gone, Kovu collapsed and the tears came back, this time stronger and with more emotion than before. Night came fast that day and ever since they left him, the tears never ceased, they flowed and flowed until he had no more tears to cry. He was numb both physically and emotionally and one thought was running through him vacant mind that kept him alive. Thought. One word. One motive. Revenge.

Kiara threw herself on her mate and hugged him fiercely, sobbing into his fur.
"Oh baby, those monsters, those...those demons! How dare they do this to you? Oh my love, you suffered so much, you suffered purgatory!" she cried. Nala and Simba were stricken as they listened to Kovu's story, when they heard of the torment he suffered.

"So you see now why I am so driven to achieve my goal? To complete my quest in ensuring they fall? They deserve what's coming to them," Kovu said coldly as he pried Kiara off of him. Simba nodded his understanding, realising Kovu was right.
"How do you plan to do this may I ask?" Simba asked his son-in-law. "Do you have a plan?"

"Oh yes, I certainly do," Kovu replied sending a smirk Kiara's way. She smirked back and winked. Balozi, who had been quiet all the while Kovu told his story, now inquired how Kovu planned to exact revenge on Scar, Zira and Kisasi.

"I have a plan. But I am not going to indulge you. When the time comes, I will let you know. Until then I request you to keep this between us. Not one word uttered here is to be spoken outside these walls," Kovu said.
Everyone nodded their understanding and Kovu rose and Kiara followed suit.

"Come Balozi, I wish to enquire about your leader. I do not trust easily and I would like to know more about him before I do anything else," Kovu said to the snake. Balozi bowed his head respectfully and the three of them left the den with Nala and Simba following. Now on the platform, they were met with Diana, Burnt Eboney, Vitani, Marisa and Kovu's five lionesses.

Upon seeing Balozi, Muuaji sprang up and Mkali and Siri followed.
"A ring necked spitting cobra! My lord be careful that thing is deadly!" Muuaji shouted and she Siri and Mkali ran forward. Balozi reared his head and hissed at the newcomers.

"Muuaji, Mkali, Siri, stand down now!" Kovu commanded. They stopped immediately and Balozi's head retracted.
"He is not an enemy but an ally, please stand down!" Kovu repeated.
"Yes my lord, our most sincere apologies," Muuaji said bowing. Kovu nodded and proceeded to walk past everyone with Kiara and Balozi.

"Shall we come as well my lord?" Nia asked Kovu.
Kovu turned and gave his consent.
"This concerns you five as well so yes follow me. We have much to discuss."

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