Chapter fifteen

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Sunset came fast that day. The pride had eaten and everyone took an early bedtime. The rainy season was fast approaching and soon, the nights would get chilly and wet, forcing the lions to retreat in the den and group together to stay warm.

Kovu and Kiara slept in the same corner they used to sleep in before things changed. Kiara was so happy to have Kovu back in her life, and it showed on everything she did.

Nala and Simba took their personal corners, the same for Diana and Burnt Eboney, Vitani and Kion, Hasari and Kuuma and Marisa and Andreas. Muuaji, Haraka, Nia, Siri and Mkali stayed in a corner away from the rest of the pride, they bundled up to preserve body heat.

Before long the pride was asleep. No one woke till dawn and everyone had a good sleep. The next morning at dawn, the pride woke up and Simba conducted morning assembly as usual. The royals walked down the aisle and the lionesses bowed.

Simba turned to face the pride and smiled widely. After last night he had made a decision to forget whatever had happened in the past and move on. Including what had happened with Kovu. He hadn't spoken his decision out loud yet, but he was preparing to.

"Good morning everyone. It's nice to see you are all well rested," he said cordially. "As we all know, we have some guests from yesterday, for those who don't know, Muuaji, Mkali, Nia, Siri and Haraka have come here yesterday and we have invited them to stay at Pride Rock."

There were slight murmurs as everyone took in the new information. Simba waited until they were silent before he continued.
"I would appreciate it if our guests are treated with all the respect and hospitality and they must feel comfortable in their stay with us."

Simba stopped for a minute and to Muuaji and her lionesses he added, "If you ladies have any questions or anything you need to clear up, feel free to come to me, Nala, Kiara or Kovu. And we would supply you with whatever you need during your stay with us." With this Simba dismissed the everyone and the pride dispersed.  

Andreas walked off the platform and Marisa followed. Kovu watched him through narrowed eyes. He didn't trust Andreas, especially with his sister. He would make it his business to keep an eye on him whenever he was with Marisa. If any harm came to her, Kovu would not spare him.

He sighed and went to find Kiara who had gone to speak with her father. He went into the den after greeting several lionesses and found Kiara sitting in a corner with her parents, Vitani, Kion and surprisingly Sarafina. Kovu hadn't seen Sarafina since he came back home and was pleased to see the older lioness in good health.

He stepped up and cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone there. "Hello Sarafina, it's nice to see you again" he asked sitting down. Sarafina smiled and gave Kovu an affectionate head butt.

"It's wonderful to see you Kovu,  how are you my dear?" she asked softly. Kovu observed Sarafina and saw that despite her age, she appeared to be in a good condition. Her fur was a bit ruffled and her bones looked frail and weak. Her eyes were paler and her face was slightly wrinkled.

"I'm fine thank you. You haven't changed a bit since the last time I saw you, you look fantastic," Kovu said sincerely. Sarafina laughed and pushed Kovu's shoulder.
"Why thank you. I can't say the same for you. My, my how have you grown. Your mane is so full and I can see you and my granddaughter are back together," she added teasingly.

Everyone laughed at this. When things were quiet once more, Kovu said to Kiara, "Babe we need to talk, can you come with me please?" Kiara blushed when he called her babe and nodded slightly.

Rising she and Kovu walked out of the den and down the steps. They waited until they were alone before Kovu dropped his friendly tone. "Kiara I want you to tell me everything you know about Andreas. Where did he come from, how long has he been Marisa's mate. I want to know... Everything," Kiara was taken slightly aback by his tone.

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