Chapter twenty eight

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Kovu looked at his wife in disbelief as she sat and conversed with the highly venomous snake  with not a care in the world not for its venom nor its obviously dangerous demeanor.

"Kiara please get away from the snake, it's dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt," Kovu pleaded with his wife in what he hoped was a convincing tone. Ignoring her husband's pleads, Kiara smiled at the snake and asked for its name once more.

To Kiara's and everyone else's surprise, the snake changed its defensive position and assumed a more comfortable one where it appeared more relaxed.
"My name is Balozi, I come from Usafi Falls to deliver a message to the king of the Pride Lands, where is he?" the snake whose name was Balozi asked.

Everyone made a path for Kovu to pass and he stood directly in front of Balozi a neutral expression on his face.
"I am the king of the Pride Lands, my name is Kovu, please relay your message whatever it may be," he said in a guarded voice.

The snake bowed  in respect to Kovu and when its  head was raised once more, a grave look was in its eyes.
"News of you near slaughtering Huzuni, his mate and lionesses has reached the  ears of my leader Kuishi. Word has spread that you are preparing to serve vengeance to Kisasi, Scar and his mate Zira for their crimes, my leader is impressed by your valiance," the snake said.

At this, Kovu stiffened and glanced around him and was dismayed to see that Simba, Nala, his parents, his sisters and Kion had heard every word and were now looking curiously at him.
"You are planning to exact vengeance on Kisasi, Scar and Zira?" Simba asked lowly.

Kovu clenched his teeth and turned to look away but Simba growled at him and stood directly in front of him, his stance challenging and his face angered. "I asked a question, I expect an answer! When you say you are wanting to exact revenge on Kisasi, Scar, and Zira what do you mean by that?!"

Kiara stepped up and prepared to intervene, but her father shot her a look which compelled her to back down. Even though she was Queen, there was a particular power her father held over her which would force her to submit whenever the need arose, this was one of those rare instances.

She glanced at her mate and saw that he was obviously struggling to retain from saying anything which would jeopardize the safety of the plan. She knew he didn't want to say anything and it showed in his rigid, unyielding posture. She had to do something!

So while Simba grilled Kovu, Kiara stepped away and her eyes roamed the ground to find something that would help her in her endeavour. She spied a sharp shard of rock and swiftly picked it up. Taking a  deep breath, she took the rock and pressed it into her paw as hard as possible and immediately drew blood. She cried out loudly, drawing the attention of everyone.

Kovu glanced at his mate's paw and saw a thick flow of blood protruding from her wound. He hurried over and held her paw in his own and inspected it.
"Baby are you okay? What happened, did you step on the rock by accident?" he asked frantically. Through her fake tears, she looked to her father and saw that his accusatory look had vanished and was replaced with one of concern.

Satisfied that everyone's attention was on her, she cried out again and collapsed on the ground, only to be caught by Kovu.
"Somebody call Rafiki! I think she cut an artery!" Kovu shouted urgently. Vitani disappeared with Kion to bring Rafiki while Kovu comforted his 'distraught' mate.

Kiara took Kovu's face in her other paw and their eyes met. Kiara smiled and gave a conspiratory wink.  Upon realising that her 'injury' was fake, Kovu's eyes widened as he gazed upon his mate's face.
"You hurt yourself on purpose didn't you," he whispered in her ear. She flushed scarlet and nodded slowly. Kovu shook his head and hugged her to him, being careful not to hurt her further.

"Rafiki is here," Vitani announced as she and Kion came running to the scene with Rafiki in tow. Everyone made a path for Rafiki to pass and he sat next to Kiara after sending a respectful nod to Kovu which he returned.
"Alright my Queen, time to inspect that paw," he said as he gently pried Kiara's paw from Kovu's.

Rafiki checked Kiara's paw and dabbed some herb paste on the wound to promote quick healing. He bandaged it with some leaves and secured it with a vine which would keep the makeshift bandage in place until the injury healed. Kiara sighed and Rafiki dropped her paw and stood up.
"My Queen please ensure that you stay off of your paw for at least two days, it is a very long gash and is dangerously close to your renal vein," Rafiki said.

Kovu thanked Rafiki and he  nodded kindly  and Kion escorted him back to his tree. Kovu then turned to Simba and Nala and asked them to follow him to the den. Realising that there was no putting it off any longer, Kovu decided to at least give them insight on what was going on, nothing confidential of course. Kiara, with help from Vitani, managed to get up Pride Rock and into the den.

"I'd like to speak to Simba and Nala in private, Mom, Dad, Vitani, Marisa, can you all please excuse us for a moment?" Kovu asked politely. Diana nodded and they left the platform, respecting Kovu's request, to which he was very grateful. When they were gone, Kovu motioned for his parents-in-law to follow him into the den where Kiara and Balozi were already waiting.

When they were comfortably seated, Kovu sat next to Kiara, whose head was rested on Kovu's shoulder and waited for her parents to get settled. When they were comfortable, Kovu took a deep breath and eyed his father-in-law.

"I can't give you all the information you desire, but I'll at least give you an explanation. But please be reminded that anything I say to you must NOT at any given time be repeated to anyone," Kovu warned.
Simba and Nala nodded and Kovu relaxed slightly.
"It all started three years ago when Kisasi, Scar and Zira took me the outlands."

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