Chapter twenty three

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Kovu and Kiara went back to Pride Rock, climbed the steps and stepped onto the platform where his parents and sisters sat around with Simba, Nala, Sarafina and Rafiki who had his staff in one hand and a large fruit in the other.

"Here they come Rafiki," said Nala as she and Simba came over to where Kiara and Kovu stood, smiles on their faces.
"Now that they're here, we can now conduct their wedding and coronation." Rafiki nodded and stepped up to Kiara and Kovu. Simba called the lionesses from the den and the back of Pride Rock and everyone gathered around, eager to witness the wedding and coronation of the new King and Queen. 

Muuaji, Mkali, Nia, Siri and Haraka stood on the left of Kiara and Kovu since Simba asked them to. They were silent as they watched Rafiki crack open the fruit and spread its juices across first Kiara's then Kovu's foreheads, delighted with the fact that once Kovu became King, they could initiate phase three.

It made them so happy to know that their three years of hard work, consistent training and sacrfices would pay off. Especially Muuaji. Kovu took her in when she was lost and broken, he fixed her, gave her a home and made her into something worthy of praise, worthy of a high position in the inner circle- his inner circle.

She would sacrifice herself for him, she would kill for him, she would do whatsoever he wanted without the slightest hesitation. Her loyalty was only to him. He saved her from herself and now she would return the favour tenfold. He deserved it. 

"We are gathered here to witness the wedding and coronation of princess Kiara and her mate Kovu. first the wedding and then the coronation wil take place. Now please be silent and bear witness to this auspicious, memorable moment," Rafiki said with a grand gesture with his staff.
The pride cheered for a brief moment before they settled down. Then Rafiki, with his staff in hand moved to stand in front of the future rulers of the Pride Lands.

He faced Kiara first and with a solemn voice said, "Do you take this lion to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love, to cherish, to protect and keep him? Do you promise to be faithful to him and seek no one else?  Do you promise to stay true to him, forsake all others and keep yourself for him alone?" 

Kiara glanced briefly at Kovu and back at Rafiki. "I do take this lion to be my husband. I promise to love, cherish, protect and keep him. To be faithful to him and seek no one else. I promise to stay true to him, forsake all others and keep myself for him only," Kiara said that last part strongly and with emphasis.

Upon hearing this, Kovu smirked at her seductively and she blushed. Rafiki didn't seem to notice this. He nodded solemnly to Kiara and moved on to Kovu. "Do you take this lioness to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love, to cherish, to protect and keep her? Do you promise to be faithful to her and seek no one else? Do you promise to stay true to her, forsake all others and keep yourself for her alone?" 

Kovu answered without a moment's hesitation. "I do take this lioness to be my wife. I promise to love, cherish, protect and keep her. To be faithful to her and seek no one else. I promise to stay true to her, forsake all others and keep myself for her only."

Rafiki smiled and picked up a passion fruit- the fruit which signified love and union, used in marriage and held utmost significance in ceremonies such as weddings. He broke open the passion fruit and held both pieces out to Kiara and Kovu. They accepted the passion fruit, ate it quickly and expressed their pleasure in the delicious fruit making Simba and Nala chuckle. 

"You may kiss the bride," Rafiki declared. Everyone was silent as they watched, wondering if Kovu was man enough to kiss Kiara in front of her father. Kovu smirked and moved in closer to his bride and placed his paw on her cheeks, his emerald green eyes stared into her amber ones.

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