Chapter forty six

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Three wildebeest were hunted, one for Freya, Hekima and their leopards, one for the leopards from Kurusha the other for Kovu, Kiara and the rest of them.
Rheeah, Penny Meela and Penny's cousins didn't speak much and the Ustawi leopards didn't answer much. After all, Kurusha leopards and Ustawi leopards weren't on the best of terms.

Freya didn't trust them, but Hekima decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.
After everyone had been satisfied, the Ustawi leopards left to go their separate ways while the Kurusha leopards excused themselves to rest in the guest chambers, where Simba, Nala Marisa, Muuaji, Mkali, Siri, Nia and Haraka would spend the night. Kiara and Kovu would sleep with Freya and Hekima since there wasn't much room for all of them.

Hekima had offered to keep Rheeah and her family with them in Ustawi, but Kovu insisted they would be better off with him.
"The Pride Lands doesn't have a whole lot of leopards, just a little under twenty," Kovu said.
"The Kurusha leopards may try to apprehend Rheeah and her family, to force then back into Kurusha. They'll be safe in the Pride Lands, under my rule."

"If that's what you want so be it. I support you completely," Hekima told him with a pat on his shoulder. Freya's twin daughters, Amia and Lucinda, two years old, were stumbling around their parents as the adults talked. They had seen Kovu before when they were first born and even after the time he spent separated from them, they still recognized him.
"Uncle Kovu who's the pretty lioness next to you?" Lucinda asked as she gazed up at Kiara, her sunflower yellow eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"This is Kiara Lucinda. She's my mate," Kovu said smiling down at her.
"What's a mate?" Amia climbed up on her father's back and peered at Kiara, looking at her up and down.
"Kiara is his wife honey. Like how your Mom is my wife? Kiara is Kovu's wife," Hekima explained.
"Her belly is looking a little fat, did she eat too much?" Lucinda asked.

"No sweetheart, she didn't eat too much. She's carrying a cub in her tummy. That's why," Freya said laughingly. Amia and Lucinda expressed interest in this particular fact and both of them moved to Kiara's side and poked her stomach with their paws.
"Cub? What cub? I'm not seeing any cub?" Amia said confusingly.
"The cub is inside her tummy that's why you can't see it," Hekima said.

"How'd it get there? Did she eat it?" Lucinda gasped, eyes wide and mouth dropping.
"Oh my gosh no I didn't eat the cub it isn't born yet," Kiara covered her mouth and laughed at the cubs' innocence.
"When will it be born?" Amia wanted to know.
"In five months sweetie," Freya laid on her side and rested her head on Hekima's back.

"Then when it's born will Uncle Kovu be a Daddy?" Lucinda asked excitedly.
"Yes I'll be a Daddy, and Kiara will be a Mommy," Kovu chuckled.
"What will you name the cub?" Amia inquired.
"We don't know, we haven't thought of a name. We don't even know if it's a boy or a girl," Kiara explained rubbing her stomach.

"So how will the cub get out? He has to come out from somewhere right? Will you spit him out?" Amis's question left everyone speechless. No one knew how to answer.
"Uhh okay it bedtime now, no more cub talk. Come on you two let's go," Freya said cheerfully as she desperately tried to divert their attention from that rather uncomfortable topic.

"Hekima it's late. They'll want to rest up from their long journey. Show them to the guest chambers? I'll put the girls to bed," Freya added as she picked up Amia and Lucinda and placed them on her back to carry them off to their personal chambers.
"That sound absolutely wonderful, keys go everyone, I can barely keep my eyes open," Nala said tiredly as she rose off the ground, Simba and Marisa following.

"My lord shouldn't someone be posted outside the cave tonight for security measures?" Muuaji inquired as they followed Freya and Hekima up the hill to the caves where they would stay.
"Ustawi is a very secure place Muuaji, there's no need to have anyone stay up all night watching," Hekima said in a  nonchalant voice.

"As if. No place is totally secure Hekima, in my pride I have to ensure patrols on the outskirts of the borders everyday. Despite the fact that I am well known for my heartless and stern mentality, that doesn't stop people from trying," Kovu stated.

"Yes that's true. Do you girls remember the time these lions trespassed into our land? They claimed to have 'lost their way'. Then they harassed the young females and tried to seduce them," Siri said.
"Yes, then our leader put them in their place. What a time to irritate him, he was in the middle of a very bad day," Mkali snickered.

"What happened to them?" Marisa asked hesitantly.
"He petrified them with his dangerous words and sent them on their way, they killed themselves the next day," Muuaji said carelessly.
"They were terrified to death!" Haraka and Siri  laughed.

"What did you tell them for that to happen?" Kiara  asked.
"If I told you, you'd have nightmares," Kovu said.
"Oh please, nothing you say will ever find me nightmares," Kiara scoffed.
"Ask nicely and I'll tell you. I'll whisper it in your ears and we'll see how you react," Kovu said softly as he licked Kiara's ear.

"Ooh I can't wait. Whenever you use that voice it means it's something exciting! It's so dark and enticing it sends shivers down my spine," Kiara giggled.
"The good kind or the bad kind," Kovu asked raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Both kinds. Hurry up and tell me," Kiara said sweetly.
Kovu stopped walking and whispered the exact same words he told those three lions to Kiara.
When he was finished he moved his head away and winked at her and they resumed walking.

"You... you're such a bad boy," Kiara said excitedly.
"Am I really? Aww thanks baby,  that's so sweet of you to say. I'll take it as a compliment," Kovu chuckled.
"Bad, bad, bad! You're so bad it's a shame!" Kiara laughed and nudged him playfully.
"Your majesty aren't you scared of the words he used?" Nia asked a little worriedly.

"Why should I be? Kovu is my husband, nothing he says or does will ever make me afraid of him, intimidated by him or change my love for him," Kiara said simply.
Then she gazed up at his gorgeous emerald green eyes and smiled lovingly.
"And no matter what happens, I'll always support you. You're the most important person in my life Kovu. I hope you know that."

"Of course I know that. I'll neither forget it nor will I take it for granted," Kovu said to her. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me baby. You do know that right?"
"Of course I do," Kiara whispered as she hugged him tightly, relishing his warmth, comfort and proximity offered by her love. Her very own bad boy.

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