Chapter nine

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Amber met emerald green. They stared at each other for several seconds, their eyes not breaking contact once. The silence lasted for a while, Kovu said nothing, Kiara said nothing; they just stared. Finally Kiara broke the silence. She took a couple steps forward and inhaled sharply, pleased to see her love, in the three years they had been separated, had not changed a bit.

"Kovu my love you're  here?" she stuttered unable to register the sight in front of her. "Where have you been all this time?" Kovu said nothing, but he averted his eyes and gazed into the horizon once more. 
"I missed you Kovu. For three years we were separated, not seeing each other separated from each other," she said softly.

Kovu heard what she said and looked back at her his expression neutral. Finally after some silence, he spoke.
"How've you been Kiara?"
That was it? After three years that's all he had to say? Kiara smiled and stepped closer. "I've been... holding on, just trying to live life the way my parents wanted me to live it. I've never stopped thinking of you Kovu," 

Kovu smiled and stepped closer to Kiara, his eyes never leaving hers. "I've missed you too. Everyday I've longed for the day when I would see you again and everyday I would think of you." Kiara blushed and smiled lovingly the lion in front of her. "Do you..Do you still love me?" she asked hesitantly.

Kovu frowned and in response to her question, he crushed his lips to hers. Kiara gasped and within seconds, she was kissing him back with all the will she had in her body. She put three years of pent up emotion into the kiss and it surprised her at how much force she kissed him with. Their breathing was  hard and laboured, their touches, intimate and the kiss itself, filled with passion and laced with want. Their tongues tangled as the kiss went on.

They separated for several seconds while they tried to catch their breaths, but it was no use. Kiara pressed her lips to Kovu's once more and they kissed until they felt as though their lungs were on fire. When the kiss ended, Kovu gazed at Kiara, his eyes dark with passion. His eyes travelled from her lips to her neck and before the next breath, he ran his tongue up and down her neck making her moan.

Kiara fell on her back and laid still while Kovu kissed her, caressed her and kissed her some more.
"Oh baby I've missed you so much," he whispered as he nipped her ear lovingly. "I've dreamed of the day I would see you again, so I could claim you, marry you, make love to you."

Kiara heard this and gasped, not because Kovu's tongue was teasing her body in the most seductive way, but because of what he said.
"Make love? You want to make love with me?" she asked although she already knew the answer. Kovu chuckled softly and sucked on Kiara's neck hard making her moan with pleasure.

When he was finished, her neck was red and most likely bruises would appear soon. Kiara couldn't care less. All she cared about was the fact that the love of her life was back and this time, she wasn't letting him go away from her. No matter what! Kovu was going to stay with her, they would get married, seize the throne and she would carry his beloved cubs, the notion made her smile.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked teasingly. looking at him, Kiara grinned and stroked his face with her tongue, she flicked it over his lips and he kissed her again. And again.
"I ask once more, what are you smiling about?" he murmured.
Kiara got up and laughed, Kovu loved the sound. So enchanting.
"I've been thinking about our future. We would get married, take our rightful place as King and Queen and I would carry your cubs. Our cubs."

Kovu chuckled and licked her face.
"I love it, except for one thing," he said. Kiara felt an instant's alarm and her heart raced. Had Kovu found someone else? Did he have a family of his own? Did he still want her as his mate? The thoughts encircled her brain and she felt tears sting her eyes.

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