Chapter eleven

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The sun had risen and the herds were grazing, the sky was a gorgeous shade of orange and the pride was sound asleep in the den. Kiara was awake and she was currently sitting on the peak of Pride Rock, watching into the savannah.

For the first time in three years, she was genuinely happy, her smile wasn't fake and the immense sadness she felt on a daily basis disappeared. Kovu was back home, he hadn't changed and she was no longer marrying Khan, whom she barely knew. A brisk breeze blew and ruffled her fur, she closed her eyes and sighed.

She was so engrossed in her pleasure, she barely noticed someone come out of the den and sit next to her.
"You haven't changed a bit, you know that?" a husky male voice whispered in her ear. She turned quickly around and saw Kovu smiling at her, his emerald green eyes bright and filled with an emotion Kiara couldn't quite identify, was it...lust?

She visibly shuddered when Kovu bent his head and kissed her neck, his lips caressing her in the most seductive manner.
"Mmm that feels so good," she said softly as she closed her eyes.
Kovu chuckled and nipped on her earlobe making her moan. After a few seconds, Kovu took his paw and placed it on Kiara's cheek and turned her to face him, his smile curving into a look of pure want and desperate need.

"I want you so damn much," he whispered lowly. She blushed and leaned in closer, Kovu did the same and within seconds, their lips connected. The kiss was slow, sensual, teasing but hard and rough at the same time. Kovu's tongue skimmed Kiara's teeth, asking for entrance which she granted willingly. Both their tongues tangled and Kiara's heart raced in ecstasy as the kiss went on.

When the it ended, Kiara sighed and rested her head on Kovu's shoulder and they watched the sky as the orange faded away and was replaced with a lovely blue.
The pride woke shortly after and assembly started immediately. Kovu walked down the middle of lionesses with Kiara at his side with Simba and Nala in front, Simba was quiet and reserved and Nala was smiling, mostly because she was happy for her daughter, regardless of the events that took place recently.

After their walk, Simba, Nala, Kovu and Kiara stood facing the pride.
"Good morning everyone, before I announce whatever I have to announce, I'd like to say one thing.  Kovu is now back in the Pride Lands and words cannot be used to express how thrilled I am to see him and Kiara together-again," he said with unexpectedly good cheer.

"Khan and Neema have left the Pride Lands and unfortunately, Khan refused to marry Kiara due to unexpected circumstances."
"Oh come on, you can't blame the guy for leaving. He can find someone else to marry, Kiara is taken," Kovu said looking at Simba. The older lion glared at him and Kovu winked. Kiara rolled her eyes and bumped Kovu's shoulder with her own.

"He's right Daddy, I am taken," she said sweetly. "And taking somebody else's mate is against the laws of the Pride Lands anyway. You can only do that if the person in question's mate is either dead, has left them forever or disowned them completely."
"Well said darling, well said," Kovu said smiling fondly at his love.

Simba groaned and declared morning assembly over and everyone dispersed. The hunting party went out into the savannah and Vitani was leading them.  Kovu saw his sister and went over to her. She was so absorbed in speaking to the lionesses, she didn't notice Kovu as he walked up to her, his steps silent.
"Look at you sis, leading the hunting party are you?" he said smiling.

Vitani jumped startled and turned around to glare at Kovu. "How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me? You nearly gave me a damn heart attack!" she hissed.
Kovu rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"I didn't sneak up on you, I walked up to you. You just didn't hear me, and you should've considering the amount of training you took as a cub," he said casually.

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