Chapter thirty six

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When Siri and Haraka came back with Umakini, Kimya, Ajabu and Timamu, it was well past dusk. They went directly to Pride Rock and onto the platform where Kovu was waiting with Kiara, Simba, Nala,  Vitani, Kion, Muuaji, Mkali and Nia. Siri and Haraka bowed to Kovu and Kiara and presented the other four.

Umakini, a male lion with a light brown fur and mane colour, grey eyes and had a bold  personality.
Kimya, a lioness with grey fur, violet eyes and a quiet, shy personality.
Ajabu, another male lion with golden fur, a sunset orange mane and dark brown eyes. Ajabu was quiet and easy going, but fierce when he had to be.
And lastly,  Timamu, she had brown fur, aqua blue eyes and she was level headed and keen.

All four lions stood in front of Kovu and Kiara, bowed once and raised their heads, intent looks on their faces.
"My lord you summoned us?" they said in unison.
"I am leaving at dawn for Kurusha and I am taking Muuaji, Mkali, Nia, Haraka and Siri with me along with my wife, my parents-in-law and my sister," Kovu said briskly. "You four will stay here and keep watch out for any of my enemies since no one in the pride knows them."

"Kurusha? You are going after Wazimu Kichaa and Hifadhi my lord?" Kimya inquired.
"I am, I already eliminated Kusudi, Alec, Maumivu, his sisters and his mate, so Wazimu, Kichaa and Hifadhi are next," Kovu said as he walked past them and went to stand on the peak of Pride Rock.
"And what of Andreas?" Ajabu chose his words well, not wanting to question Kovu too closely. "Has he been eliminated as well?"

"Andreas is probably at home, all alone, worrying about what I'll do to his brother. As far as he knows, Maumivu is my prisoner," Kovu replied with a self satisfied smirk.
"My lord, have you used Maumivu as leverage over Andreas so he could give you some sort of intel regarding Kisasi?" Timamu inquired.
"It was all part of the plan," Kovu walked back to where he previously was and stood in front of his four followers.

"I trust you four, I am leaving you here to keep watch and in a way, this is actually a test," Kovu said lowly. "A test to see if you can be trusted. We wouldn't want a repeat of what happened with Avery, would we? She betrayed me and payed a fatal price. I'd absolutely hate to have to make another example out of anyone."
" my lord. can trust us, we- I, I assure you...we won't betray you, none of us..  would," Kimya stuttered as she backed slowly away.

"Why are you backing away Kimya?" Kovu asked. "Are you afraid of me?"
"What? No.. no my lord. I..I'm not afraid of you," Although she tried to deny it, the nervousness in Kimya's voice was conspicuous.  
"You're stuttering. People don't stutter when they're speaking, unless they're afraid. So are you afraid?" Kovu asked again.

Kimya whimpered as Kovu advanced upon her, her eyes were closed and her head was bent low.
"Kovu leave her alone for Kings sake, can't you see you're intimidating her?" Kiara scolded as she stalked up to Kovu and tried to drag him away from the shaking lioness.

"It's what has to be done Kiara. Fear is the only reliable method to ensure stability and order in my pride. If I become docile like how I was before, all the respect, the obedience, the training and loyalty will fly out the window and if I am to succeed in my endeavour-"

Kovu stopped speaking and turned quickly around to look at his lions and lionesses, making all of them flinch slightly.
"Fear must constantly be present!"
"May we leave now my lord?" Ajabu asked meekly.
"The cave below Pride Rock, you four will stay down there for the night. At dawn, we're leaving for Kurusha, you will wake up and begin patrolling. My sister will advise you on what to do," Kovu said motioning to Vitani who stood beside Kion.

"Yes my lord," Umakini said for all of them. Kovu then dismissed them and they bowed one last time and retreated to the cave below Pride Rock.
"Everyone get some rest. We're leaving at dawn tomorrow," Kovu said bleakly as he walked past them and stood on the peak of Pride Rock, staring into the darkened savannah, a distant look in his emerald green eyes.

Everyone agreed and went into the den while Kiara stayed on the platform, watching her mate intently while he stood there, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Fear is the only reliable method to ensure stability?" Kiara asked as she went to stand next Kovu.
"Kiara you of all people should know what hell I've been through in the past three years, I did what I needed to do to survive. I found my pride when they were under that dictator's rule, I added a few more, I trained them in the art of war and I plotted my revenge," Kovu stated.

"Yes that's all well and good, but using fear to control people? That isn't right. I saw the look in Kimya's eyes when you simply walked up to her. Imagine how Avery must've felt when she knew for a fact you were coming to kill her," Kiara protested.
"If you didn't want her to  die, why didn't you say something? I would've listened to you," Kovu said turning to face Kiara.
"I don't know," Kiara said softly.

Kovu sighed and pulled Kiara close to him and kissed her tenderly on her forehead.
"I'm sorry Kiara, but I can't do this. I have to continue, I can't stop now, not when I'm so close to achieving my goals" Kovu said sadly.

"I know and I don't blame you. You went through purgatory in the three years we've been separated, deprived of my love and affection you were all alone. I'll support you in whatever it is you have to do, but please promise me that you'll try not to use fear in every situation, promise?"

Kovu kissed Kiara again and hugged her to him. "I promise," he whispered. Kiara sighed and hugged him back, loving the warmth, the proximity, the affection shared between them.
"We should get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow," Kovu said as he detached himself and walked into the den with Kiara at his side.

Once in the den, the couple walked to their personal corner and made themselves comfortable.
"Mmm. I love you Kovu," Kiara yawned and lovingly kissed her mate on his cheek.
"I love you too Kiara," Kovu whispered as he too kissed Kiara on her cheek and snuggled into her fur. She did the same and after some silence passed between them, the couple fell into a deep sleep.

Author's note:
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Next chapter will be up soon, thank you for the love and support, I really appreciate it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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