chapter fifty

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Upon hearing the punishment for his crime against Kovu and the of his pride, Jace's face paled. Memories of his sister's horrible execution cane back to him. He looked at Zaria and she looked back with tears in her eyes.
"You betrayed your king and your pride Jace. By double-crossing me and telling Kisasi of my plans, you have commited a serious crime, punishable by death," Kovu said coldly.

"And you Zaria kept the fact that you were mated to Jace from me.  If you loved him and wanted him as your mate, your place was to come to me and say so. But no. You went behind my back, sneaking around and seeing each other without my knowledge," Kovu added turning to the lioness. "Such felonies are not to be tolerated in my pride!"

"We made a terrible mistake my lord, please forgive us. We..we  acknowledge the fact that we should have come clean. Please...spare our lives!" Zaria cried out in despair.
"Yes my lord, we'll do anything, whatever you want us to do, well do without complaint. But please, spare our lives," have said with tears in his eyes as Zaria pressed up against him.
"Why should I?!" Kovu shouted.
"I'm..I'm.. pregnant," Zaria whispered softly.

Kovu's eyes widened and he looked from have to Zaria and then down at her stomach. He growled and walked to the edge of the cliff and looked out at the rising sun. Rage was burning in the centre of his being. Jace and Zaria betrayed him, Zaria was pregnant and to top it off, Kisasi was gone and he had no idea where he was.

Inhaling sharply he walked up to Jace and Zaria and glared at them, his emerald green eyes held hate and intense anger.
"Get out. I never want to see you both again. Not on my territory, not in the Pride Lands and not anywhere where I am. If I see you both again, either together or separated, I will kill you both! Pregnant or not! Am I clear?!" he yelled.

"Yes my lord," they said.
"Nia would you like to say goodbye to your brother before he leaves?" Kovu asked turning Nia, who was standing in the same spot, her eyes staring ahead, lifeless and dull.
"I have no brother my lord, I am an only child. My brother and my sister are both dead to me," Nia said monotonously.

"Very well then," Kovu said. Then he turned back to Jace and Zaria and added in a threatening voice,
"You both have until we leave Ustawi to get as far away from here as possible. If I see you, I won't hesitate to kill you. Now. Get. Out!"
Jace and Zaria nodded and bowed to Kovu one last time and turned and fled the territory.
"What are we going to do about Kisasi's pride my lord?" Muuaji asked.

"Since they have no such useful information on Kisasi's current whereabouts, I have no reason to keep them alive. Kill them all," Kovu said in a bored tone.
"FINALLY!" Siri and Mkali shouted ecstatically.
Kovu sighed loudly and walked away to the sound of roars of screams as his pride jumped Kisasi's lions and lionesses. Kiara, Nala, Simba and Marisa followed Kovu with Freya and Hekima.

"Baby, I'm sorry this had to happen, Jace and Zaria had no right to do what they did. I know this might'nt make it any better, but I'm sorry," Kiara said as she approached her mate and placed her head on his shoulder.
"Her pregnancy was the one thing stopping me from killing them," Kovu said lowly.
"What are you going to do now?" Freya asked. "Kisasi knows you're onto him. You've lost the element of surprise, do you have another plan?"

"I'm going to have to leave for Kukimbia immediately. I don't know where Kisasi is, and there's no point in looking for him. He's had a head start since last night, there's no way of knowing where the bastard is," Kovu said bitterly as he stared out into the horizon.
"Rheeah and her family, are they going with you? To Kukimbia I mean," Hekima inquired.
"I've decided to keep them here. You may have them Hekima, I have no interest in keeping them with me," Kovu stated.

"Are you sure?" Freya asked gently.
"Would I have said that if I weren't sure?" Kovu asked annoyed.
"I was just asking-"
"I don't care Freya! If you don't want them I'll just get rid of them! Simple!" Kovu shouted.
"She's trying to help Kovu, don't speak to her that way," Hekima reprimanded.
"I didn't ask you that Hekima! I'm sick and tired of people questioning me, doubting me, nagging me and giving me advice I didn't ask for!" Kovu said angrily.

"We're worried about you Kovu! That's why we do those things, we're worried! It's not called nagging, it's called caring," Marisa said.
"I don't need people caring for me Marisa! I've managed just fine in the past three years I've been away from home. I didn't have anyone looking out for me then, and I don't need people looking out for me now!"
With that being said, Kovu turned around and jumped down the rocks that would take him to the savannah, growling and swiping things out of his way as he ran.

Author's note: I'm sorry for the short chapter. But while writing this, I could barely see the letters in the keyboard. 😴😴😴

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