Chapter seven

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Kiara and Kion walked around the kingdom checking the borders and ensuring everything was in order, by the time they went back to  Pride Rock the sun was low in the sky. They mounted the steps and came onto the platform where their parents were speaking with Neema and Khan.

Kion looked at his sister and saw the dread rise up in her face. He smiled reassuringly at her and tried to put her at ease.
"It's okay, I won't let Dad tell you anything," he spoke softly to her so no one else could hear. She nodded and gave him a small smile, but there was a hint of uncertainty in her eyes as they approached their parents.

Simba stood up and the rest followed. "Kion, Kiara you're back. How was guard duty?" he  asked shortly. "Were there any problems, or anything out of the ordinary?" Kion flashed his father a smile and answered without hesitation.
"Nothing that was even remotely close to being troublesome. I had noticed some gazelles that were fighting over a female, a lost baby baboon and two crocs having a dispute; nothing out of the ordinary."

Before Simba could ask anymore, Vitani came bounding out of the den. She ran up to Kion and nuzzled him under his neck. "Kion you're back. I missed you so much," she said smiling brightly up at her mate.

"I missed you too Vitani," Kion said  licking her cheek lovingly. Kiara looked at them and smiled. "I'd never thought I'd see you like this Vitani, you're so much in love  I'm almost jealous," she said  teasingly.
Vitani blushed and shoved Kiara good naturally.
"Oh please Kiara just stop, you're embarrassing me,"

"Kiara I'd like to speak with you a moment please follow me," Simba interrupted the laughs and walked off the platform with Nala following. Kiara's smile moved off her face and was replaced with a frown.
"Please excuse me, it appears my parents are anxious to have a word with me," Kiara said politely to Neema and Khan.

They nodded at her and without another word, Kiara walked off the platform and followed her parents into the savannah. 
The family walked for several minutes in silence before Simba stopped and turned to face his daughter, a hard look in his eyes.
"This afternoon you and Kion left on 'guard duty' but I know for a fact that the 'guard duty' excuse was merely an excuse to get away from meeting Neema and Khan. Am I wrong?"

Kiara looked at her father and for a brief moment, she felt guilty for what she had done earlier. Then the guilt disappeared and was replaced with resentment. Resentment for the audacious act of forcing her to marry again, resentment for the blatant lack of respect for her wishes and resentment for the pain he put her through in the past.

"Please forgive me for saying this Father, but for once you're right. I did leave with an ulterior motive. I have no interest in starting a new life with Khan, nor in having him as my King and life partner. I certainly don't want him to father my cubs," she said stiffly.

"This afternoon after you and your brother left, Neema, your mother and I discussed your betrothal to Khan," Simba said to his grim faced daughter.
"We think it would be a good idea if you take a week to get to know each other before you are married and we will announce the news to the pride."
Ignoring her hurt expression, Simba plunged ahead with his speech.

"After a week is up, we will hold a ceremony here at Pride Rock and the both of you will take time to get used to each other." 
Since morning Kiara had been keeping her emotions bottled up inside. She'd kept her feeling to herself and had for three years, distanced herself from anything that came close to filling up the space Kovu had left vacant in her heart.

If her father had any intention of doing anything of the sort she would not stand for it, especially now when he had made plans for setting her up with some stranger. She would rather die than let it happen.
"I do not love Khan. I can never be happy with him and I never will be," she said bitterly. "Kovu is the one I love and I will not replace him for a complete stranger Father, it will never happen!"

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