Chapter five

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Kiara felt dread and apprehension rise up in her throat. Today was the day her father's friend Neema was coming to the Pride Lands to introduce her son Khan to Kiara. She didn't want a new mate, she didn't want a new life partner and she certainly didn't want a new lion to impregnate her with his cubs.

Kovu was the only lion whose cubs Kiara wanted to carry in her womb. She touched her flattened stomach and shuddered at the thought of her marrying Khan and being forced to carry his heirs. Thinking about it made her cringe, she would have to be dragged to her death before she let such an outrageous thing happen. 

She was so totally absorbed in her thoughts, she failed to hear someone behind her.
"I see you're up early princess, is something troubling you?" a  gentle male voice rang out. Kiara turned and saw Rafiki standing behind her, his staff in one hand and a fruit in the other.
"Good morning Rafiki," Kiara said wearily.

Walking up to the distraught lioness, Rafiki patted her shoulder, sat next to her and they watched the sunrise in silence. It was a lovely sight to watch, the sun casting its rays into the purplish African sky. If it weren't for the fact that she was unhappy with the way her life had turned out, Kiara would be watching the sunrise with awe. Mesmerized by its beauty. But for her, it was just another day she'd spend missing her beloved.

"You are missing Kovu, are you not princess?" he asked, his gaze not moving from the now orange sky. Kiara never really liked discussing her feelings about Kovu with anyone, but Rafiki was so kind to ask anyway, so she felt she had to at least answer his question.

"I've been missing him since the day he left," she quietly admitted. "Not one day goes by and he doesn't occupy my every thought. I feel as though a part of me is missing without him."
Rafiki very well understood the pain Kiara was going through. He of all people knew what grief and longing felt like. When Mufasa died, Rafiki had not only lost his king, but also his very good friend.

Sure Kovu's absence and the death of  Mufasa were two very different situations; but in a way they were still the same.
"I know what you are going through princess," Rafiki said kindly as he squeezed her shoulders. "But I promise you, this grief will pass. It may never go away, but it will gradually decrease with time, trust me."

And those were the final words of advice Rafiki had given to Kiara before he turned and went back to his tree. Kiara put what the wise old monkey said into consideration and realized he was right about the grief. It mightn't go away but it could decrease with time. Now Kiara felt better she had confided in Rafiki. He didn't tell her to forget Kovu; unlike the ones who did, Rafiki didn't try to rip what was most precious away from her.

She thought back to what her parents had said and a bitter smile formed on her lips.
"If Mother and Father thinks I'm just going to forget Kovu and marry Khan they are sadly mistaken," she said to herself. Rising to her feet, Kiara turned and went down the steps that led into the savannah.

"Does anyone know where Kiara is?" Simba half roared. It was several hours past noon and Kiara hadn't shown up, neither for morning assembly nor for breakfast. Neema and Khan were supposed to come any minute and Kiara was nowhere to be seen. Nala was worried that  something may have happened to her daughter and voiced her concerns to Simba who shrugged it off half-heartedly.

"Nonsense Nala. She's probably crying in a cave over Kovu or something," he said harshly. Nala was unconvinced and had sent Vitani and Marisa out to look for Kiara wherever she was.
"Make sure she's okay first, and then tell her Simba is looking for her," Nala told them. 

"Dad where's Kiara?" Kion asked appearing at his father's side. Simba turned to look his son, mixed emotions on his face. Worry for his daughter, anxiety to see his friend (the good kind) and anger for his daughter's incompetence. "Your mother has just sent Vitani and Marisa to look for her," Simba informed his son. 

"Listen Dad, I know you mightn't approve me saying this, but don't you think you're being too hasty in fixing Kiara's alliance with Khan? i mean she doesn't even know him," Kion said to his father. Simba looked at Kion's face and then resumed his previous position; gazing out into the savannah from the peak of Pride Rock.

"I am not being hasty, I am being reasonable and decisive. Kovu has been gone for three years and Kiara had been mourning for him. I let her grieve to her heart's content, but now it is time she settled in, got a mate and stepped up as queen," 

"I understand that Dad but you can't really blame her. Kovu left because Scar had Kiara in a dangerous position, he was trying to protect her. I wasn't there, but I do know that Kovu had done a noble deed that must be highly commended," Kion insisted.

Simba wasn't belittling what Kovu had done and making it seem insignificant. He was simply trying to get his daughter to move on and not dwell on the past, but to look to the future. Before he could say more, Zazu flew over and landed on a rock beside Simba. "Your majesty, master Kion," the bird greeted.

"Yes  Zazu, is something wrong?" Simba asked. "No sire, nothing is amiss. I have come to inform you that Neema and her son are here. When I was flying over the Northern border, I saw them coming in the direction of Pride Rock," Zazu said efficiently.

Simba growled softly. "Have you seen Kiara?" he asked trying his best not to sound angry. Before Zazu could answer, Kiara appeared at the top of the steps. Her eyes were blazing and her form was rigid and unyielding. Behind her stood Vitani, Marisa and Andreas.

Simba strode up to his daughter and glared at her. "Where. Have. You. Been?" he asked this in a slow manner, not bothering to conceal his obvious disapproval. Kiara scoffed and prepared to brush past her father but he stepped in front of her, blocking her path. Vitani, Marisa and Andreas looked uncomfortable as father and daughter faced each other off. Kion watched from behind and looked at his father in obvious displeasure. 

"You are lucky Neema and Khan aren't here yet. Zazu reported their location at the Northern border and it appears they have just arrived in our territory," Simba said lowly. Kiara smirked and looked at her father.
"Well that's great Daddy, they've come to pay their respects to you, isn't that just wonderful?" she drawled sarcastically.

"Cut out that attitude Kiara. You are not to be rude when Khan and Neema comes here, you are are to respect them and when Neema presents the engagement I expect you to carry yours in the way which it is expected of you," Simba said sternly.
"I can't believe you'll do this to me. You're practically selling me off. Now if you'll excuse me, I wish to be alone." Once more Kiara attempted to leave and once again, Simba intercepted her.

"You will stay right here and greet our guests properly or so help me I will publicly embarrass you in front of the entire pride. Do I make myself clear?" Simba asked fiercely. Kiara growled and reluctantly succomed to her father's orders. Nala came out of the den followed by the rest of the pride. Now with the entire pride present, Neema and Khan could meet everyone at once.  

Several minutes later, they were heard on the steps. Nala stood next to Simba, Diana stood next to Burnt Eboney, Vitani stood next to Kion and Marisa stood next to Andreas. Kiara was offered a spot next to her parents, but she rejected it.
"I'd rather sit alone," she snapped bitterly. "It seems that's the ways it's been since Kovu left, so what's the point of changing things now," she said loud enough for everyone, including her parents to hear. 

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