Chapter thirty one

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"All of you have exactly ten seconds to get out of here before I order my lionesses to attack. And trust me, if they do, it won't be pretty," Kovu said coldly to Maumivu, Kusudi, Alec and Andreas as they stood in a line in front of Kovu, their malicious grins intact as they took absolute delight in provoking the dark maned lion.

"But Kovu we just got here, how can you expect us to leave already?" Kusudi asked laughing wickedly.
"She's right Kovu. Introduce us to your family, take us on a tour of your kingdom, allow us to get acquainted with your mate," Maumivu added in a malicious tone.
"And by the way I would like to have my mate back thank you very much. Marisa and I are meant for each other, give her back to me," Andreas demanded.

"I am yours no  longer Andreas. You tried to turn me against my family and tried to forcefully mate with me against my will," Marisa said aggressively.
"Now now darling, is that any way to talk to your mate?" Andreas taunted.
"She is not yours!" Vitani shouted stepping forward.
"You commited crimes of betrayal, deception and treason against the Pride Lands and the royal family, you have no right to step paw on these lands, get out!"

"I hate repeating myself. Get out  of here and do not come back," Kovu said coldly.
"Why should we? We came so far and you're turning us away without giving us what we came for?" Alec inquired sarcastically.
"Last chance," Kovu warned again.

"Make us," Maumivu said with a smirk.  Then Kovu smiled and stepped forward.
"Kiara take a seat next to your  parents, Vitani and Marisa take a seat next to our parents," Kovu instructed. Following his instructions without hesitation, Kiara, Vitani and Marisa went to sit  next to their parents. 

"Let's play a game shall we? It's called hit-and-run. My five lionesses shall line up and five of your lions Maumivu, will fight them accordingly. You and I, as the leaders shall stay on the sidelines and watch. Sounds good?" Kovu asked in a friendly tone.
"A game? Are you really asking me to play a game? Don't be absurd, games are for cubs in case you forgot," Maumivu said rolling his eyes.

"Aww are you scared to play? Aren't your pathetic henchmen competent enough to play a little game? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Twas a shame, isn't it ladies?" Kovu said in a taunting voice.
"Hmmm I agree my lord, only cowards refuse to do things such as these. They're afraid that their precious ego will get damaged," Muuaji laughed.

"Oh yes my lord, even my little cousin doesn't shrink away from challenges. But these lions? Hah! Losers," Haraka said with a smirk.
"C-O-W-A-R-D-S! What's that spell? COWARDS! What's that spell? COWARDS! What's that spell? COWARDS!" Siri said with a laugh.
"Oh they're hardly cowards, more like wimps," Mkali snickered.

"Enough! Alright Kovu, you wanna play a game? Let's play the  game. What are the rules?" Andreas asked through clenched teeth. Kovu smirked and stepped closer to them.
"The rules are simple. One of your lions will battle one of mine, and whoever has the most wins, the loser will have to fulfill whatever demand the winning team has. Simple is it not?" Kovu asked.

"Hah, the rules are so simple we could beat you in three, two one. Fine we'll play," Maumivu consented.
"Wait, you didn't ask what determines the win,"Kusudi interjected.
"Oh yes, you're right. So what does determine the win Kovu?" Maumivu inquired.
"Why we fight to the death of course," Kovu said with a laugh.

Silence followed this. To the death? Kovu would make his lionesses fight to the death?
Kiara stepped up to her mate and rested her head on his shoulder so her lips met with his ear.
"What are you doing? To the death? Are you sure about this baby?" she whispered.

"Positively sure. I know what I'm doing love, don't worry," Kovu whispered back.
"Just promise me you won't put their lives at risk. Or yours. Promise?" Kiara asked squeezing him slightly.
"I promise my darling," he said nuzzling her slightly.
Satisfied with his answer, Kiara planted a wet kiss on his lips, much to everyone's surprise and walked off after sending a wink to their audience.

"So are you ready to play?" Kovu asked sweetly as though nothing had happened.
"Yes we are ready to play," Andreas replied in a nervous voice. Although he was fearless and confident in his position, whenever Kovu spoke in that tone of voice, it made him uneasy. And he was sure he wasn't the only one.

"Muuaji, Mkali, Siri, Nia and Haraka, line up," Kovu commanded.
The five lionesses had lined up and were facing Kusudi, Alec and Maumivu's three lionesses,  Marsha and Kesha his sisters and Shivaria his mate. Kovu stood with Kiara and Maumivu stood with Andreas at the side of their respective teams.
"Choose your opponents," Kovu called out.

"I choose Kusudi," Nia said quickly, immediately drawing everyone's attention onto her.
"Nia may I ask why you chose Kusudi as your opponent?" Kovu inquired.
"She manipulated my sister and had her killed," Nia said with a low growl. Kovu nodded his head, understanding Nia's decision.

"I choose Haraka," Alec said.
"Why do you chose her?" Maumivu asked.
"She's pretty. I want a chance to brawl with her," Alec replied sending a smirk at Haraka.
And then the others chose their opponents.
Muuaji chose Shivaria, Mkali chose Kesha and Siri chose Marsha. All equally matched except for Nia, the first match began. Mkali Vs Kesha.

"Show no mercy!" Maumivu yelled from his place.
"Remember your training Mkali, fight well and be careful," Kovu said calmly.
After the lionesses circled each other thrice, Kesha lunged at Mkali first. But Mkali anticipated such a move and ducked, allowing Kesha to go sailing over her head and have a head-on collision with a boulder.

Reeling from the impact, Kesha stumbled around, disoriented and with a slight concoction. It was just what Mkali wanted. Lunging at the lioness, mki grabbed her by her shoulders and pinned her to the ground and squeezed her neck with her claws, making Kesha cough and gasp violently.
"Push her off for crying out loud!" Maumivu shouted. 

Kesha tried to pry Mkali's claws from her neck but the lack oxygen was making her dizzy.
"What's wrong? Feeling your life slipping away?" Mkali whispered harshly in her ear. Kesha then began to choke on her own blood since Mkali had her claws deep inside her neck and was squeezing her jugular vein with no intention of letting go until she was no more. 

Coughing one last time, Kesha swallowed hard and her body went limp, she was dead. Victorious, Mkali chuckled darkly and moved to stand in front of Kovu and Kiara and bowed.
"Way to go Mkali!" Siri cheered.
"Awesome Mkali!" Nia shouted gleefully.
Kovu smirked at Maumivu and the other lion growled lowly, infuriated with the loss of his sister.

"Round two, Nia Vs Kusudi," Kovu announced.
Tense slence followed this. Would Kusudi win? Or Nia? Only time would tell. Someone  had to die, the question was who. 

Author's note: so sorry to cut the chapter short, I'm not feeling so well and my  inspiration is running low. So sorry but I will update A New Life sometime tomorrow.
Happy holidays 🎆🎆🎆

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