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Three Years Later

"Are you sure?" Keefe stared tentatively, Now Keefe had faced horrors of every kind, including having to cope with the guilt of killing his mother. So you can imagine how much of a surprise it was for Sophie when his son was the one thing to shake his confidence in his ability to deal with his fear.

"You're not going to drop him, I promise." Sophie coaxed from the bed, still looking absolutely exhausted, the birth had been hard on her, it seems she did not inherit the elven trait of a painless birth from her genetic parents. Edaline and Della had stayed by her side and though they had no experience in the pain of a human childbirth the comfort they offered as experienced mothers gave Sophie calm. Grady and Keefe had stayed just outside the door pacing and eager to meet their son and grandson.

"I don't know Sophie, now that he's here I feel like I'm going to be a failure at being a father, I mean you've seen my role model and my father was never much of a natural by way of parenting." He fidgeted with his hands staring down at the little bundle all wrapped up in a sunshine yellow blanket with his first stuffed animal sitting on his mother's leg beside him, a shiny green-blue scaled Eckodon called Finley, Sophie sighed and looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms,

"Your daddy's scared of you little one." She said in a sing-song voice, smiling her radiant smile despite her aching body.

" I'm not scared!" He protested, though when Sophie shifted over to give him room on the bed he gulped though to his credit he took a step forward and gradually sat down on the bed, carefully swinging his legs up to sit beside her. He snuggled up next to her, careful not to hurt her but he peered over her arm just enough to catch a glimpse of the child, round pink cheeks, five fingers, and two eyes, a perfect baby.

"Come on now." Sophie coaxed and gently shifted the baby to set in his arms, Keefe tensed slightly but as soon as he glimpsed his son fully he relaxed his instincts kicking in, suddenly his mind screamed at him and he knew, he would protect this child to the day he died, no matter what and as he looked to Sophie he knew he would do a far better job of raising this child than his parents could ever have dreamt of doing with him.

"Can I meet my Grandson now?!" Grady called from outside, Edaline and Della had left to allow Keefe time to see his son but it appeared as if Grady was much too impatient to wait for Keefe to shake off his apprehension. Still in awe of the baby in his arms and of the amazing woman beside him, Keefe just stared but Sophie looked up and smiled,

"Of course Dad, you guys can come in." She called softly and almost immediately the door opened as Della, Edaline and a wide-eyed Grady entered the room. Their other friends and family had stayed home not wanting to overwhelm the two new parents.

"He's beautiful Sophie!" Della chirped looking at the baby fondly.

"Have you got a name picked out?" Grady asked with a smile as Keefe transferred the child to his arms.

"His name is Jasper." Sophie smiled then in one of her many languages, she spoke softly under her breath
"mon petit trésor." It was a few minutes after and Grady Della and Edaline had left the two parents to their joy with their child though Della and Edaline assured Sophie if she needed any help they'd always be there. Though not even ten minutes after they were told they had to leave, many babies were being born after the war and the birthing center just couldn't keep up with all the babies, although it wasn't even that many only a small increase in the average birth rate, but any increase was huge to the elven population and the center just didn't have enough people to assist. Keefe scowled at the men as he told them to leave,

"She's only just given birth! Some people've been here hours before we arrived and they are still here!" He protested but the man just scowled back.

"It's fine Keefe I'm sure I'm well enough to light leap." Sophie jumped in sitting up quickly and staring at the man though she couldn't have looked that threatening as she was half-hidden behind her husband and as pale as the sheets.

"Nothing I can do about it." The man shrugged and Keefe turned practically seething with anger as the emerald tendrils of his inflicting got away from him, immediately to spare everyone on the same floor his anger she stretched her own crimson energy to meet his and inflicted all the love she felt as she gazed upon him and their son.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry Sophie it's just... just I know why they're making us leave. They still don't trust us after what happened during the war!" His tone was sharp and clipped though barely above a whisper to ensure he didn't wake Jasper.

"People are always going to have their opinions about us and maybe that opinion will be bad but we're got an entire network of family and friends who adore us! I'm sure we'll be okay without the birthing center administrative people liking us," she replied with a smile, and now her lightheartedness lifted his mood significantly.

"Come on then, let's go home, home is much better than this place anyway." He mumbled as he helped Sophie to her feet, she shuffled a few steps and bent to pick Jasper up out of the bassinet and a few more to try to lift the bag full of stuff they brought with them but she didn't get far as Keefe swooped down and picked up everything at one,

"Nope, uh uh Sophie Foster! You carried him for nine months, the least I can do is carry the bags." She laughed and conceded allowing him to lead her to the Leapmaster knowing their lives were forever changed, for the better.

Back at home, they were greeted by their friends and family, it seemed eerily still as they realized nothing would ever be the same for the two of them ever again, but this time there was no Neverseen, none of the death and gore of war, no. What resides in that house was as pure as a newborn child, love, love as powerful and limitless as the vast oceans. Because in the end what were the Keepers of the Lost Cities but fragments of themselves knocked down by the world but rising together as one, and now the Legacy of the Keepers will go on for another generation. Sure there would always be prejudice against what happened to them during times of trouble but why should that stop them? Surely they can beat whatever comes their way. Surely they shall inspire vast generations to come.

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