Chapter 9

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Sophie anxiously awaited the inevitable meeting with Lady Gisela, clenching the side of her cot until her knuckles turned white. The siren had stopped so she hoped that meant they had gotten Keefe out. Her head shot up when the door to her room opened slowly, her muscles tended anxiously but it was only Echo. He silently hade his way over and sat next to her on the bed.
"You're friends escaped, none of them were hurt and they dealt quite a blow to our numbers." He said, and he almost sounded amused by that fact. Sophie swore he could be smiling but with the constant shadow and the deep cowled hood.
"Why do you care about me?" She asked incredulously, looking down at her lap.
"Because I don't care about the Neverseen." He replied simply, now that got her attention. He sighed and continued, "The Neverseen need shades, a particularly rare ability. I don't want to be here but..." he trailed off looking down at his hands.
"They have someone you love." She finished for him. He nodded vigorously,
"Her name's Eden, she's a guster and the prettiest elf you've ever seen." He sighed, "You remind me of her, your spirit. It's uncanny." Tentatively he pushed his hood back, and surprisingly his hair was rather long a bit like Keefe's in a way though with more wave it was rich brown, he was rather tanned, compared to the other shades she had met, his skin a light olive. His eyes were royal blue, very striking though not as much so as Keefe's.
"Is Echo your real name?" She asked looking up at him, he was a good foot taller than her even sitting down.
"No, my name is Zephyr." He replied holding his hand out to her. With a small smile she took it, shaking it slowly.
"How much trouble am I in Zephyr?" Sophie asked, releasing his hand.
"Oh they're furious, but I don't think it will be too bad they would need you uninjured. And you can call me Zeph." He replied shrugging.
"Zeph." She tried out the name. This was strange, making friends with someone in the Neverseen! Fitz, Dex and Tam would all be yelling at her so much right now if they could see what she was doing. Biana and Linh would try to understand and be friendly and Keefe would keep his distance maybe crack a few jokes, secretly he might disapprove but he would have the good sense to keep it to himself. Long into the night Sophie and Zeph talked, sharing experiences and talking about their experiences with the Neverseen. Despite what she knew her friends reactions to this budding friendship would be she didn't really care, if she was going to be stuck here she couldn't hate everything no matter how much she might want to. Eventually their conversation ended and she was left alone in her cell staring up at the ceiling.
"I miss you Keefe." She murmured against the pillow, burrowing down in the blankets.

"Wake up!" A shrill voice yelled startling Sophie to wakefulness, her eyes shot open to Lady Gisela stomping across the cell. Immediately she shot up out of the bed awaiting what ever torture Gisela had planned, and as she predicted she received a well aimed smack across the face for her actions the day before. "My son is gone! And I have a very good idea who is behind that." She yelled pacing back and forth in front of Sophie.
"Plans have been set back, but you Moonlark, our plans for you have just shot forward in time. You will be going on missions, whatever we say. Whatever we want you to do, you will comply without question." Gisela had viscous smile on her face, nothing like the easygoing smirk her son often had.
"And why, would I ever help you! Let me remind you that you have nothing anymore, nothing to threaten me with." Sophie had a smile of her own now, she feeling the sickly sweet emotion of triumph. Instead of looking defeated or even mad Gisela laughed a cold hearted chuckle, that wiped Sophie triumphant smile right off her face.
"I don't think Amy would agree." Gisela replied coldly. "At any point in time where I find your behavior unsatisfactory or you put even a toe out of line, your sister will find herself in the receiving end of a melder so that is why you are going to comply to my wishes." She spat, a wily grin spread across Gisela's face, she stepped back and all at once two black robes figures entered the room. One holding a sickly sweet smelling cloth, sedatives. Before Sophie could even move the cloth was over her mouth and nose, she struggled but her hands were restrained by the other figure. Her vision became hazy, her movements jerky and slow until once again she fell to the ground only this time the familiar pair of ice blue ones did not fill her mind when she was lost to the darkness.

Guys 200 reads! I'm so excited 😆 I love you're guys' comments they are like the highlight of my day. I'm trying to update every day and I might even add some more bonus chapter like the last one if I have time.

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