Chapter 4

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Hey guys I hope you are liking the story, I would love it if you guys commented below anything you guys want to happen in the story if I like the idea I might follow that storyline and shout out my favorite in the story! Thanks, and now on to what you guys really want to hear about... the story!!

Fitz point of view

"Where are they!" Fitz yelled in frustration, they had been with them not ten minutes ago but now? No Keefe, and no Sophie. Linh took her Fitz arm reassuringly
"We'll find them." She promised, her silver-blue eyes boring holes into his teal ones. She coughed embarrassedly and removed her arm, her face flushing a deep red. Going back to looking they scoured the area but still found nothing, not so much as a footprint. Alden, Linh and Fitz has stuck together in a group while Tam, Dex and Biana went off to search a nearby grove of trees. Fitz head shot up from the ground when he heard faint crying, the other group came over the hill and he spotted Biana leaning on Dex as they walked bawling her eyes out.
"What happened?" Fitz asked taking his sister in his arms in a reassuring hug, over her shoulder she watched Dex open his had to show two syringes and a Neverseen pin. Hearing his sharp intake of breath Biana only began to sob louder, his sister rarely cried and on top of that she rarely ugly cried but this was full on gasping for breath between each sob. 
Staring at the silver pin everyone there took a silent vow that no matter the cost Sophie and Keefe would come home.

Sophie's point of view

She was lying on a cold metal table that much she knew from the cold hard surface, she was bound by thick leather straps going over her chest, ankles and wrists. Slowly opening her eyes she was met with a glaring overhead light but the rest of the room was shrouded in darkness.
"Ke- Keefe!" Her voice was hoarse and weak and she was so so thirsty. She felt like she had been run over with a train. Twice. There was no response to her question and really she hadn't been expecting one, keeping Keefe and Sophie together would have been a disaster waiting to happen on any front. Suddenly a sharp whining noise that she assumed was a door pulled her from her thoughts.
"Hello Moonlark." A voice called from the shadows, the place where the voice came from seemed to be darker that the other corners and the voice sent icy shivers up her spine. The shade. Sophie looked straight up not wanting to look around out of fear of anything else unexpected happening.
"I want you to tell me a little bit about the Black Swan." The voice echoed through the room still as icy as ever but the words actually made Sophie smile in disgust and disdain.
"You want me to sell out my family and friends?!" She laughed out loud, the request really was quite funny. This shade was stupid to believe she was getting anything usable out of her, she had another thing coming
"I didn't think you would make this easy." The shade said with a deep sigh pushing a strange contraption with a dark screen over Sophie's head. The screen flickered to life and she could clearly see Keefe laying on a table similar to the one she was on. Another Neverseen never hovered over him the same way the shade did to her. She had an idea of what was going to happen.
"Please don't," Sophie pleases thrashing in her bonds as white lightning shot out of the Neverseen members hand, a charger the same ability as councilor Zarina. The stream of electricity shot straight at Keefe. She saw him writhe in pain and though despite the pain it seemed he wouldn't give them the satisfaction of screaming. She choked back tears at the sight of him, his usually artfully missed hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat but despite the obvious pain he was in his mouth moved in one word over and over, saying it as reverently as a prayer. Sophie. Sophie, Sophie. Eventually the electricity stopped and the shade repeated the question but Sophie couldn't answer, she was sobbing by now b it she couldn't bear to take her eye off of Keefe as he repeated her name over and over.
"I'll take that as a no then." The Shade said and the Charger readied their hands again, provoking a fresh stream of tears from Sophie. It seems they upped the voltage because this time she saw his mouth open in a silent scream.
"Stop please! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" She screamed and sobbed, thrashing against the bonds even more violently. The charger stopped again  and this time Sophie didn't hesitate, she didn't even wait for the question to be asked.
"I'll tell you whatever you want to know, but I want to see him." She said her voice breaking as her eyes were drawn back to the screen. Keefe chest rise in shallow fast breaths, he was covered in sweat and he looked exhausted, not at all like the boy she knew. The shade plastered on a sickly sweet smile and just said,

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