Chapter 46

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Sophie rushed forward through the flames though her outfit protected her a bit she could still feel the searing heat. She dove behind another snow bank and turned just in time to see Keefe haul himself onto the ridge above. Click, flames. It was a pattern, maybe she could run forward just after the spray of flames but before the click? No, that would give Fintan a chance to just blast her to ashes with flames, all he had to do was move his wrist and he'd be fully powered up. She risked a look from her hiding place just to get a new wave of heat enveloping her face, the actual flames hit her shoulder knocking her back into the snow, she rolled through the moist ground until the flames were out but she now had a massive hole in the fabric on her shoulder.
"Are you alright?!" Keefe yelled from somewhere above her, his voice was filled with concern.
"Yes!" She called back as she pulled out the smaller of her two swords.
"This will be a great story to tell our kids one day!" She chirped sarcastically,
"Did you just admit to wanting to have my babies?" He yelled back and she could practically see the smirk on his face right then and there.
"Oh get over yourself idiot!" She dared another look and saw Fintan had stopped his onslaught of flames and was approaching her hiding place.
"You disappoint me daughter! You could do so much by my side!" He called and she rolled her eyes at the typical villain spiel, he was approaching quickly only now did she see the flash of silver in his hand, a broadsword. Just as he was nearing her she jumped up and slashed her sword down, only to be blocked by his blade, Fintan was surprisingly strong! His blade didn't even move and the impact made her teeth vibrate. With a hiss he unlocked their swords and she attacked again with the same result, before she attacked again a light this from behind Fintan told her Keefe had jumped down from his perch. Her father turned, blocking Keefe's blade and dodging hers at the same time, they battled ferociously and just when they started to get the upper hand a spray of flames would spurt forward and one of them would be hidden behind a wall of flames. At the moment Sophie stalked back and forth, waiting for a chance to jump through again but by the time the flames died down she saw Keefe dangling off the side of the mountain holding on to the slick black rocks for dear life.
"Keefe!" She rushed forward, sliding on her stomach to reach for Keefe's hand, Fintan observed her quietly, it drove her mad the way he just watched her as if she was some kind of test. She had her hands firmly wrapped around Keefe's wrist as she tried to haul him up. Eventually she pulled him back up, with a little help from her telekinesis, exhausted Keefe fell on top of her as he was finally on solid ground but Sophie wasn't done yet. She stumbled to her feet
"You can barely fight me together, Sophie you can't overpower me alone." He chuckled.
"I'm not planning on overpowering you." She replied as she walked backwards towards the edge.
"Sophie...?" Keefe said warily as she continued  walking back until her foot met open air and she simply stepped off the side.
"Sophie!" Keefe yelled looking over the side and watching her fall, she just winked and opened a rift.
"Ha! Maybe she's more like me than I though, self preservation is always better than saving the lives of others." Fintan nodded happily but his grin was wiped off his face as a huge bang! Sounded a few meters above him and Sophie came tumbling out of the void she righted herself just as she tackled him to the ground, her dagger worked under the bracelet and snapped it to the ground just as they both landed with a thump. Defenseless Fintan watched the dagger hover by his throat, from the determined grimace he knew what Sophie intended to do but she still hesitated.
"You can't do it can you? As much as you hate me, you can't help feeling something because you know we are alike. You won't kill me." He said confidently.
"You're right, I won't kill you, I'm not a monster." She flipped the dagger back from a slicing position into a stabbing one and plunged it into his shoulder.
"But I'm not a saint either."

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