Chapter 49

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Biana, Linh, and Marella grinned widely as they selected games to play at the bachelorette party, they hadn't necessarily known what a bachelorette party was but as soon as Sophie explained it they were all over it. The party was going to be at Havenfield, girls on the top floor and boys down below doing whatever it was guys did at bachelor parties.

Sophie had a sash around her, not unlike one a girl scout would wear. Biana had specifically made sashes for all of them. Sophie's sash was black with silver curly lettering embroidered in reading Bride, while the other three girls had silver sashes with black lettering reading bridesmaids. Sophie hadn't selected a maid of Honor, she felt like it was raising one of her friends up on a higher pedestal than the others plus she really didn't want to hear any arguing.
"Ok so are we starting with Truth or Dare or the pillow fight?" Biana asked from her seat at the foot of the bed, her legs dangling off the side, clutching her hot pink clipboard and teal glitter pen. Sophie tentatively grabbed a pillow and scooched forward before slamming it over Biana's head, despite tensing up Biana didn't really move before tentatively setting aside her glitter pen her mouth was set in a firm line as she grabbed a pillow and slowly turned to Sophie.
"Ah ah, You can't attack me I'm the bride! You could break my nose or something and then my face wouldn't look good and...and that would be just awful, wouldn't it?" Sophie protested her arms raised in defense as Biana advanced.
"It's fine you're tough." Biana as she slammed the pillow into Sophie's face, Linh and Marella quickly joined in, pummeling each other with pillows was probably more fun than it should have been but eventually, they tired and laid out on the bed as feathers lazily drifted to the floor.

"Damn!" Tam yelled as his shoe once again landed on the 'go to jail' square on the monopoly board. Keefe laughed historically as Tam angrily moved his piece into the box.
Keefe had bought up most of the properties and put an outrageous amount of hotels on the board so none of the other players had much money while he had so much he sometimes confused it for the bank. Fitz had a lowly twelve dollars, all in one's and he hung his head in defeat as he landed on the most highly taxed square in the stretch of squares now commonly referred to as 'The Gauntlet' Keefe was about to roll when he saw a flash of color from the hallway above. Curious he excused himself, saying he was going to get more fizzberry juice. He walked down the hall only to be tugged into an empty room, Sophie's lips meeting his as soon as the door was closed. She was warm as he looped his arms around her waist, pulling her firmly against him.
"Let's get out of here." she breathed looking up at him with her big brown doe eyes.
"We can't just lea-" he started but was immediately cut off by her lips meeting his again.
"They'll live," he said immediately changing his mind.
"I thought they might." Sophie chuckled before breaking away and leading him to the window, she flung it open and stepped out into the sill edging over for Keefe to join her. He held her hand tightly as she looked at him questioningly. He just gestured as if saying "After you", she rolled her eyes and counting to three they stepped off the window hand in hand.

Though in the human world the air did not smell polluted, it certainly wasn't up to snuff with the air from the Lost Cities but it was not terrible. Keefe kicked the red dirt and he looked around,
"Where are we?" he asked gazing at the unfamiliar redness.
"I am showing you the Forbidden Cities just like you showed me the Lost Cities!" she replied smugly, she tugged him out from behind one of the high rock formations and he gasped in surprise. A huge mile-wide scar marred the red rocks, a little glimmer of blue at the bottom was the only other color.
"Welcome to the Grand Canyon!" she said dramatically gesturing to the canyon as if he had somehow missed it. The sun was high in the sky casting the heat in waves.

"It's amazing!" he yelled, running up to the side and peering down into the depths below.
"If you think that's cool just wait till you see the next one!" she chirped happily.
"The next one?" he asked quizzically and she nodded vigorously.
"Oh please! We are going. all. night. long, that is if you want to." she said, holding out her hand and stepping closer to the edge. He gladly took it and together they jumped off the side of the Grand Canyon.

They reappeared in the soft sand of Bora Bora. With a smirk immediately lifted her over his shoulder and ran towards the water.
"Keefe Sencen don't you dare!" she yelled as he held her suspended just a few inches over the water but as soon as a wave came they were both knocked to the ground, Sophie face-first into the water. When they merged he shook out his hair and looked to her a gaming smile on his face.
"Now that was an accident." he teased as she ran towards him. Once she had tackled him in the warm shallow water he looked around.
"Where are we?" he asked with a fistful of sand.
"Bora Bora," she replied casually as she flung a bit of the wet sand onto him. He looked at her, offended at foray but then with a flick of his hand sent a high wave of water crashing over her. She spluttered and shook her head to get all the water out and glared as she watched him stand smugly in the water.
"Two can play it that game," she muttered and kicked up even more water with her telekinesis.
"The Hair!" he yelled as he shook it out like a wet dog.
"The Hair will survive, we've got a whole world of places to visit," she said, holding out her hand.

She took him to The Great Wall, Oslo, Berlin, Venice, Mt. St Helens, Barcelona, Paris, The Great Barrier Reef, and Cairo. Displaying all the wonders from her world after years of him showing her the wonders of his. He seemed to like Paris the most, they had sat on a park bench and she had pointed things out that she liked and he would write them down in his notebook, thankful his photographic memory could help him remember every detail of the things she found interesting. She teleported them to one final place, the sun was already down behind the red rocks but there were a few cars around with their headlights on.
"Where are we?" he asked looking at the cars idling around.
"Shhhh! Just wait." she scolded, and one by one the cars shut off they're lights and the sky grew more and more visible until they could see stars for miles.
"Oh wow," he said as he stared up at the sky, she was equally transfixed her eyes firmly on the sky. They sat for hours until one by one the cars disappeared, driving into the night and leaving them alone.
"Time to go..." he started but chuckled as he realized Sophie was sound asleep against his shoulder.
"I guess we can stay a little while longer," he said leaning against the rock formation, one arm around Sophie and the other relating in his lap. He yawned and leaned his head against hers.
Just a bit longer.

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