Chapter 24

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Two years later

Sophie slunk along the estate edge, making sure the lights were all out before slipping inside the open window and in the center of a bedroom. Only to be tackled from behind, but she didn't fight back she just turned and met him with a kiss, she briefly pulled back.
"Hello, Keefe." She said with a smile. They had been meeting once a month for a year now and it was always the highlight of her week.
"Hello, Foster." He replied out of breath and pulled her into a kiss again.
"You missed the last visit." He said breathlessly. They had sat down on the bed now.
"I know I'm sorry but something came up..." she started but he captured her lips with his own once again. She pulled back with a teasing grin.
"Sophie...!" He wined impatiently.
"As much as I like kissing you, I'd rather talk to you." She said snuggling into his chest contentedly and digging her feet into the soft blankets on the bed. He sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder
"Alright, what do you want to talk about." He asked.
"Well, how's Foxfire?" She asked, wanting to learn about the elite levels. Keefe was now a level seven with the Flareadon mascot, she had to admit he looked pretty hot decked out in the gold uniform.
"It's pretty easy with the photographic memory and all. Oh, the council finally got around to putting Big Boy in Exile." He replied quickly changing the subject away from Foxfire. Keefe never did really want to go into detail talking about school.
"How about you?" He asked and he immediately perked up, he loved talking about her exploits.
"Went to a place called Antarctica, you've never been but you would love it! There are Volcanoes everywhere." She said brightly, he smiled but he seemed to want to ask a different question.
"You mean about your mom." Sophie started with a nod, "I've tracked down most of the Neverseen members, I'm getting to them too fast for them to recruit. I think I'm getting closer." She said cautiously.
"That's great!" He said happily, practically yelling but she slammed a hand over his mouth and watched the door in quiet tension for Lord Cassius to walk through. He pried her hand off and laughed.
"I got my own place, remember?" He said still laughing hysterically. Keefe being "a talented actor" was able to tell the administrators at Foxfire that living there would be "too painful" with all the memories of his Sophie and painstakingly they agreed to avoid one of the most talented Empaths they had ever seen from undergoing a mind break. It still made Sophie laugh when she remembered it. If Sophie was still attending Foxfire, she would be a level 6 Yeti. Despite them both being 18, Keefe was a level ahead. She opened her mouth to say something else but her imparter rang impatiently, she sighed and pulled it out to see Eden.
"Um, Sophie could- ZEPH! I'm sorry but you need to come now and I mean now!" She yelled the hung up. Keefe sighed but gave her a small smirk.
"I'm sorry..." she said with a little uneasy smile. She gave him one last kiss and jumped out the window.

Sophie teleported back to the fort, as she had taken to calling the frozen wasteland, and saw Eden desperately running to her, it had long since been decided that they didn't go on missions all together to avoid all being captured or should another Neverseen attack happen. Eden and Zeph had been on a mission while Sophie stayed back.
"Sophie! Thank goodness I don't know what to do!" She yelled, grabbing Sophie's wrist and dragging her inside.
"Eden where is he, what happened?" Sophie yelled, once inside. She didn't see any blood but her thought process was interrupted by a long shrill yell.
"SEDATIVES TASTE LIKE CANDY!" Sophie gave Eden a questioning look, who just looked at her desperately.
"He got hit by a dart, and I think it was coated in something because he is acting absolutely insane!" Eden said, running upstairs with Sophie in tow.

It seemed Zeph was hit by some kind of hallucinogenic poison, and though it wouldn't hurt him he was getting intolerable he was acting like a two-year-old. They had coaxed him downstairs and now he was sitting next to Sophie with a plate of mallowmelt. Eden gave her the brief of the mission cautiously eyeing Zeph, he seemed unable to control his shadows at the moment so unusually large swells of darkness sometimes flooded the room.
"Well, before he got shot we were able to knock out most of them, and I got the last one so the mission was a success except for well..." she said gesturing to Zeph who held up the plate of mallowmelt proudly, it had been squashed instead of eaten.
"That's very nice Zeph," Sophie said patiently like talking to a child.
"I really hope this wears off soon," Eden said with a sigh.
"You and me both."

Yay! Fluff chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!

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