Chapter 16

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Days were fairly bland now, she would wake up, eat with Eden and Zeph, Eden would check her wound and make her drink a pile of elixirs. Then Zeph would disappear into another section of the treehouse and not reappear until almost lunch time. With the time spent together Eden and Sophie became fast friends, talking about families and friends. Eden was seventeen, only a year older but she had a vast knowledge of healing, apparently she came from a long line of very prestigious healers but upon receiving her matchmaking list and realizing Zeph wasn't on it she was ostracized from the family. No family wanted a bad match but her family's prestige as healers was on the line and so even before she was captured by the Neverseen she hadn't been on speaking terms with them. She was fascinated by Sophie's many abilities but when the subject of Eden developing as a guster came up, she shut down and insisted Sophie's wound needed to be checked again. Just in case.

In the time spent away from Eden and Zeph, Sophie would wander the grounds, walking along the lake and around the dense wood of the estate. There were a large variety of animals living there, almost like a rain forest. Some Sophie hadn't seen before and others looked fairly common. One species in particular was very playful and never ran away when Sophie approached unlike most of the others, they traveled in packs and were just about knee height bouncing around happily. They looked like a ferret but had little scales on their back like a pangolin, their underside however was covered in white fur. They were very happy little creatures, and she often sat watching them pounce and play around in the leaves. Silveny would love them she decided with a smile. But her smile fell as soon as she realized. Where was Silveny?!

"Oh I'm a terrible person!" She said to herself nervously as she shot to her feet and began pacing as she mentally called out to the Alicorn.
"Silveny! Silveny are you there!" She called, quite a bit louder than she normally would. For a while she stood in silence, hands fidgeting nervously while she awaited a reply.
SOPHIE! She let out a sigh of relief as the alicorn's overly enthusiastic voice filled her head.
"Silveny are you ok? Were you hurt?" Sophie transmitted back. And soon she received a memory of the place Silveny, Greyfell, Wynn and Luna were staying. It was an open clearing with plenty of wildflowers and a bubbling brook running through it. She could see the twin alicorns jumping and playing and stretching their wings in the sunny meadow as Greyfell watched protectively.
OK Silveny replied ending the memory.
COME VISIT! she transmitted and Sophie could feel the enthusiasm radiating off the mother alicorn.
"I can't come visit now but I'd love to soon." Sophie replied with just as much enthusiasm. But she could sense Silveny rifling through her memories until she found a memory of the treehouse. Sophie's eyes widened in understanding.
"Silveny don-."
VISIT! Silveny cut her off and Sophie heard a loud bang as the family of alicorns teleported into view.

Sophie spent the rest of the day transmitting back and forth with Silveny, playing with Wynn and Luna and attempting to pet Greyfell but he was still a little uncomfortable.
SOPHIE FLY? Silveny transmitted to Sophie looking to her with her big brown eyes. Sophie considers the request, looking down at her abdomen warily she decided she was healed enough to fly with Silveny though Silveny had to bend down for Sophie to be able to get on without aggravating her wound. High above the clouds she realized the estate was bigger than she thought. The treehouse sat right on the edge of a massive lake, and there was almost no open land. It was all wooded except for the tiny spit of land directly below the house. It turns out the Neverseen really has gotten a hold of Silveny though Greyfell and the babies had gotten away. When Sophie asked, Silveny gladly shown her the memory of her rescue. She had been in a stable of some kind and had been rather frightened until the door burst open and in walked Keefe, Dex and Biana. She had been overjoyed to see Keefe with him being her second favorite elf and went with them gladly after seeing Greyfell waiting right outside. Sophie shook her head amazed, there really was nothing her fiends couldn't do if they really put their heads together. She debated about actually returning but angrily pushed the thought away as she remembered the way a fourteen year old girl had been brutally murdered.

That night after Silveny and her family had left Sophie pulled out multiple pieces of paper addressing them to, mom and dad, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Keefe and one just labeled B.S for black swan. She scrawled out a few paragraphs to each and shoved them into their envelopes. Each one explained Gisela's threats to Amy and her reasons for not coming home. Amy's death and her decision of not coming home until that death was avenged. Making sure the other occupants of the house were asleep she slipped on her old black outfit, ripping the silver eye violently off the shoulder. She slipped on the hood of the outfit and tucked the enveloped into the hidden pockets of the outfit and walked out to the balcony, she looked down just once but decided not to do it again again she saw the dizzying drop before her. Nervously she stepped off the side and let herself fall until she opened up a rift and fell through, teleporting right onto the front lawn of Havenfield. It was dark and all the animals were asleep, she silently slipped inside and neatly arranged the letter on the dining room table. Deciding it was much easier to light leap than to teleport she made her way over to the leapmaster and whispered Everglen. She did the same thing as in Havenfield but instead slipped the letter underneath the doors to both Biana and Fitz's room. She went to Rimeshire next, slipping the note under Dex's door, and carefully avoided the triplets room for fear of a sneak attack and finally leaped to the Shores of Solace. She cursed as her shoes clicked against the mother of pearl floors, looking up in dread she heard the faint clicking of shoes from the other direction and hurriedly hid in the first room she saw. Leaving the door slightly ajar she saw Lord Cassius walk by with his ramrod straight posture. Breathing heavy sighs of relief she was about to renter the hallway, when she realized what room she was in. The portraits spread all around the room, various clothes all over the floor it was obvious she was in Keefe's room in the middle of the night. Turning around slowly she saw Keefe looking at her wide eyed from his spot on the bed.

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