Chapter 47

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This chapter is dedicated to _OliviaDatCat_ because I thought this would make you smile!

Sophie and Keefe had dragged Fintan right to the doorstep of their favorite Councillors and with a smile that may or may not have made her look occult Sophie knocked. Fitz appeared groggily despite it being almost eleven, he still wore white pajamas with blue pinstripes running down them. He stared at them for a little while before taking in the whole scene with Fintan, he sighed
"I'll go get dressed, drop him off at the tribunal hall and we'll handle it from there." He said as he shut the door behind him.

About an hour later the council was assembled, though it was mostly filled with unfamiliar faces they all seemed friendly enough. One of them was even a twin which she knew satisfied Linh and Tam, they had decided to make the trail private and immediate a pleasant change of pace from the old council's constant squabbling. Within half an hour everyone who needed to be there was there, including Sophie's parents, Linh, Tam, Dex, Biana, and Magnate Leto. Sophie was downstairs in the witness booth first as she had the most immediate encounter with the Pyrokinetic.
"Fintan left me a note wrapped in an ice blue ribbon it gave me directions to my sister's house in San Francisco, this time wrapped in a green ribbon, the last one was the street In France where Dex and I escaped the Neverseen, this note was wrapped in a periwinkle blue ribbon and led me to Everest there w-," Sophie said reciting what led up to her encounter before Bronte held up a hand to quiet her.
"Ms. Foster, what does the color of the ribbon have to do with your encounter with Fintan Pyren?" He asked exasperated already. Sophie sighed and recounted what she knew.
"The first was ice blue, the color of my fiancé's eyes, the second was green, Amy's eye color and the last was periwinkle that is Dex's eye color. Fintan was baiting me with threats to people who have been hurt or killed by my actions in an attempt for me to join him." she finished with her head held high. Bronte nodded now and motioned for her to continue.
"On Everest, Fintan attempted to get me to join him through....unconventional methods, needless to say-" this time Fitz interrupted.
"I'm sorry Sophie but I think it would really help to know what his 'unconventional methods were," he said with an apologetic look on his face. Sophie blanked and didn't say anything at first but met Keefe's gaze from across the hall, he gave her a quick nod of encouragement.
"Fintan brought up my genetics" it was worth noticing that Magnate Leto went rigid at that. "It appears that...Fintan is my biological father." A collective gasp filled the room and it was out, she finally knew who her biological parents were and she's was glad she hadn't found out before. If she had known she was the daughter of two councilors that would have been a lot of pressure, even if one of them was already retired but now both of them were retired and she could technically get her match list if she wanted though she didn't need to.

The rest of the trial went by in a blur with Keefe testifying what he saw just to be sure everything matched up and eventually Fintan was sentenced to life in exile, probably a worse fate than death because as far as they knew he would never die of old age. And that like it, the last Neverseen member tried and put away for life. It felt strange to not hear anything to fight anymore, though she did have one more trial to go through. Though this was one she was planning on enjoying.

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