Chapter 39

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"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Biana shrieked loudly, Linh had her hand's over her mouth in surprise but that quickly faded into a squeal to match Biana's while Eden just gave her a knowing smile.

"I knew this was going to happen," she said with an approving nod, Sophie had her ears covered and slowly uncovered them when the noise of the three girls died down.

"You're getting married!" Biana shrieked but then her face went serious,

"Oh my God, you're getting married! I don't have decorations, you don't have a dress, there's no time... Are you sure you want it done today?" Biana asked critically but Sophie just nodded.

"I am marrying Keefe today whether or not I have a dress or decorations, but... I want you three to be bridesmaids!" they looked at her blankly.

"Bridesmaids?" Linh asked, her head tilted to the side.

"Damn! You probably don't have those here... Well just think it as you guys being my right-hand ladies during the wedding." that got their attention and they all shrieked and hugged her at once in a pile of arms.

"I'll take that as a yes then," Sophie mumbled from beneath the pile.

Fitz, Dex, Tam, and Zeph (he's only there because Sophie likes him) all stared at Keefe for a second before a chorus of whoops and hollers sounded followed by a few pats on the back.

"Sophie says you guys have to be my best men because I don't have any other friends but I don't know what that is." He said with a shrug but Fitz spoke up,

"We basically make sure you don't forget anything like your pants or the rings." He explained and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Whatever you do, do not forget your pants!" They heard Biana's voice from the hallway. Iw was going to be a long day.

Soon enough Biana and Edaline had the entire base of decorations in the dining room n after Edaline gave Sophie a firm talking to about including her in life decisions. Pretty soon the dining room was transformed, the benches had been moved to the side to create huge seating areas with one long aisle along the way. Bronte had leaped there to officiate because Sophie and Keefe hated Emery, The tables had been assembled at the side and contained a variety of foods mostly but not limited to Mallowmelt and Ripplepuffs. In her room Sophie was panicking, she paced through the room with her bridesmaids watching her concernedly.

"I want to get married, I do! I'm just so nervous." She said wringing her hands, finally Biana stood up with the dress draped over her arm (courtesy of Edaline's conjuring) 

"Sophie! It's just jitters but you are getting married in one hour! We need to do your hair and makeup, so snap out of it and sit down!" She yelled, and it reminded her of when she had to smack Keefe to get him to come with them all those years ago. Sophie looked at her blankly but then her gaze hardened and she nodded, taking her dress and entering the bathroom to change.

In his room Keefe nervously paced the room, he was already dressed, his usually mussed blonde hair smoothed to perfection in a wavy mass of curls, courtesy of Tam. Of course he wanted to marry her but he was just so nervous, he had been pining after that girl for years and she had chosen him! Sometimes he still couldn't believe it but she always proved it to him with her smile, her laugh and just her attitude in general. He was ready to marry Sophie Foster.

With Sophie's hair and makeup done all of the girls sat on the bed, Edaline had informed them of an old human tradition and they had decided to do it for Sophie. Edaline provided the something old, it was a centuries old hair comb passed down through her family from mother to daughter, and now it rested securely in Sophie's hair. Biana had bought her a pair of beautiful diamond earrings for her something new, Linh had let her borrow a pair of shoes, beautiful heeled wedges which she claimed proved extra stability. Something Sophie was sure to need. The very last object, the "Something blue" was an ice blue satin ribbon around her waist, perfectly accenting the beautiful alabaster white of the dress. Finally ready they made their way to the double doors, The bridesmaid entering first. Sophie clung to Grady's arm nervously but he gave her a reassuring smile. The music sounded, Sophie began her walk down the aisle...

But not before a huge section of the dining hall exploded in a hail of fire, ash and soot. Showering down on them in a sickly cloud of black.

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