Chapter 28

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Keefe's POV

He awoke on a cold metal table. Not this again, surprisingly his hands weren't bound but he did have the silver ability restrictor around his wrist. Strange, empaths weren't really a threat to anyone. Clenching his teeth in pain he swung his legs over the side of the table, feeling his side for the arrow wound, it was wrapped in silvery bandages like the one Sophie had when she was attacked with Shadowflux. Sophie! He turned pale as he remembered how she had gotten hurt, he watched the blade go right through her and he had felt such...Rage. It was overpowering. He remembered how everyone had collapsed in pain an- pain! It had come from him but...No. he couldn't be- An inflictor? That must be the reason for the ability restrictor.

Surprisingly his inflicting wasn't what troubled him the most, as he and Sophie were lying there both dying he had asked her a question. One that would change their entire lives and she had said "yes" they were going to be together forever... until he had been taken away. She had tried to stop them but- he winced at the memory of the blood pooling around her after she had been kicked. He lowered his gaze to the floor and stewed in anger if he ever met that man again he would pay for that. That was a promise. He didn't have time to finish any more silent threats as the door to his cell swung open.
"Hello, mother." He said glaring at her pointedly, she just made a sad expression and approached.
"Don't be like that son, we have a lot of catching up to do." Her voice was sickly sweet sounding.
"I have nothing to say to you." His voice was just as icy as his eyes when he answered looking her dead in the eye.
"Fine you don't have to say anything just listen." She paused as if waiting to make sure he wouldn't interrupt and when he didn't she smiled and continued. 'We found quite a little treasure trove of memories stashed away in that head of yours, marrying Sophie Foster, She is a little drab don't you think? Anyway, I saw what you did during the ball and sweetheart I've never been prouder! I mean an inflictor?!' She smiled in delight,
"I don't see what you're so happy about mother, it's not like you'll ever see me use it again. At least not for you." He snapped back angrily. She calmly ignored his snarky attitude and looked him squarely in the eye.
"I disagree, did you know when we took you, Elwin found Sophie? I'm sure you already know she's been named a public danger and as such she's locked up tight in some prison somewhere. Imagine how easy it would be to make a move when she's locked in a tiny cell." Keefe's eyes widened then narrowed as he processed the information.
"There is no way you can know where she is, let alone get in. You're lying mother." He sounded a bit triumphant but she just gave him a little smirk along with a little look of sympathy.
"Am I son?" She quipped back smugly. And he had to admit she didn't look like she was lying but there was no way to know for sure with his Empathy restricted. Lady Gisela walked back to the door and with one hand on the handle, she turned and said in perfect mimicry of Sophie's voice.
"Think about it."

And think he did, it seemed like hours of silence but it only took a few minutes to really make up his mind. No harm could come to Sophie, not when he could prevent it. So when his mother returned to the room with a full set of Neverseen robes he donned them without question. Sophie and made a sacrifice identical to this to protect someone she loved and now it was his turn. Only he could not fail. He was led down a hallway and into a large room where it seemed the entire Neverseen was assembled, he was ushered into a group of four making him the fifth person. In total, the room seemed to have about two hundred people separated into groups of five to ten. Gisela ascended to a makeshift stage and addressed the crowd.
"I know how all of you feel about the Council, and the society we once thought was great, but there is a problem facing our world, and it seems only we have the courage to stop it! And so I have graciously accepted the role of Queen in the impending absence of the Council. I tell you now, look to me as your Queen and we will prosper! My own son has willingly joined our cause!" She gestured to him and he felt all eyes turn to him. She raised her arms above her head as cheers swept the crowd, Keefe stood in a daze. Abolishing the Council? It was official... his Mother was insane. She continued with only two more sentences.
"Look to him as your Prince. First in line to the throne and The Prince of the Lost Cities!"

A/N - Oooooooh Chills!!!!! Now you see what I was building towards?!!!!!!!!

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