Chapter 8

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Keefe POV

Keefe was sitting up against the wall of his cell, relishing the brief silence between training and his mother lecturing him to be better. But of course nothing ever lasts, especially silence.
A long shrill siren wailed all around him, causing him to jump about five feet in the air. He could hear people running outside his door. And strangely enough he felt an emotion that was very out of place. Joy? Who in their right mind would be happy with that annoying siren going off.
"Keefe." Fitz voice filled his head causing him to jump another few feet and mutter about telepaths before responding.
"Fitz, you're here?" He asked raising an eyebrow in suspicion. This could very well be Gethen playing some sick mind game on him.
"It's me, we're trying to get you and Sophie out of here." Fitz responded, sounding very determined.
"Does Sophie know, do you have her!?" Keefe asked eyes wide in suspense.
"We don't have her but... oh no." Fitz voice cut out.
"What? Fitz! What is it? is it Sophie!?" Keefe was practically yelling at Fitz now. What he got back was.
"No time.... only one, which one?" He seemed to be hearing Fitz thoughts and not an actual transmission, but it was clear what the situation was. Keefe clenched his jaw and ran his hands through his hair.
"Fitz get Sophie! I'll be fine, but I swear if you come to get me I won't leave without her." Keefe stated rather calmly.
"Are you sure?" Fitz responded, his voice dire.
"Yes, of course, Get her, always her." Keefe shot back without a second thought.
"I'm sorry." Fitz transmitted and then severed the connection. Keefe sat down shakily on the small cot in his cell, they would be able to find him again and with Sophie they would be sure to get him out. He had nothing to worry about,

Except when his door opened Fitz was standing on the other side, immediately Keefe was up.
"What are you doing!" He yelled at Fitz and the rest of his friends, they were supposed to be with Sophie. Mr. Forkle responded to the situation faster than the others,
"Ms. Foster made her choice, we have to get out while we still can." But Keefe was already shaking his head no.
"I'm not leaving without her." He said defiantly. But Fitz and Dex exchanged looks and lunged forward grabbing each of his arms. He struggled a lot and even managed to hit Fitz in the nose but combined they were too strong.
"We can't leave her!" He yelled as they practically dragged him out of the room. His eyes were closed shut tight as he struggled against Dex and Fitz, and well dang Dex was stronger than he looked. Keefe kept up his struggling until a hand slapped him across the face. Opening his eyes in shock he saw a teary eyed Biana standing in front of him.
"Keefe Sencen you listen to me. In a few minutes this corridor will be flooded with Neverseen members and we will all be in cells just like that one, now do you want to get out of here and have a chance to help Sophie or go back to that cell and basically condemn her to life in this place?!" She yelled, her voice filled with venom, eventually he had to admit she was right, there was no way Mommy Dearest was letting him get out of here if he didn't leave right now. Giving the slightest little nod, Biana signaled for Fitz and Dex to release him and took charge, leading everyone down the winding hallways. Linh and Tam were waiting by a huge door that had to be the exit because he could feel a chill even from a few feet away.
Multiple robed figures were lying on the ground either drenched in water or covered in oily black shadows. Linh rushed forward and hugged him and Tam even gave him a little nod.
"Sophie?" Linh asked eyes wide as she looked over the group. Mr. Forkle just put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head, Linh choked back tears but nodded. Filing out the door Keefe was met with freezing wind, colder than anything he had felt before. Mr. Forkle pulled out a leaping throwing it to Keefe, and everyone with one last look light leaped away with their own crystals except Keefe who lingered a bit longer, staring at the building.
"I will get you out Foster, that's a promise."

Bonus chapter cus I'm feeling nice, and I can't sleep soooo. Yeah see you guys tomorrow for chapter 9!!

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