Chapter 41

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Everyone stopped and stared as Keefe pulled out the dagger and watched in a mix of horror and satisfaction as his mother bled on the floor. Sophie could tell this would affect him like killing would affect most elves, something she would have to help with later, she couldn't really relate to the overwhelming sense of guilt that often accompanied the morbid deed. But now wasn't the time for thinking, it was time for action. A few of the Neverseen members recovered faster from the shock than she did but she was just quick enough to deflect the blade that would have caught Keefe in the stomach as he fell to his knees. And just like that she had started an uprising in the people on their knees before them, she tossed Keefe's sword to Fitz who's telepathic ability wouldn't come in handy in this close quarters situation, he caught it gratefully and joined in the fight. Sophie danced protectively around Keefe, twin blades in hand as he watched his mother's body go cold on the floor. Not one blade could even touch him because of the amount of care she took in defending him.

She looked about the room and everywhere she saw people, her people fighting in styles she had taught them, working together in patterns they improvised from her teachings and for a split second it seemed that everything would soon be right in the world, that was until she heard the screams and... everything went dark. Sophie couldn't afford the distraction and continued her fight, she fought tooth and nail until eventually, there were no enemies to fight. Light flickered onto the room as flashers lifted orbs of golden light into the air, that's when she saw it. Zeph cradled Eden in his arms, she was so pale and blood was streaked across her face. A thick gash marred her throat in ragged lines as scarlet blood was all over her... and Zeph. He was covered in the stuff but Sophie had stopped looking at him by now, she watched the black cloaked man stumble away from Eden's lifeless body, a jagged blade. Sophie's face was twisted in anger and without a second thought her emotions raged and the man collapsed on the ground, wailing, shrieking in agony... Sophie made sure it was measurable to the amount of pain Eden might have felt during her last moments. He grovelled and crawled, begging her for the pain to stop and all eyes were on Sophie as she pushed her hood back and circled the man in disdain. She didn't make a move to end his suffering but instead watched him thrash and beg.

"Please make it stop!" He wailed, but Sophie drowned out his words, a few people made a move to stop her but she held up a hand in a silent threat. Grinding her teeth, she stared down at him, relishing in the pain, the suffering, it felt... good. With a wave of her hand he was pushed to his knees, an invisible force dragging him so he kneeled before her. She lowered herself so she could whisper something to him, no one else could hear it but whatever it was made him sob harder... then his neck took a violent turn and snapped, the crack audible throughout the room. Sophie hadn't realized that during her previous fights she had been spattered in blood and now she had a corpse at her feet. She looked to the people behind her, they watched in silent fear... they were afraid of her. Then she looked at Zeph who was the only one there who looked at her with any sort of approval. Even Grady and Edlaine feared her, but Keefe... Keefe just looked lost.

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