Chapter 44

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Legacy Spoilers

Sophie stretched her arms with a contented yawn, her hair a mess and her pajamas all disheveled from the night before. Keefe still slept next to her and he looked so peaceful while asleep she hated to wake him but alas she couldn't keep from kissing him a second longer. But right as she was about to reach over and shake him awake before a small letter caught her eye, it was tiny and wrapped in a little ice blue ribbon. Silently she slipped out from beneath the covers taking great care not to wake Keefe, She violently shredded the envelope and unfolded the letter.

You missed me

That was all the letter said with no name signed at the bottom, instead a little wax seal was stamped into the heavy paper, the seal was of a tiny flame and she knew instantly who had sent it. She turned the letter over and saw new writing. Instructions. She stole a look at Keefe and looked back at the ribbon laying on the floor, the same color as his eyes and knew at once what Fintan meant by it. He wanted her to know that they would never be safe, the fact that he had placed her on the bedside table directly next to Keefe was evidence enough. No, she knew what he wanted, and as much as she hated playing into his hands she knew this was her one chance. With another grim look at Keefe, still soundlessly sleeping she rushed to the closet. She peeled off her pajamas and slipped into the form fitting jumpsuit of her Moonlark outfit, the one Oralie had made for her. Sophie and her biological mother were at odds over that one fact but Sophie had to admit that Oralie could make a very seamstress if she so applied herself she pulled on the thick soled black boots and sighed as she stared at the black cloak before taking a deep breath and shrugging it on and clasping it at the neck. Digging through the drawers she hooked her sword belt to her hip and slid a few daggers into her thigh sheaths as well as a few in a hidden pocket in her boots. She debated on whether or not to wear her face mask as well but eventually affixed it to her face, leaving only her eyes visible through the deep cowl of her hood. She was about to walk out the bedroom door but looked back sadly, she rushed over and pressed her forehead to Keefe's in a silent vow to return home. She mimicked his words from the night before.

"I'll never leave you...after I finish this once and for all."

Sophie teleported out the window, ripping a hole in space and disappearing into the void. She came out in an eerily familiar place. The grimy dirty smell to the air was painfully familiar. San Francisco. Fintan was playing with her now, leading her on a wild goose chase through places with painful memories. Silently she made her way up to the house, her human family's house, it was silent and she crept around the house which she noticed had recently been rebuilt, she winced a little at the memory of shredding the back of the house to pieces in her anger. She noticed a window open with the lacy curtains billowing in the wind, she took a shaky breath and walked up the windowsill which held another letter, this time wrapped in a delicate green ribbon. Amy's eye color. Once again it held instructions, she gritted her teeth as she read the familiar script. She ripped the letter to pieces and stalked away from the house before levitating up, the sun was fully risen now, Keefe was bound to be awake.... and looking for her. She pushed the thought from her mind and let herself fall slipping again into the void, onward.


Why? Why couldn't someone he loved keep themselves out of trouble for one damn minute. Just one! He had rolled over, expecting to be greeted by the dreamily sleepy face of his now renewed fiance, but what did he find instead? Cold sheets. Keefe jumped to the floor and raced to the closet and of course he found her weapons and Moonlark outfit missing. He had traversed the house just to be sure, feeling foolish as he called Sophie's name as loud as he could. He raced back to the bedroom and tugged on some clothes before slipping on something laying on the floor. A heavy piece of paper sat innocently on the floor, glaring up at him suspiciously, as soon as he read the words he grabbed his sword and stalked downstairs to the leap master before calling out Alluveterre. He needed a blue leaping crystal and he knew just the elf to give it to him, and if he didn't...there was going to be hell to pay.

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