Chapter 45

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Sophie tumbled out of the void onto a particularly familiar street in what she knew as France. She sighed as she looked up and down the street for another letter or even Fintan himself but again she found a letter resting on a drain pipe, this time in a periwinkle blue ribbon. Dex, to remind her of her very first and most brutal kidnapping. She flexed her hand it suddenly ached, the silvery star shaped scar glistened in the sun light. She breathed deeply and tore open the letter for one final location, she snorted as she read the words it was truly funny to her. Why on earth would Fintan pick there? His abilities would be weakened. She was suddenly grateful for the fleece lining in her outfit, she dropped the letter as she levitated again preparing herself for the chilling cold already, she dropped, opened a rift and teleported through.

She landed ankle deep in snow, Everest was like that most times. It seemed to still be dark here and the beautiful aurora borealis flashed above her but her eyes weren't watching the colorful display, no, she was watching the pyrokinetic standing before her. She stalked forward and he watched her thoughtfully as she circled like a prowling lion.
"It was kind of stupid to meet me up here, nothing to burn." She coaxed spreading her arms wide to indicate the nothingness surrounding them, he smiled at that his head cocked to the side thoughtfully as he continued to look her over.
"I did not call you here to kill you." Sophie scoffed as if to say 'like you could' as she continued circling him.
"Then why am I here Fintan? You're order is gone! There's nothing left for you in the Lost Cities." She spoke loudly and clearly, any semblance of the girl who once hid behind hoodies and headphones gone.
"You've grown quite well." He commented, ignoring her question and continuing to look her over. "Must be good genetics." He commented again and that stopped Sophie in her tracks, forgetting the threatening stance.
"What do you know about that?" She asked suddenly fearing for Oralie.
"Tell me Sophie do you know who your birth father is?" He asked, it was his turn to ask questions and he know circled her as she stood stock still, watching him warily as he made slow lazy circles around her.
"I don't know either of my parents." She lied, and it seemed Fintan knew it,
"I don't think that is accurate Sophie, you bear such a resemblance to Councillor Oralie and I have noticed you draw off emotions much more than the mind, the polar opposite of most telepaths. Oralie was a given but upon closer examination you have a certain fiery aspect to your personality." He said with a smile, Sophie stumbled backwards away from him, understanding what he meant.
"" She whispered but the wind made her words travel.
"I've always seen it in you daughter...the flames, deep down you want to join me. Deep down when you were with us you like the power didn't you?" He asked and though she didn't answer he knew the answer.
"You did, and the reason I sent you to all those places was because someone you cared about was hurt or...died. But join me Sophie we can work together and none of your friends will have to die anymore." She stopped her protesting.
"I see that peaked your interest, that has always been your weakness Sophie! You rely too heavily, you care too much!" He yelled his arms spread wide.
"That's not a weakness!" Sophie's head swiveled, to see Keefe standing on a ridge above her and Fintan, one leg perched on a rock as he stared Fintan down. He finally turned to Sophie and his gaze softened,
"Your parents don't define you, that's what you always said to me so how is it any different for you?" He shouted over the wind, Sophie shook her head.
"It's not the same!" She yelled back her gaze breaking away from Fintan. Keefe jumped down so he was on the same level as her, he approached slowly until he was only a few inches away.
"How?" He asked gently, his gloved hand under her chin, lifting her head up to meet his gaze.
"How?" He asked again this time with a little understanding smile.
"It's Fintan, Keefe... he's different" she started.
"Yeah so you share some traits, who raised you?" He asked gently, and she hesitated before a small smile crept on her face.
"Grady." He smirked at her,
"And tell me have you ever, ever wanted to join the Neverseen?" He asked already knowing the answer.
"Not willingly no." She added her smile growing as she turned to Fintan who was scowling at her now.
"Such a disappointment." He said with a sad shake of his head as he shook out his hands and curled his fingers into a fist.
"Nothing to burn Fintan, no fire around either." Keefe said advancing towards Fintan who despite the disadvantage didn't look too worried about it.
"I make my own fire." Fintan said just as he flicked his wrist, a bracelet with little black beads was there and as soon as the beads clicked together a tiny spark formed, but that's as all Fintan needed. Sophie eyes widened and she tackled Keefe to the ground just as a burst of flames engulfed where had been standing, they dove into a snow bank. The flames died down and she heard another click and more flames followed melting the snow for slippery black rock to be visible beneath.
"We need to get that bracelet." She hissed as flames, shot over her head.
"Yeah but that means getting closer to him!" Keefe should back as he patted out flames that had sprung to life on his cloak.
"Leave it to me." She said and jumped over the snow bank, charging forward into the flames.
"Just once." Keefe muttered with a sigh and jumped over to follow, if she goes, he goes.

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