Chapter 27

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Sophie awoke on a cushy bed, she was definitely not in a Neverseen base. She tried to move but her hands were tied down by thick padded cuffs as well as her ankles and another over her chest.
"Try not to move, Sophie." A voice spoke out, ringing in her ears but she still didn't have the strength to pry her eyes open until flashes of different colored lights appeared over her. Finally, she opened her eyes and saw Elwin hovering over her with a friendly smile.
"Hello there." Sophie truly was glad to see him but she hated the restraints barring her movements so she ignored his first command and struggled against them. Elwin moved to the cuffs and was about to loosen them when a voice rang out through the room.
"Step away from the cuffs Elwin, we've told you she's too dangerous." It sounded like Emery but she hadn't heard him in a while, however, a second voice that came over the speaker before it was turned off was easily recognizable.
"She's not-" It was Grady he sounded livid and a bit scared. Sophie groaned and tried again at the restraints before giving up and staring at the reflective glass next to her bed. She narrowed her eyes and lifted her hand as far up as it would go and gave whoever was watching her the middle finger. Even through the glass, she heard laughter. Elwin straightened up the way most people did when contacted by telepaths and gave her a pitting look.
"I'm sorry." And then he opened a door and left.

She sat stewing in anger and boredom but mostly boredom before yelling to no one in particular.
"Can you just Exile me and get it over with? I have to go save my fiancé!" She heard a loud bang from the room she knew was behind the mirror and grinned as she imagined Grady on the other side. Her laughter was cut off by two goblin guards entering the room, she glared right back at them when they approached and unhooked the cuffs from the table and instead attached them to long chains which they held in an iron grip. Before letting her up one of them held up a metallic device and ability restrictor and clamped it over her wrist. The other held something else that looked strangely like a muzzle, it was confirmed to be just that when it was locked over her mouth and nose with a slight hiss of air. This seemed like overkill. She eased herself to her feet and was led out the door.

A large gasp escaped the crowd of people standing in the main room. Fitz, Dex, Grady, Edaline, Alden, Della, Tam, Linh, and Mr. Forkle all stood in various stages of fear, anger, sympathy, and pity as she walked in the room, decked out in chains over her hands and feet with the muzzle and ability restrictor.
"Take those off!" Alden snapped, stepping forward, he looked livid as he observed her.
"We can't do that, I'm afraid. Ms. Foster has proven to be a very great threat." Emery responded. Out of the council, only Emery, Oralie, Bronte, Alina, and Terik were present.
"We just want to talk to her," Edaline said quietly observing her with sadness. Oralie looked back with sympathy and before looking at the other councilors she stepped forward and placed a hand on one side of the muzzle, letting it drop to the floor with a loud thunk. Sophie inhaled deeply, her hands at her throat in an instant, rubbing it. Edaline rushed forward but the goblin guards stepped forward and held out a hand keeping her back.
"You wanted to talk, so talk," Alina warned her voice gravely. When no one said anything Sophie spoke.
"It's nice to see all of you but we need-" Alina cut her off with a wave of her hand.
"We? There is no "we" Ms. Foster. You made that clear when you attacked multiple places where civilians could have been endangered!" She scoffed.
"And tell me, Alina, how many people have I hurt are innocent? How many Neverseen members died on purpose? You say I'm a monster, that I can snuff out life like that." She snapped her fingers for dramatic effect, jingling the chains over her wrists. "But I've only been doing what you're too afraid to do!" She couldn't hold back now, it just made her so angry. The room rattled, shaking with her anger. The ability restrictor sparked and fumed, Dex's eyes went wide at the sight and Biana clutched Tam's hand. They were afraid of her, after her years of fighting for them! Even Edaline and Grady looked shocked at her outburst. This was not the Sophie they knew, the sweet, meek, little girl. No. She was no longer weak, she could hold a sword just as easily as she could light leap.
"Sophie, we just have some questions... we don't need to deal with your misguided judgments." Alina scoffed with a wave of her hand.
"I'm not answering your questions!" She snapped back, her anger boiling over. Oralie held up her hands placatingly.
"I can feel your anger but please Sophie answer the questions. We want to help and if you answer we can help reduce your punishment." She soothed, but it did almost nothing to help.
"Punishment?! I can help, you need me! I know more about the Neverseen than anyone here!" She growled and when Alina and Emery rolled their eyes angrily she cut them off before they could say anything.
"Something is coming! You need me, I can help! You can't do it alone!" She was struggling against the restraints now and sensing that she wasn't going to cooperate Emery sighed and looked to the guards who took her by the arm and dragged her back. Grady and Edaline rushed forward followed hesitantly by the rest of her friends. Kicking and screaming all the way she managed a quick blow to one of her guard's nose before she was shoved back in the cell and little electric currents shot through her body. Stopping her in her tracks.

They weren't going to listen, they were going to get themselves killed! They didn't know what they were getting themselves into and they were going to regret it.

A/N - Sucky chapter I know but I'm working through a little area to get to my super inspired parts 😕

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