Chapter 22

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Sophie really wanted to know how superheroes could change so fast in the movies, she had pulled Zeph and Eden into the dressing room of a clothing shop and thrown their outfits at them. She hopped on one foot while struggling to get her boots on and eventually fell over on her face, finally getting her boots on she covered her mouth and nose with the black face mask and pulled the stiff hood over her head. With the elixirs still in effect she could be any elf, with only her eyes visible she could literally be anyone. She shoved her swords in their scabbard on her back and took a total of five daggers with her, hidden in various hidden spots with the biggest being glaringly obvious on her thigh. Running out of the store and to where the smoke now rose in great billows she used her telekinesis to lift part of a falling roof and ushered people out. As other roofs began to fall a series of transparent blue fields covered anyone trying to escape. Eden stood in the middle of the street, arms outstretched and concentrating very hard on covering the people scrambling to safety. Eden didn't have a hood but had the same face mask as Sophie and had her hair pinned back in a long dark braid. As soon as the last person ran out from the building and she was sure there was no one left Sophie let the roof sag and collapse.
"Help!" She heard a high pitched scream and turned in horror as she saw a small boy with tousled blonde hair pinned beneath a large block of rock. He looked exactly like she imagined Keefe at a younger age. She ran to his side and used her Telekenesis to lift the giant boulder straight up, gathering the boy up in her arms she scanned the thoughts of those running around her looking desperately for anyone who had lost a child, eventually she felt the panicked thoughts of a young mother deep in the crowd. Pushing her way through, she heard the boys pained moans and risked a look at his leg, it was bloody to say the least but no bones were sticking out and it was twisted at an overly dramatic angle so she assumed he'd be fine until he got to a healer. She inflicted happy thoughts and pictures of baby alicorns as she ran right up to the mother and deposited her son in her arms receiving a great many thank you's before hurrying away. A ways away Eden was looking a bit faint, swaying slightly but holding firm to the force fields losing people to escape properly. She couldn't hold on much longer, Sophie levitated up looking for anything no, anyone who looked out of the ordinary.

In a small alleyway, Sophie saw a black cloaked figure. Not Zeph or Eden, descending onto one of the untarnished rooftops she made her way to the alley by jumping over rooftops until she heard a faint voice below her. Peeking over the side of the roof, she saw the distinguishing silver eye armband. She couldn't stand that thing, the figure stopped whatever they were doing and froze, Sophie watched in interest as the turned and in a split second sent a dagger flying through the air straight at her head. She caught it with telekinesis and stood up, slapping it aside she unsheathed her small sword as the larger would be too big to use in the tiny alleyway. She dropped down with a thump, cutting off any points of escape.
"Let me guess the goal is to instill fear after your recent failure at acquiring the Shade?" Sophie asked nonchalantly which seemed to anger the person before her quite a bit.
"A minor setback, but one that will never happen again with you dead." It was a woman, that much she could tell.
"I think you'll find it very hard to kill me," Sophie responded, raising her sword and lunging forward. The woman snapped fingers and a sword appeared out of nowhere. A Conjurer, this was going to be a fun fight. Sophie locked blades with the woman before pulling back and attacking again in a deadly dance. This conjurer seemed to have conjured the first sword that came to mind which was too long for use in this small of an area giving Sophie an advantage. Sophie's eyes widened as she heard a small scraping sound, like a blade on leather. Whipping around she caught the eye of a second Neverseen member, she had to end this fast. Immediately she inflicted bringing the conjurer to her knees but the other, a man was able to send a hurricane-force wind straight at her, sending her flying against the building with a smack! "That was for taking Big Boy!" He shouted as her sword clattered from her hand and she now decided she hated Gusters. The conjurer was down but the Guster approached confidently, too confidently. Sophie whipped her leg out, sweeping his from under him and cracking his head on the ground and falling unconscious as well. Quickly she bound them and looking out the Alleyway and finding it mostly empty she dragged them out into the main square.

Waiting on one of the nearby rooftops Sophie's breath caught when the councillors lightleaped into the barren square along with her friends, mom and dad plus Alden. They seemed to be everywhere nowadays. The councillors bodyguards immediately took the neverseen members away, to somewhere she didn't know but hoped it was somewhere awful after seeing what happened to all those people today. The councilors began talking and it looked as if Grady and Keefe were on the same page, which was exceedingly odd. But she caught one snippet of conversation that made her blood boil.
"She's a vigilante, we can't let this go on." Were they dumb, could they not tell what she was doing was a good thing meaning less elves had to get hurt? One thing was clear, she had to be careful around the Council from now on even if it meant no more trips to Atlantis to see her friends. She resigned herself to the knowledge that until the Neverseen was defeated she couldn't have any semblance of her old life. Not one bit.

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