Chapter 10

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6 months after initial capture

Sophie stood atop a darkened rooftop, the cool night air blowing through her hair. She was dressed entirely in black, complete with hooded black cape with the vile silver eye on it. Her outfit was a bit different from the average Neverseen robes though. It was less of a cape and more like an outfit in itself. I don't know how to describe it so here...

When Keefe has been rescued she had immediately been moved to a different compound this one deep in some unknown desert

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When Keefe has been rescued she had immediately been moved to a different compound this one deep in some unknown desert. Nearly everyday she had been trained in hand to hand as well as ability training. The ability restrictor was kind since gone, though anyone who came in contact with her always wore a simplified version of a thinking cap to protect from her abilities. Her slight frame had filled out with a healthy diet of gross purple sludge and a very extraneous regimen of exercise. She had always hated PE in school but now, learning to throw blades, tackling someone to the ground and incapacitating them that was the stuff she always wanted to learn. She felt like Natasha Romanoff meets Wanda Maximoff. Keefe would be proud, she hardly ever tripped anymore, becoming stealthy and agile hardly making any noise at all when she walked though that was mostly due to Zeph's teaching. She was never permitted to go anywhere alone and as Zeph was her "caretaker" he always accompanied her on missions. She didn't like it but if this was what it meant to keep Amy safe then she would do it one thousand times over.

At the moment she and Zeph stood atop a huge building in Enternalia. Gazing down at the masses of people below, she wondered how many of them would be hurt in the demonstration today. The councilors were at what she would describe as a "rally" pulling the people together and ensuring them that "There was no reason to worry" per Aldens words. The rally was unsurprisingly about her, the people were concerned that she would be used as a weapon for the Neverseen and the council wanted to ensure the people thought the very opposite. Obviously the news had reached Gisela and she had simply laughed and said "We will show them how dangerous you can be." The mission was just to cause a disturbance, shake things up and make people afraid. Afraid of her. She was equipped for the job as well, tiny mechanical devices releasing harmless smoke and very loud bangs to stir up the crowd. These were the only ones she would be using though, strapped to her thigh was an elaborate dagger that reminded Sophie of a lightsaber in the way that at the press of a button the blade was lined with a yellow/gold electricity, that crackled and snarled like a rabid dog it was longer than the average dagger, more of a short sword really. Various goblin throwing stars and normal daggers were also hidden in various places on her person but she had no intent of using them. Below the glittering river was lined with people making their way into the Tribunal Hall where this whole shindig was going down. She though the whole thing was rather vapid, the people below no matter what the council said tonight were always going to be afraid of her, even if she was rescued they would still whisper and step aside when she walked because she was the girl who was taken, the freak, the killer. It was true that the dummies she had used to practice had been filled with what looked like blood but was really lushberry juice, even some of the Neverseen members had problems with using those dummies because it looked all too real but not her. She had been started the first time but since then it had become commonplace, almost expected.

"It will be starting soon." Zeph stayed quietly, wrapped in his shadows.
"Yep." She replied popping the p. "Can I ask you something?" She questioned him.
"Sure." He responded nodding and checking his cloak for all the appropriate devices he'd be using.
"Your name, it mean east wind but you're a shade. It seems out of character to me." She said nonchalantly. He laughed at that like it was an old joke.
"My parents were both Gusters, and they felt sure all their kids would be too, so myself and my sister were given wind themed names. I got Zephyr and she got Aella (that means whirlwind) She developed as a vanisher so... I'm not to sure how well theyre worked out." He said with a laugh but Sophie was all the more confused.
"You've never talked about a sister before." She said her face scrunched in confusion. His face fell at that.
"She and Eden were both taken as leverage and when I refused to use my ability. Aella..." he stopped unable to continue.
"I'm sorry." She said looking down at her hands. He ignored her comment and just got to his feet looking over the side of the building.
"It's time. They have already started." He stated, his voice monotone. She sucked in a shaky breath, nervous about what she was about to do. She knew everything she was using was harmless but that didn't stop the ball of emotions at the pit of her stomach from turning angrily. Pushing those feeling back down she stood up and brushed off the dust, Giselas word ringing in her ears. Presentation is key. She sighed and looked over at Zeph
"Let's get it over with."

"Let me just say Sophie is a good person, she would never-" Oralie never finished her statement
Sophie stood in one of the window sills watching the elves below scramble in fear. Looking down at her wrist she tapped on the little screen inlaid in her outfit. Another bang ring out through the halls. The light flickered in the room as Zeph's shadows writhed around and sources of light. Tapping the screen again, a few of the tiny gas grenades she had planted all around the room went off. Sending another flurry of screams and sending more people scrambling for the door.
"Let me remind all of you" she paused letting everyone hear her words and when all eyes were on her she continued.
"I am more dangerous than you can possibly imagine." Gasps rang out through the hall. Is that Sophie Foster, She's grown. Why is she wearing those robes. She looks deadly. On cue Zeph wiped out the light entirely, plunging the room into darkness. People scrambled out the door, goblin bodyguards were escorting the council out of the chambers. But not before she had locked eyes with all of the council. They all looked shocked even Bronte's face was twisted in surprise. Oralie looked like she was about to cry and Alina scowled as if saying. You idiots I knew this would happen. With the public properly scared Sophie did what anyone would do to properly exit a building.
She jumped out the window.

Not too far form the tribunal hall was an open space of land, hard to find in Enternalia but it was where she and Zeph would meet so she could teleport them away. She weaved between the glittering building, going along with the crowd, before breaking off and heading to the meeting place. She was just about to reach the spot when she felt the vague sensation of being watched. In one fluid moment she unsheathed the dagger at her thigh and ignited the blade, illuminating the area with the eerie yellow glow.
"Sophie?" She hopped around and saw the one thing she had hoped not to on this mission. In front of her stood, basically everyone important in her life. Grady, Edaline, Biana, Dex, Fitz, Tam, Linh, Mr. Forkle and... Keefe. She was suddenly very grateful for the deep hood obscuring here features. She knew what to do, they had trained her for this. One wrong move and Amy would get it. So instead of gushing out all the apologies and hugs and... kisses. She coaxed her face into a perplexed look and said.
"Do I know you?"

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