Chapter 3

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Hey guys I hope you are liking the story, I'm trying to update everyday but I would love to hear more from you guys so I would love it if you guys commented below anything you guys want to happen in the story if I like the idea I might follow that storyline and shout out my favorite in the story! Thanks, and now on to what you guys really want to hear about... the story!!

Despite the restrictor clamped over her wrist Sophie writhed and thrashed against her captor working to get herself free until a something cold and metal pressed against her temple. A melder.
"Go ahead then." She said though it came out garbled from the hand still against her mouth. She ground her teeth in anticipation of the shock from the melder blast.
"Oh you're too valuable for that Moonlark." A voice whispered, sending shivers down her spine.
"Hey Foster!" She heard Keefe call out, "I'm no telepath but I think the levels of worry coming from this direction has got to be you." He called again and she could hear the sarcasm dripping off his words. She felt the person behind her turn to Keefe's voice, taking advantage of her captors distraction she whipped her head forward and rammed it back into his face. Breathing deeply and stumbling away as fast as she could, looking up she saw Keefe run into the clearing.
"Run!" She screamed with her newly found voice. But of course Keefe ran towards her and not away, taking her by the arm and running with her. They wove between trees and over logs until they smacked face first into some unknown thing in the air.
"Psionopath." She heard Keefe curse under his breath, the rest of the group was still over at the outcrop of rocks but from where Keefe and Sophie were it was impossible for them to see past the thickets of trees.
"I suggest you both walk slowly back into the trees." A voice in both their minds coaxed, "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard." Keefe said out loud but she saw in freeze when a dark mass of shadows appeared in front of them. A Shade, a Psionopath and a Telepath? The Neverseen were really stepping up on their recruitment.
"Your other friends are still blissfully ignorant to your situation and if you would like to keep them alive it would be wise to heed my warnings." The voice spoke again and Sophie hit the ground in frustration before she and Keefe were herded back to the small clearing bu the Shade and Psionopath who had appeared behind them in their distraction with the Shade. Once in the clearing the Telepath who Sophie assumes was the leader stepped forward reaching out for Sophie and Keefe's registry pendant and out of fear for her family and friends she let him. Unconsciously her had had kept to Keefe's entertaining their fingers in a desperate hold on the thing she knew she couldn't loose.
"What do you want from us." Keefe asked his face grim with anger. As the Shade Psionopath approaches he shoved Sophie behind him in what he knew was a futile attempt to escape the inevitable. She clutched his arm in fear as they drew closer the Psionopath on Sophie and the Shade on Keefe they were pulled apart and a sickly sweet elixir forced down their throat. Sedative Sophie though dizzily as black spots danced in her vision and she fell to the ground, seconds later her eyes closed right after seeing a pair of ice blue ones do the same.

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