One Last Farewell

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Ok so I'm super sad this story is over, I have nothing I want to write with as much passion as I wrote this but I'm getting there with The Sokeefe Awards Book and 1784(better title and cover pending) In the meantime I wanted to do a little feedback chapter on the story.

So stating off!!

What did you think? Be honest!

Favorite Chapter?

Do you think I could have written a character better or did I nail it?

How was the plot? Was it too much fluff and not enough substance?

Did it live up to its thriller category?

Favorite Character?

If you were the writer what would you have changed?

On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this story?

Favorite part/scene?

Who secretly liked Sophie with the Neverseen and wished she had joined Fintan with Keefe and ruled the Lost Cities!

I hate to leave but as the chapter states this is one last farewell, So farewell!

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