Chapter 23

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How. Dare. They. Sophie was livid at the councils conversation below, it seems they had decided amongst themselves she was a threat to Elven society. This was a new title bestowed upon her and she liked it even less than The Girl who was Taken. Before she could stop it a little sliver of rage got past her emotional blocking and she saw Keefe and Oralie tense up, Keefe's eyes went wide and his gaze drifted subtly upwards meeting hers. He made a quick jerky motion with his hand, signaling for her to get out of there. Zeph and Eden were already tugging on her arms trying to get her to budge but she didn't move an inch.
Get out of here. Sophie transmitted to her two companions, they looked ready to argue at first but upon seeing her quick glare they raised they're crystals to the light and leaped away. Sophie being an insatiable dramatic, pulled her hood snugly over her head and tightened the mask covering her nose and mouth, even threats to society had to look nice. She leveraged down into a side alley and sauntered into the square much like she had seen Keefe do when he was being particularly cocky. Immediately all eyes turned to her, everyone looked ready to fight at the sight of a figure in black but upon seeing the much different insignia on her shoulder they faltered. Only Keefe seemed to know who she was through her bright cyan eyes.
"Who are you!" Emery called out to her, eyes narrowed.
"Apparently a threat to society." She replied nonchalantly, "You also labeled the black swan the very same thing, and yet here we are today and you don't seem to see it that way. You've known me longer than the Black Swan. Do you really think I'm a threat?" She asked, dropping the accent she had adopted when handling the civilians. Grady stepped forward hesitantly,
"Sophie?" He asked hopefully, everyone seemed to lean in to hear the response.
"Hello, Grady." She replied, her cold tone warming as she said his name.
"Sophie, come home, we can do this together." It was Fitz speaking now, and Keefe seemed to internally die as he continued on. "We're cognates, I want to help you, we're stronger together." Sophie did not like that at all.
"The Neverseen went too far this time. Do you know what it was like on there alone? Training to kill, and steal for months? I could handle it if it was just me but they brought Amy into it. That was the last straw, she died because of me and I'm going to make sure they pay for it." Sophie gestured to the still tied up Neverseen members. She shook her head at the Councillors.
"Hunt me down, try to stop me, set every Goblin in the Lost cities on my tail. But no matter what, Justice will be served and sometimes that means operating outside of the law." Keefe was smiling broadly meeting her gaze like a proud parent. She linked minds with him,
Proud are you? She asked teasingly though keeping her face trained into the icy scowl she wore when dealing with important things.
Never been prouder Foster oh and love the color! He responded, gesturing to his own eyes, his delighted smirk wreaking havoc on her emotions. She snapped back to reality as Alina stepped forward.
"Don't make us do this the hard way Ms. Foster it may turn violent." She warned, gesturing to the bodyguards at her sides.
"Please, you wouldn't know violence if it slapped you in the face." She retorted, rolling her eyes. The council seemed to make a decision as the bodyguards rushed forward.
Cover your eyes! She transmitted to her friends, before clicking a button on a small device and launching it forward. A loud bang and a blinding white light flashed, taking their momentary blindness to levitate into the air she opened a rift and teleported away.

"Sophie!" Eden tackled her with a hug.
"We were so worried." She said her arms wrapped tightly around Sophie. She noticed it looked much lighter out and upon examining the area she saw the shadowvapor wall was gone.
"We have to move, too much risk staying here after we've been declared a threat. Our families would recognize us in an instant." Zeph said, resolutely.
"Well I've got no family ties, well not anyone who'd miss me and I'm not suspected of anything. I could buy a house, something practical, it wouldn't fade-away attention, They still think you're accompanied by a Guster and I manifested in that base." Eden suggested shuddering a little at the mention of the dreary place.
"It was decided, they had to move far away from the big Lost Cities.
"I've been thinking about this for a while, I have one all picked out," Eden said rubbing, her hands together excitedly.
Cold. Cold. Cold. The estate Eden picked was the coldest place ever, even more so than Dex's house.
"I was told it's somewhere called Siberia..." Eden said smiling up at the house happily. It was in the valley of a huge mountain range with great snow-capped peaks, a frozen-over lake stood a few meters away from the main building.
"I don't care where it is, I want to be warm!" Sophie yelled and rushed towards the house. It looked like a ski resort though much smaller than Everglen it still looked enormous and not as glitzy as typical elven fashion.

Sophie rushed inside and staked a claim to a room, it was enormous and the bathroom was as big as a whole human master bedroom, the bathtub was like a pool, set into the floor with a great skate on the sides and covering the bottom. The bedroom was giant with a huge wardrobe, daybed and to her surprise the bed was circular. She had to admit she liked not feeling the humidity that came with the treehouse. She tried not to think of her words with the councilors and jumped in the enormous bath, it had stairs. Stairs! After toweling off she slipped into a pair of silky pajamas and went to the bed. But of course, she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned but it never came. She had to move this mission along for the sake of her sanity, she had cut off the head of the Neverseen if she ever wanted to get back to normal. She had to find Lady Gisela.

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A/N Sorry for the late chapter I hit a bit of writers block so I decided to move Sophie to a new place, trying to get the creative juices going again and it worked! I have a few clear ideas that you'll see in the next few chapters!

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A/N Sorry for the late chapter I hit a bit of writers block so I decided to move Sophie to a new place, trying to get the creative juices going again and it worked! I have a few clear ideas that you'll see in the next few chapters!

P.S - I'm planning on making this story fairly long maybe 40 chapters??? So we've hit halfway (Depending in if inspiration kicks me in the face and decides it needs to be longer)

~ Sokeefe07

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