Chapter 50

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Sophie's eyes opened slowly against the intense light. The sun felt like it was right over her, which was weird because she usually slept with the curtains...closed.... She jumped to her feet, the sudden movement causing Keefe to slump over tiredly.
"Wa..whaz all the commotion about?" he asked through a yawn.
"Keefe it's morning!" she screamed, grabbing his arm and trying to tug him to his feet.
"So?" he asked, still refusing to stand up.
"It's our wedding day you idiot!" she yelled and fell to the ground as Keefe bolted to his feet.
"Oh, Grady's gonna kill me if you're late," he replied, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to the side of the cliff.
"Ok, do the thing!" he said, panicked and mimed jumping off the cliff just in case she didn't know what he meant. She held his hands tighter and stepped off the cliff.

She dropped Keefe off at Everglen where the guys were pacing impatiently, fortunately, she managed to teleport away before they could barrage her with questions. She crept in through the window of Havenfield and was just about to slip into the bathroom to shower when the door burst open, she yelled a few choice words and jumped a few feet in the air.
"Where have you been?!" Biana demanded, her arms crossed over her chest. Linh stood just behind her looking just as cross, Della stood on Biana's left side with a glare to match her daughters and Marella hung back a little farther but with a matching expression. Although it was hard to take them seriously when Biana was holding her set of glitter pens and clipboard, Linh had the wedding dress draped over one arm, Della had two sparkly purple bags no doubt full of makeup and Marella held all three of the bridesmaid's dresses.
"Um...out?" Sophie tried with a wary expression.
"Oh nevermind! Just go take a shower, you're covered in gross red dust." Biana shooed her away into the bathroom.
"And you have two hours!" Biana yelled, banging on the door twice.

Sophie quickly power washed using her special soap and shampoo then quickly toweled off and vigorously brushed her teeth. She put on a robe and twisted her hair up in a small towel before walking out of the steamy room. The other ladies we're already dressed now, the bridesmaids wore a simple high-low style ice blue dress with off the shoulder straps, Della was wearing a lovely dress in lavender with a studded jeweled belt. While Edaline wore a green lace and chiffon dress with short sleeves and a slight V-neck.
"Alright we don't have much time, so everybody takes a task and we'll be done in no time," Della said clapping her hands together then gesturing for Sophie to take a seat at the vanity. As soon as she sat the ladies swarmed all over her, Della on hair, Biana on makeup and Linh and Marella each took a hand to do her nails. It was painstaking work and it involved her getting poked with a lot of bobby pins and she was pretty sure Biana stabbed her in the eye with the mascara wand on purpose but eventually, she was ready and looking "On fleek" as Marella put it. She carefully slipped on the dress and spun in the mirror, tears threatening to spill over though Biana said if she cried she would stab her because there was no way she could get her make up looking that good again. She beamed as she looked down at herself and it felt even more magical than the last time. Now, this was how a girl dreamed her wedding would be like. Adoring friends and family, a dress she loved and...a partner to spend the rest of their very long life together. Pointy ears and all.

Keefe stood at the end of the aisle, right beneath the sprawling branches of Callas panakes tree, anxiously waiting for the procession to begin. He was practically bouncing but he didn't realize it until Fitz put a hand on his shoulder.
"Chill out Keefe!" he laughed and Keefe nodded shakily, though instead of bouncing he turned to fiddle with the collar of his suit.
"Keefe I swear if you don't stop I'll knock you out and marry her myself," Tam growled sarcastically.
"Pft as if Bangs Boy." Keefe chuckled nervously,
"Yeah Biana would kill me," he said nonchalantly, Dex went rigid,
"What?" he asked whirling to Tam just as the music started. Keefe laughed,
"And so the triangle begins again." then turned and waited for his bride to come parading down the aisle.

The wedding was outdoors and a slight breeze swirled against the skirts of Sophie's dress, Grady held her arm tightly as they watched Edaline and Della walk down the aisle, closely followed by Biana, Linh then Marella. Oralie walked with one of the girls from the orphanage as she scattered the collected panakes blossoms to the ground creating a thin blanket.
"Don't let me trip," she said nervously but Grady just held her arm tighter.
"Never," he whispered back. Sophie took a deep breath and they began their walk down the aisle. The light caught her dress so it shimmered magnificently, she was quite pleased with her choice. It was an A-line dress with thin lacy straps going over her shoulders, the lace went down the bodice and stretched a bit into the tiered skirt which had a slight design of its own. Her hair was in a loose twisted bun with tendrils of her hair falling on the sides of her face, framing it perfectly. She walked with confidence, something she hadn't really done before she met Keefe and the others, so it was without fear she placed a kiss on Grady's cheek and let him go to his seat as she ascended the altar, joining hands with Keefe at the top. He leaned in slightly and whispered something to her.
"You've never looked more beautiful." she was sure she was blushing like a maniac and he just winked as he pulled away. Bronte smiled at them both and commenced with the ceremony, she was kind of not paying much attention to his words, more like staring at Keefe who studiously listened to every word as if he was afraid there would be a test later. Keefe's attire contrasted with hers so much they seemed like they belonged at different weddings. He wore an entirely black, black jacket, black pants, black shoes, black tie. She had to admit, the way he stole looks at her and gave her little smirks, reminded her of what a bad boy he was and...Oh God, she was just now realizing she was every girl from any romance novel. The bad boy with a troubled childhood or the golden boy from a superstar family. Though in all her years of reading those types of books she had to admit...she always rooted for the bad boy.
"I understand you have your own vows?" Bronte asked gesturing to them and Keefe nodded vigorously before shakily pulling out a piece of paper, he looked down and back up a few times before crumpling it up and returning it to his pocket.
"Screw it." He took her hands and looked deep into her eyes.
"Sophie it's no secret I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. And for a while, I couldn't have you, but patience is a virtue and...well here we are. I want you to know that I will never stop loving you and for as long as I live I will drive to be a better man, husband...and father than mine was to me. As long as I have you...I have everything. I love you." he pulled a simple silver band from his pocket and slipped it on her finger right above her engagement ring. She smiled and wiped a few tears away before they could smudge her makeup.
"Keefe, I know I can be difficult to live with and from kidnappings to splotching matches, you have been there for me, rooting for me.. loving me. The first thing you ever said to me was "are you lost?" and I suppose I was until I met you, In my time with the Neverseen...I changed and it seems everyone recoiled from me a bit, except you. You are always steady, always constant. My light at the end of the tunnel. I love you so much. And I always will." it was Keefe's turn to smile and he said the biggest smile she had ever seen as she slid his ring on his finger, it was dark like black iron, matching his suit perfectly.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride." Bronte said happily, and Keefe barely waited for the words to get out before sweeping her up in their first kiss as husband and wife.
"Damn right I can."

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