Chapter 34

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Sophie still had her hand firmly entwined with Keefe's when they appeared just outside The Fort. She gave him a reassuring look and led him towards the huge double doors. A small group of people were training outside and stood stock still when Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz passed. They all threw glares in Keefe's direction who answered them with a nervous smile. It was uneasy in the main hall, everyone stopped and stared mostly giving him death glares which she returned fiercely. She turned to one of the people standing by and gave him a sweet smile

"Could you have one of the rooms prepared, we have a new guest." But the man just shook his head and gave Keefe another glare.

"Sorry, we don't have any rooms but I guess I could pull out a cot in the living room." He replied dryly, Sophie's anger bubbled up. But before she had a chance to reprimand each and every one of them Keefe grabbed her arm and gave her an understanding look.

"It's alright, really," he said with a small smile. Sophie could feel everyone staring at them. So she quickly turned back and glared again before taking off into the hallway.

"Oh get out of my way!" She yelled whenever anyone crossed her path, Keefe followed closely behind nervously apologizing to everyone as they passed and eventually they were walking with no one else in sight.

"So where is the living room?" he asked, trying to sound cheerful but she just rolled her eyes and stopped in front of a door.

"You're not sleeping in the living room Keefe." She huffed as if the very idea offended her as she turned a small key in the door and pushed it open.

"I thought there weren't any rooms." He asked suspiciously,

"There aren't, you're staying in my room." His eyes widened at that but then his face settled into the familiar knowing smirk.

"Why Sophie Foster, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to defile me before the wedding." He joked, a hand to his chest in mock horror.  She just rolled her eyes but actually gave him a small smile, as she stepped aside for him to enter. She entered behind him and watched as he observed the room.

"Lots of black." He said jabbing a finger at the bed but she ignored him and watched as he explored more of the room, the corners of her mouth tugged in another smile as she heard his echoey voice from the bathroom. She yawned tiredly and saw the little waves of light disappearing behind the mountains when Keefe emerged from the bathroom he observed the fading rays with quiet thoughtfulness.

"I could never really see the light from my room in the tribunal hall." He whispered quietly and she winced at the quiet confession before taking his hand and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Now you can see it anytime you like." She said softly earning her a goofy grin and a kiss on the head.

"I'm going to take a shower, Dex is in the next room over. You can ask to use his shower if you want." She said and disconnected their hands, she grabbed her clothes and a towel on the way to the restroom and gave him one last smile before disappearing behind the door.

In the shower, Sophie could hardly contain her happiness at getting Keefe back, but something still bugged her... What had happened to him to make him forget her for that short period of time? She decided to ask him later if he was willing and relaxed with the pleasant smell of her soap. When she had toweled off and dressed in her usual black pajama leggings and tank top she stepped out of the steamy bathroom to find Keefe lounging on the bed, wearing a pair of (borrowed) gray sweatpants. His back against the headboard and his hair still slightly damp from his shower, he was sketching in one of the notebooks on her bookshelf and he looked so peaceful in that moment. He didn't look up as she snuggled in next to him, resting her head against his chest, she observed the careful strokes of his pen and saw he was drawing her. It was her at the ball, but not when she was wearing the elegant gown and her hair was perfectly done up... he drew her when the skirt of the dress had been torn away leaving her in the red satin tank top and leggings, she was wielding her sword, she looked... fierce. Eventually, he put the notebook away leaned down and kissed the top of her head,

"You smell like vanilla." He said softly and she smiled at his observation and made one of her own,

"You smell like mint." She replied in an equally dreamy tone, and he chuckled lightly.

"I love you, Sophie Foster."

"I love you Keefe Sencen."

The next morning Keefe woke up first, he blinked open his eyes and saw the first morning rays reflecting off the golden fan of Sophie's hair on her pillow. He decided it was still too early and snuggled back down not ready to leave the warmth of the bed, he wrapped his arms around Sophie's waist and pulled her a bit closer; the last time they had done this she had disappeared when he woke up and there was no way he was letting her out of his sight this time. He closed his eyes again but smiled when he heard the tiny snores from the other side of the bed. After about thirty minutes or so he heard a sleepy yawn and felt her stretch next to him before turning over so their faces were mere inches apart, she still looked half asleep but so so beautiful despite the tangles throughout her long hair.

"You're adorable." He smiled, booping her nose lightly, she smiled and reached up to ruffle his hair which was sticking up every which way and not in the artfully styled waves she usually saw.

"You'd better hide today." She chuckled slightly, but he had no idea what she was talking about,


"Because Grady hasn't seen you yet."

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