Chapter 40

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"Keep looking, she's got to be here somewhere!" Someone yelled there voice echoing through the destroyed dining hall. Sophie's ears were ringing and she was sure she looked a state but she didn't really care. She peeled her eyes open, blinking against the ash and dust, she was just slightly quick enough to duck behind a piece of the destroyed roof as a Neverseen member passed, she cursed the brightness of her dress and suddenly membered the reason she hated white clothing. There was no way she could sneak around in the white monstrosity, she heard a groan from not too far away and saw a pair of turquoise eyes blink at her from under a huge piece of rubble. Grady. The huge piece of the wall was crushing his chest and she could hear the faint wheezing from her position nearly five feet away. She scrambled over to him and took his hand in hers pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"I'm getting you out of here." she transmitted too afraid to talk normally. Using her telekinesis she slightly lifted the piece of stone and taking him by the shoulders she managed to drag him from beneath it. He let out a huge gasp, suddenly able to breathe again and leaned his head back with his eyes closed in relief. She waited for him to open his eyes again but he didn't. She began to panic but relaxed when she saw his chest rise and fall.

"I'm alright." she heard him whisper.

"Get away from her!" She heard someone snarl, turning her head she saw Fitz stalking angrily toward a Neverseen member who had Linh in hand but before Fitz could even make his way remotely close to her an inky black shadow shot out from behind a particularly large piece of rubble, silver-blue eyes glinting in the darkness. The shadows swarmed over the Neverseen but not a drop of it came close to Linh. Tam stepped out from his hiding place, anger written all over his face as his shadows blasted the man against one of the few remaining walls, the Neverseen member yelped at the impact against the shadows and then went limp in they're grip. Fitz caught Linh before she hit the ground still gasping for breath and a high bruise starting to form on her neck. Seemingly from nowhere a group of Neverseen members charged the trio from all sides. Sophie was ready to run forward and help but as soon as Fitz saw her he violently shook his head no.

We both know how this is going to end, you can't lead from behind bars. He transmitted to her, Sophie watched in horror as ten maybe twenty Neverseen members converged at once but before they could make they're way to them one half collapsed in pain while the other just stopped in their tracks a dreamy look on their face. Sophie looked back and saw Grady on his feet, sweat beading on his forehead in concentration, she looked hopefully across the room for a certain blonde-haired elf that could be causing the pain in the other people but instead saw a pointy-eared man rising from the rubble. Bronte.

"Go, Sophie!" Grady yelled he still looked exhausted and he had one hand against his chest, it came away red as he readjusted it.

"I'm not leaving you!" She yelled back, preparing to hop over the rubble and join in but Grady stopped her.

"You can barely walk in a dress let alone fight and there is no chance of you fighting in those!" he yelled pointing to her shoes. She considered his points but finally conceded and hugged him before taking off to find her room and more importantly, her weapons. The Neverseen had a serious death wish to attack her on her wedding day. They were about to see some major bridezilla action up in here.

She stormed into her room and stripped off her dress, rifling through the shelves and racks until she pulled out her old Neverseen outfit, she was going incognito mode. She strapped her swords on one side of her belt and Keefe's on the other for when she found him. She pulled on her gloves and a pair of her blue contacts, not willing to leave anything to chance.  As quick as she came she was gone, walking confidently through the halls and back into the dining hall, where as she had known her friends were on their knees before the Neverseen members and one other person dressed in an immaculate shimmering gown, she even had the guts to wear a crown in her perfect hair. Gisela. To Sophie the name was like dirt and she knew if she was able to do it, it would feel good to run her through. It seemed they had found everyone who was still alive and they all looked to Gisela with such disdain and hate. She taught them well. Gisela was talking but Sophie wasn't wasn't listening. She was gaining ground on Gisela, getting closer and closer until she was close enough to strike. She slowly unsheathed her dagger, she needed to get close, close enough to run her through. Sophie inched through the crowd, she was only a few feet away now and she readied her dagger ready for the kill. She jumped into a jog pushing people aside, it reminded her of a lioness on the prowl, just before she made the kill, another figure jumped from the rubble, blonde hair and ice blue eyes flashing in anger. His dagger hit home first and his mother fell to the ground.

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