Chapter 33

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Deep down he knew how unreasonable he was being, he knew how much Sophie loved him but at that moment he lost it, he felt such rage such... Hate. It wasn't in his nature to feel that way, he was usually very good at stuffing his emotions away, but he had watched Fitz get everything! And he knew that what he had seen was probably nothing but his mother's words had been like gasoline on a flame. Was this what was happening to him? His personality stripped away and a new cold, hateful persona stuffed back in? He could feel his actions and thoughts changing and he wanted to yell for help but there was no one there. Eventually, he was a shadow of his former self, he didn't think about anything but his missions and eventually, the Neverseen consumes everything leaving him with no choices, no options, no thoughts on anything.

A few days later

Sophie's POV

Sophie, Fitz, and Tam made there're way down to the armory, Sophie in her outfit and Fitz and Tam in one to match. The armory was a huge room with a myriad of weapons against the wall, on the wall and on the floor. Per usual Sophie took her sabers, each of them was geared up with some of Dex's weapons including some that released an immobilizing electric current, one that made a huge bang and another that released a noxious gas all were quite useful in a pinch. They made their way outside onto one of the balconies overlooking one of the deep canyons bordering The Fort. Linking arms Sophie took a deep breath against the arctic cold then stepped off the side, tumbling into the void.

She had teleported them to Enternalia but this place looked nothing like the glittering architecture of the Elven Capital, the streets were dusty and cracked, grime marked everything as a bitter wind blew through the tall buildings. They had intercepted a message saying, Gisela's right hand would be present for a raid of one of the nearby buildings and it showed the intel was correct. Six or so black-cloaked Neverseen members stood outside the building a small group of elves on their knees before them. She thought she saw Big Boy among them but blinked and he was gone. She had to get him out of her head.

Out of the six one stood out, he was wearing the standard cloak and robes but rather form-fitting clothes with a long hood, which was trimmed in silver,  a small wickedly curved scimitar hung at his belt glinting like starlight against the dark of his clothes by his attire alone she knew he was the one they were looking for. She exchanged a look with Fitz and Tam before slinking off alone and levitating onto one of the nearby roofs, she could hear a bit of the exchange going down below. From what she heard, it seemed the leader was asking for the location of more refugees. From the corner of her eye, she saw Fitz and Tam circling the group from either side, the perfect trap.

And then everything blew up in they're faces... The leader of the exchange stopped mid-conversation and turned right to where Fitz was coming in for a sneak attack. Instantly the other Neverseen members unsheathed their blades and advanced onto Fitz before she could process the situation, Tam had joined the fray spewing shadows left and right. She jumped down into the street and threw a few tiny silver discs which landed and attached themselves to the black cloaks of they're opponents, bursts of electricity shot out and two of them fell to the ground. The people who had been captured backed away from the fight but she couldn't see this ending well for them.
"Tam! Get them to safety!" she yelled as she unsheathed her blade. He gave her a little nod then ran for the group of people, she could hear him but she saw him talking to one of the adults who quickly nodded and gestured for the others to follow. One little girl shied away from Tam nervous, probably from the cloak. Realizing the problem, Tam yanked back his hood and offered her a small smile before holding out his hand invitingly. She took it graciously this time and he picked her up, balancing her on one hip as he ran to catch up with the rest of the group.

Amidst the fighting, Sophie saw the silver cloaked man enter the fray walking straight at her, he probably identified her as the leader the same way she had. Sophie met him dead on, their blades clashing together in an unholy cataclysm. He was an amazing fighter, fast and powerful the strokes of his blade met hers and immediately she reset and attacked again only to be blocked and pushed back, from the corner of her eye she saw Fitz finishing off the remaining guards before crumpling in pain. Sophie looked from him to the only remaining person standing. An inflictor? There were only two people she knew of who were inflictors and neither of them would do this. Nevertheless as a particularly strong wind blew through the street, the silver lined hood fell and she saw the startling ice blue eyes of the man she loved.

"Keefe?" She whispered, barely a sound, a prayer upon the wind but he showed no reaction to her words. He advanced on her again, sword raised. She parried his blow but stumbled backwards, not making any attempt at a counter strike.

"Keefe?! It's me!" She yanked back her hood, exposing her face to him fully but still no reaction, She noticed now his eyes were cloudy, he looked a little clammy and more pale than the last time she saw him.

"I'm not going to fight you." She whispered, letting her sword fall to the ground with a clatter. His expression changed slightly to confusion at her actions but quickly reverted back to the icy glare. She made no move to stop him as he raised his sword, arcing it down towards her head, but at the last second he stopped.... She had her arms wrapped around his torso in a tight hug.

You know me... You know me..." She repeated it over and over again, but he remained rigid in her embrace until she tuned her head so her forehead was pressed against his chest.

"I love you, I want to marry you." Her eyes were welling with tears now but she let out a cry of happiness as she heard his sword fall to the ground and his arms wrap around her tightly. His forehead against the top of her head. Behind them she heard Fitz let out a relieved sigh as the pain finally stopped but she kept her arms firmly around Keefe as if he was a ghost about to disappear with the wind.

"I love you Sophie." He whispered against her hair, she could hear the relief in his voice.

"I know."

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