Chapter 32

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"That's very good!" Sophie commented breathlessly as she dodged and parried the blades of the students around her, most of them were around her age but had no experience with a weapon of any sorts. There were six of them and after a few days of Sophie's training and instruction they were getting quite good but not good enough to go one on one with any Neverseen members, that was where her other friends came in. Sophie taught combat but they were tutored in abilities by someone with the same ability. Fitz taught two telepaths, Biana taught a vanisher, Tam and Zeph each taught a shade and Eden had even found another psionopath. Emery watched all of their activities like a hawk but he seemed much more intimidated by Sophie now that he saw her up close every day so he kept his trap shut. After training, Sophie led her students into the dining hall where Edaline was watching over the younger kids about two to four years old if she had to guess. Edaline smiled warmly as she and her students filed into the seats at the opposite table. Immediately a few of the conjurers in the kitchen snapped and plates of food appeared before them, Sophie smiled her thanks then tucked into the food, a few minutes later Fitz and his two students also walked in, a questioning glance from Fitz and an answering nod from her allowed them to sit across from her. Fitz had grown much taller over the years she'd been away and now was about a foot taller even sitting down.

"Hello everyone!" He smiled brightly and two of Sophie's female students giggled excitedly,

"Hello, Fitz!" They replied in unison, little mischievous smirks on their face. He didn't really notice their excitement to see him, oblivious as he was but as soon as Linh entered the dining hall his face lit up. As far as Sophie knew they weren't dating but if Keefe had been there he could have confirmed what she already knew, Fitz had a mega crush on Linh.

After lunch, Sophie retreated to her room taking a bath to wash away all the sweat and grime for the day's exercise. Once she had toweled off and put on her pajamas she crawled into bed relishing in the cool sheets and stretching out until her foot hit something on the bedside table and it fell to the ground with a thump. Immediately she hopped up and picked up the grayish orb, her Spyball. She ran her thumb over the smooth surface then hesitantly spoke in hushed words.

"Show me Keefe Sencen." Immediately the greyish surface rippled and an image appeared. The Spyball tumbled from her hands and crashed against the floor, shattering into a million tiny pieces as she stumbled back against the bed one hand against her mouth in agony. Silent tears ran down her face as she sat down on the bed shakily, the image of Keefe kissing another girl ingrained into her mind, a girl much prettier than her. Silently she curled in on herself retreating to the recesses of her mind and curling her legs into her stomach in the darkness of her room.

The next morning she did not come down for breakfast, or lunch. Everyone was getting worried but they knew Sophie liked her privacy and hated people in her room. Nevertheless, Fitz made his way up the stairs and through the dark hallways. Hesitantly, he knocked on the door and when there was no answer he hit it harder. Eventually, he resorted to reaching out telepathically but he was violently pushed away and locked out. Clenching his jaw he pushed open the door, the room was a vat of darkness and he just saw a dark mass atop the already dark sheets.

"Sophie?" He asked hesitantly, still standing in the doorway.

"Go away or close the door." She said her voice monotone and cold. He chose the latter and closed the door behind him as he walked closer he heard a crunch and when he looked down he saw scattered pieces of glass.

Slowly he picked his   way through the shards and sat down on the bed. He sat for a while until he noticed her breathing, it was stuffy and ragged like she had been crying for a while and given the state of her room she probably had been. He could sense she didn't want to talk so he did instead.

"I'm sorry, I've been an ass every time we've spoken. I just missed you so much and I was awful. I still want to be friends and I still want us to be cognates." he let his words sink in until he felt her move and her head was on his shoulder.

"I missed you to Fitz, I was just so angry and I wanted you to understand. Yes I still want to be friends and I think our cognate bond would help a lot right now." She replied her voice cracking a bit towards the end as she choked back tears.

"Sophie... what's wrong?" She shifted uneasily at the question but he felt a slight tugging at his mind and opened it to hers. Immediately her memories mingled with his and he saw her memories and what she was thinking. She had seen Keefe in Spyball... Kissing another girl? He saw her thoughts about herself and about him and immediately he turned towards her gripping her shoulders and looking her in the eye.

"Sophie, do you know how much Keefe loves you?" She looked away, her eyes downcast but he continued anyway. 'Keefe was so messed up when you left he wouldn't come out of his room for weeks at a time. He tried to put on a cheerful face but we all knew what was wrong. All I'm saying is Keefe wouldn't do whatever weird thing that was without a good reason. Keefe Sencen loves YOU." He was still gripping her shoulders tightly and he released her embarrassedly but she pulled him back into a hug.

"Thank you." She whispered it but he could feel the change in her emotions without being an Empath.

"Anytime Sophie." He hugged her back and placed a little kiss on the top of her head, not romantic in any way but comforting and platonic.


"Don't you see Keefe, look at that little tramp running back to him the moment you're gone!' Gisela snatched the Spyball away, leaving him staring down at his hands. They had been almost on top of each other, hugging. He had kissed her, he gritted his teeth angrily. He had been trying to keep his emotions in check but it was past that now. Fitz had gotten everything he had ever wanted. A perfect family, siblings, and now... The girl he had loved since the beginning? No. now Keefe's emotions got the better of him, now he stormed out of the room his telekinesis flipping one of the side tables into the wall with a huge bang. He stalked down the wall, walking in angry strides back to his room. One thing was clear, something shifted in Keefe Sencen at that moment in time. Something broke.

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