Chapter 5

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Sophie was escorted down a dark hallway by the shade present in her room during her interrogation and one other cloaked member of the Neverseen, both gripping one arm forcefully despite the ability restrictor clamped like an iron shackle over her wrist. She tried her hardest to keep up the brisk pace but she was so so tired, it was almost impossible to walk and yet when she remembered that Keefe was in some cold, dark secluded cell all alone after being tortured she steeled her gaze and kept walking. Different doors lined the hallway some looked like normal doors while others had little slots covered with bars, inside she could make out the fuzzy outline of people huddled in the corner of the tiny rooms, when her eyes locked on one of the doors a second too long the shade yanked on her arm and began walking even faster until she was tripping over herself to keep up.

After what seemed like forever they stopped at one door, it was nothing special and yet lacked the bars and instead was made of cold sterile silver and didn't have a doorknob. The shade flashed something in his hand over where a doorknob would usually be and the door retracted in thirds, one into the floor and the top two into the ceiling. She was pushed into the room, and her foot caught on the uneven surface of the floor sending her flying. Looking behind her she saw the door had already closed leaving her in eerie blackness until a dim light flashed overhead. The room looked empty until her eyes met the fuzzy outline of someone slouched over in the corner.
"Keefe!" She yelled rushing forward and pulling him into a hug, his head was leaning up against the wall tiredly and his eyes were closed. He groaned slightly and his eyes fluttered open tiredly as her arms wrapped around him and she immediately let go realizing she had no idea where he was hurt and didn't want to risk causing him further pain.
"I'm so sorry, I- I should have just answered their questions and I..." she couldn't finish as her eyes welled up with tears. She hid her face in her hands, all the feelings she had ever pushed down and repressed welling up inside her. Failure, Freak, worthless. A hand on her shoulder stirred her from her self loathing long enough for her to hear.
"You are many thing Sophie Foster and I can't think of single one that is negative, in my eyes you're perfect and maybe your only flaw is not being able to see how wonderful you actually are." Keefe voice was tired and hoarse but when her eyes met his they were still that vibrant ice blue, his eyes were not as unique as Fitz' but perhaps the reason she loved his eyes was because they were his eyes. He was still a little shaky but her reached out and pulled her into a hug.
"This doesn't hurt?" She asked as she gently put her arms around him.
"Fwls amawzinf," she heard and laughed slightly at his garbled words against her tunic. Pulling away Keefe seemed to scan her over until his gaze locked into the ability restrictor on her wrist.
"Did they hurt you?" He asked still glaring daggers at the silver bangle.
"No." She replied guiltily, as the memories of Keefe on that awful table resurfaced.
"We're going to get out of here Sophie." Keefe's gaze finally broke away from the restrictor and met hers, the humor and laughter replaced with determination and one other emotion she couldn't quite place. He looked so focused, so driven in that moment his eyes so full of meaning, that she didn't realize they both had been leaning in until their lips met in a slow kiss. A thousand thought ran through her mind in that moment but she only listened to a few. Keefe Sencen was kissing her! But wait... it was supposed to be Fitz wasn't it? All the subtle flirting, all of the knowing looks... they had all been shared with Fitz. So then... why did this feel so right? She decided to think about it another time, right now she wanted to savor this moment, although it wasn't her thoughts that pulled her out of the kiss, it was the mechanical whirring of the door grinding open. Both of them shooting to their feet (Keefe noticeably slower that her) they locked hands staring down the two figures in the doorway.
"Times up Miss. Foster, you have a promise to fulfill." One of them said walking into the room. Keefe looked at her in confusion.
"A promise, you- you didn't." Keefe's face drained of color as he realized the situation.
"You saw?" He asked his face twisting up in anguish,
"I couldn't let them keep hurting you." She replied.
"You traded my life for..." he started but the hooded figure cut him off.
"Information, which she will now supply." He said holding his hand out impatiently,
"Sophie I'm not worth it, don't tell them anything." He said gripping her shoulders tightly, she realized he wasn't letting her go, he wouldn't let them be separated again, she knew if she refused Keefe would end up on that table again and she knew that was not happening. She only gave him a sad smile and leaned in close.
"You're worth everything to me." She said before pushing him away, sending his weak frame across the room. She stepped out of the room and as the door closed behind her she saw him rush towards the door only for it to close mere seconds before he could have gotten out. Pushing back the tears she squared her shoulders and followed the cloaked figures down the hall. She was done crying, she was the Moonlark and she defended her friends. No matter the cost, even if Keefe never forgave her for leaving him she wouldn't regret it, she would sooner die than hurt her friends. Had she not pushed him away her would have fought those elves tooth and nail and possibly gotten himself killed in the process, and that just couldn't happen, so she locked all her feelings away and focused on the now. What was happening right now. And really... what was going to happen now?

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