Chapter 1

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Note: Hi everyone this is my very first story I hope you guys like it! I would love to hear your comments and predictions and most importantly who you ship Sophie with! Thanks. Once again I do NOT own these characters. :)

Sophie lounged on her flower petal carpet reading a very long and particularly boring paragraph in her elven history textbook. Her friends were scattered around her room reading their own textbooks respectively until...
"Ugh!" Someone groaned from the corner of the room and Sophie didn't have to look to tell that Keefe was complaining, for the millionth time, as he read his empathy textbook. "You know what we need? A break." Keefe popped up from the rug walked around and snatched everyone's textbooks from their hands before piling them haphazardly on the desk.

"Keefe! Midterms are in one week!" She whined planting her face in the rug, her voice coming out muffled and garbled from the interference.
"Yes, and I know you are obsessed with your perfect grades but you can't stay in your room with us all day, no matter how much you like the Keefster." He replied running his hand through his hair dramatically, to the point where Tam, Dex, and Fitz simultaneously groaned in annoyance as Lihn, Sophie and Biana giggles at Keefe's words. But as Keefe pushed aside the flowery curtains she realized the sun was already going down over Havenfield's beautiful grounds.
"I guess we can go down for a snack or something." Sophie shrugged hopping to her feet and nearly falling before a strong arm came around her waist and pulled her back to her feet. Looking up she saw a teal eyed elf smiling down at her.
"I'm 100% sure you should have a mattress glued to you so you can't hurt yourself," Fitz said in his smoothly accented voice that caused Sophie's heart to do somersaults. Rolling her eyes she hoped no one noticed the scarlet blush creeping across her face, but of course, Keefe sensed her emotions from halfway across the room.
"Oh, is it time for my favorite game, Make Foster Blush?!" He said flashing one of his trademarks smirks at her which, of course, only made her blush harder. Luckily, Biana and Lihn swooped in, taking Sophie's arms and leading her out of the room with knowing smiles as the walked down the hall.
"You really need to work on that blush," Biana said with a laugh.
"It not my fault. Why do all elves have to be so hot?!" Sophie replied waving her arms in annoyance as Fitz's beautiful teal eyes flashed into her mind. Finally making their way into the kitchen she found Edaline already in the kitchen enjoying a cup of tea.
"Hey, mom!" Sophie greeted her with a smile as all her friends piled into the kitchen.
"Hello everyone," Edaline replied with a sweet smile. "Anything I can do for you?" She continued one Tam squeezed into the kitchen alongside everyone else. Keefe practically threw himself on the kitchen island.
"All the Mallowmelt you can conjure!" He replied eyes wide. Edaline laughed and snapped her fingers as plates of the gloriously gooey dessert appeared in front of them.

Later on, everyone sufficiently juiced up on sweets, they ventured outside where Grady was attempting to get Verdi to eat her vegetarian diet but to no avail. Sophie was just about to go over and help when she saw a panicked Alden running across the grass. Grady left Verdi, meeting them halfway to him. Alden stopped out of breath.
"What is it?" Fitz asked curiously, concerned as to what could have gotten his father so worked up.
"It's the Alicorns, they're gone!"

Sorry I know a cliffhanger, please comment on what you'd like me to improve on and any ideas you have for me, I would really appreciate the feedback.

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