Chapter 36

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A/N I'm updating from a hammock! Also, how are you guys liking it so far I haven't asked that since like chapter 4! Wow, that feels like so long ago! (hah remember school 😏) Now Sophie's off destroying people... It makes me so happy! I feel like I have a bunch of silent readers to which makes me sad :( If you don't already I would love it if you guys voted as commented! I want to hear from you!!!!!!!!! If you do comment already welcome back fair veterans to chapter 36!

Overtime people at The Fort grew to trust Keefe again and even look to him for reassurance, in short, he became Sophie's, right-hand man. He provided them with the locations of Neverseen bases, easy access points to the tribunal hall and even an estimate on their numbers. The only problem is the number of Neverseen members far exceeded the number of people at The Fort (The only combat training base) which meant they needed to do some recruitment in the other three bases starting with the one Alden and Della lived at. Silvervale. The problem with Silvervale is that it is located in South America, etched into the cliffside making teleporting a challenge. And light leaping could possibly be tracked so that meant they have to walk a few hours through the humidity, bugs, and heat just to get to the base, something Sophie was not looking forward to.

She was right, the jungle was the absolute worst. There were bugs and everything wanted to eat her, Keefe informed her at multiple times that if giant bugs showed up he was running and leaving her to fend for herself to which she promptly flipped him off.
"When do you want to get married?" Keefe's question startled her at first and she took second to consider it, chopping through the underbrush with her sword.
"Definitely after we take down the Neverseen and maybe in the Spring, like mid-April when all the flowers are in bloom." She blushed slightly at the thoroughness of her answer, she had been dreaming of her wedding since she was a kid. Keefe was positively beaming at her, "You seem to have put a lot of thought into this." he prompted as he took a swing at one particular tough vine.
"Well, what girl doesn't? It's my wedding day after all," she responded with a smile, 'And I'm marrying the best man I could hope for.' She leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, he was grinning like a maniac now.
"Fix your face we're here," she said with a smirk as she cleared the last bit of foliage.

The base was etched into the cliffside, with a fantastic beach below. Inside everything looked amazing, mother of pearl floors and walls much like the Shores of Solace and gold inlay in marble staircases. It was much bigger than The Fort but only because of the greater amount of people. They were created at the main door by a beaming Alden and Della followed by Oralie; the Councillor in charge of this base. She and Keefe were quickly roped into hugs from all three before being led downstairs, they were underground now but you couldn't really tell because of the little balls of light floating near the ceiling, it seemed most of the base was assembled in the dining hall awaiting them. Before ascending the makeshift stage Sophie and Keefe both plastered on their "business face" and once atop the little stage both introduced themselves pausing to give people time for gasps and "oh my's" before launching into the speech.
"The Neverseen have amassed an army of about 437 people, in comparison we have 234. Do you see how that may be problematic?" Sophie asked raising an eyebrow, Keefe picked up without skipping a beat.
"We know how much you want to get back to your homes, most of you are emissaries, Keepers, Talentless or just people caught up in the fight. We want to help but we need more people!" Sophie smirked as she watched him talk to the crowd, he looked hot when he was trying to implore the crowd. God! not the time Sophie! She scolded mentally herself. She took the speech back up and eventually people were cheering along with them and afterward they got a total of 47 people to join, 13 Frosters, 7 Telepaths, 4 Empaths, 9 Gusters, 1 Technopath, 2 Vanishers, 5 Conjurers, 3 Shades and 3 Psionopaths. Quite an impressive group of people the only problem being, of The Fort was already full then where would these people stay?

A/N: They need a new place again! But this one is special... If you want you can comment on your design for the next base here and I will choose one to write. If I choose you I will give you a shout out in the next chapter!

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