Chapter 38

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One month Later

Sophie's eyes fluttered open slowly, Keefe's arms still wrapped around her as he slept, she turned over so she was facing him and snuggled deeper into the covers against his chest. His eyes opened slowly, once they had he smiled and kissed her head gently.
"Happy birthday Foster," he said after he pulled away and she smiled happily at the vibrating sound of his voice in his chest, she sleepily leaned her forehead against his. This was likely the only moment of peace all day as it just so happened the day of the grand assault on the Neverseen happened the day before her birthday. She hadn't even noticed when she planned it that it fell so close, but Keefe always remembered the day even though elves didn't celebrate it.
"We have to get up..." she started but Keefe pulled her in for a kiss.
"Not yet, love, you're just so pretty when you first wake up," he replied with a contented sigh.
"We have to plan, and get everything in order and-." he cut her off with another kiss.
"I hate it when you do that," she said but she was sure the scarlet blush creeping through her cheeks betrayed her. Keene ignored her words obviously content with the blush for an answer.
"Fitz and Grady are handling planning, you can look it over tomorrow. We wanted you to have a good birthday." she beamed at him happily.
"You're the best fiancé ever," she said snuggling deeper into the sheets,
"Ah now that is the truth," she chuckled, laying his head atop hers.  They sat there for a while basking in the sunlight until she heard him draw in a shaky breath.
"Keefe?" she asked concerned and she peeled her eyes open to find him watching her, a nervous look in his eyes.
"Marry me Sophie?" he said timidly but she just smiled
"We already did that silly," she said, closing her eyes again but she felt Keefe shake his head.
"No, I mean to marry me... Today?" her eyes shot open at that and she propped herself up one on hand rising from the warmth of the bed.
"Today? Keefe that's not what we planned. We ha-" he cut her off with a few vigorous nods.
"You're right, you're right, it was just a dumb thought," he replied and pushed the blankets back and stood up leaving her alone in the king-size bed.
"Keefe, what's wrong? You're acting weird and saying weird things" she asked, growing more and more concerned by the second.
"Please don't worry about your birthday," he responded with a grim smile and tried to go to the bathroom but she stood up and blocked his path.
"No, I know something is wrong Keefe please tell me, " she reached forward and hugged him tightly, her cold against his warm skin. She placed her head in the crook of her neck and felt his forehead on the top of her head.
"I'm worried about tomorrow if something happens to me or to you I want us to be married. I love you Sophie and if anything happened to you I would die too," he confessed, and she pushed him back so she could look him in the eye.
"Don't you dare say that Keefe Secen! If I died I wouldn't want you to die too. I love you so much." she had tears pooling in her eyes and the moment he saw them his face was filled with anguish.
"Don't cry Sophie." he soothed, rubbing her back in calming circles. After a while, he heard her muffled voice from against his chest
"I never did day no..." she felt him tense slightly and he tilted her face up gently.
"Are you saying?" he started but she cut him off with a kiss.
"Let's get married today."

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